The schizophreniform disorder is a psychopathological condition in which symptoms of schizophrenia are experienced for a few months, remitting due to treatment or for unknown reasons.
The symptoms of this disorder are identical to those of schizophrenia, although they last at least 1 month and less than 6 months. It is not caused by medication, substances, or other mental disorders.
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There are five main symptoms given by the DSM-V:
Although the exact causes of schizophreniform disorder are not known, it is believed to be due to genetic, chemical, and environmental factors..
It is more likely to occur in people who have family members with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Some people have a multifactorial genetic vulnerability that is triggered by environmental factors.
People with this disorder may have a disturbance in the functioning of the brain circuits that regulate perception or thinking..
Some environmental factors, such as stressful events or poor social interactions, can trigger the disorder in people who have inherited the tendency to develop it..
It is important to distinguish this disorder from other medical and psychiatric conditions. They can be considered:
A) Criteria A, D and E are met for schizophrenia.
B) An episode of the disorder (including the phrases prodromal, active, and residual) lasts at least 1 month but less than 6 months. (When the diagnosis must be made without waiting for remission, it will be classified as provisional).
Specify if: No good prognosis characteristics.
With good prognosis characteristics: indicated by two or more of the following items:
The following disorders can be considered as an alternative diagnosis:
Drug therapy, psychotherapy, and other educational interventions are considered for the treatment of schizophreniform disorder..
Drugs are the most common treatment, because they can reduce the severity of symptoms in a short period of time..
The same drugs are usually used as in schizophrenia. If one drug has no effect, others are often tried, adding mood stabilizers such as lithium or anticonvulsants, or switching to conventional antipsychotics.
These second-generation drugs are generally preferred because they have a lower risk of developing side effects than conventional antipsychotics..
In general, the goal of antipsychotic treatment is to effectively control symptoms with the lowest possible dose..
They include:
Atypical antipsychotics can have side effects such as:
This first generation of antipsychotic drugs have frequent side effects, including the possibility of developing dyskinesia (abnormal and voluntary movements).
They include:
Treatment can occur in hospitalized, outpatient, or semi-hospitalized patients. The main thing is to minimize the psychosocial consequences of the disorder on the patient and maintain their safety and that of others.
To consider whether hospitalization is necessary, the severity of the symptoms should be taken into account, if there is family support and if the patient is willing to comply with the treatment..
As treatment progresses, training in coping strategies, problem solving, psychoeducation, and occupational therapy have good effects..
Because people with this disorder have a rapid onset of symptoms, they tend to deny their disease, which makes the use of insight-oriented therapies difficult.
Therapies such as interpersonal psychotherapy or cognitive behavioral therapy are more suitable for treatment in conjunction with medication.
Group therapy is not recommended because people with this disorder may feel stress or anxiety when observing people with more severe symptoms..
This disorder can have the following mental health consequences:
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