Blood Phobia Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Basil Manning

The blood phobia or hematophobia it is the fear and avoidance of situations that involve exposure -direct or indirect- to blood, injections or wounds. People who have a phobia of injections, blood or wounds have different physiological reactions than those who have phobias of another type.

There is a vasovagal response to blood or injections, causing a sudden drop in blood pressure and the possibility of fainting. The person develops the phobia for having the possibility of developing this response.

On the contrary, in other types of phobias, there is an increase in the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, blood pressure and heart rate. If avoidance of the situation does not occur, the person has the possibility of fainting from the drop in heart rate and blood pressure.

Because blood phobia is common, it has been exploited frequently in popular culture; scary movies or Halloween.

Article index

  • 1 Symptoms of hematophobia
  • 2 Statistics
  • 3 Causes
  • 4 Treatment
  • 5 consequences
  • 6 References

Symptoms of hematophobia

-Slow heart rate.

-Decreased blood pressure.

-Possibility of fainting.

-Anticipatory anxiety to blood exposure.

-Gastrointestinal problems derived from stress.


The prevalence of this phobia is high; 3-4.5% of the population and somewhat more occurs in women (55-70%).

The age of onset of this type of phobia is usually between 5 and 9 years old. The course is usually chronic and untreated it usually worsens.

People with a blood phobia have a stronger family component than any other type of phobia.


Blood phobia is often caused by a traumatic experience in childhood or adolescence.

Although it is also believed to have a high family component, a study with twins suggested that social learning and traumatic events are more important factors.

Some people with hematophobia also have a phobia of doctors or dentists, since they can associate the medical field with blood, particularly from television and movies.

In addition, it can be associated with hypochondria (believing that one has a disease) and nosophobia (exaggerated fear of contracting diseases).


The approach to treatment is similar to that of other phobias:

-Cognitive-behavioral therapy: being aware of the thought patterns that create fear of blood. Negative thoughts are replaced by positive ones. Other aspects that can be included are journaling and relaxation techniques. Although this therapy is less harsh than desensitization, it is less effective.

-Systematic desensitization: learn to cope with negative emotions associated with the sight of blood. 

-Exposure therapy: it is about exposing the person to blood so that they learn to control their fear. 

-Possibility of medication to help with anxiety and discomfort.

-Muscle tension exercises.

-To prevent hematophobia from becoming a bigger problem, it needs to be treated when it is detected.

-It is advised that the treatment be established and guided by a specialist.


Hematophobia can cause extensive difficulties that can limit quality of life.

For example, if a person is afraid of blood, they can avoid having necessary blood tests or go to the doctor for any kind of check-up. In this way, the person can postpone visits to the doctor indefinitely to avoid fear..

Also, surgeries and visits to the dentist can be avoided. On the other hand, parents with hematophobia may find it difficult to heal wounds of children or their children. 

Finally, the fear of blood can cause the person to limit activities that have a risk of injury, even if it is minimal..

You may be unable to perform activities outside or to play sports. Over time, these avoidance can lead to social isolation, social phobia, loss of social skills, or agoraphobia..

And do you have a blood phobia? What have you done to overcome it? I am interested in your opinion. Thanks!


  1. Lipsitz, JD; Barlow, DH; Mannuzza, S; Hofmann, SG; Fyer, AJ (July 2002), “Clinical features of four DSM-IV-specific phobia subtypes”, The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 190 (7): 471-8
  2. Ost, L.G. et al. (1991), "Applied tension, exposure in vivo, and tension-only in the treatment of blood phobia", Behavior Research and Therapy 29 (6): 561-574

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