The consequences of quitting smoking They can be physical and psychological: bad mood, anxiety, depression, lack of concentration, gastrointestinal problems, headache, weight gain, sleep disturbances, tiredness and dullness. However, these effects are only temporary and it is necessary to go through them to avoid the harmfulness of tobacco.
Quitting smoking has a number of side effects that can affect you both physically and psychologically. It is estimated that approximately 85% of people who quit smoking have these secondary symptoms. They are responsible for making quitting smoking such a difficult process and also the cause of relapse.
If you are thinking about quitting smoking, knowing these symptoms can help you to be prepared and deal with them when they appear. These effects can sometimes be very unpleasant but it is important not to lose sight of the main objective, and bear in mind that quitting smoking is the most beneficial option at all levels, for oneself and for the people around us..
Also keep in mind that these side effects are temporary. Depending on the person, they can last a few days or a few weeks with greater intensity, but they will end up completely disappearing with the passage of time. The first two weeks are considered the most critical, and specifically the first 48 or 72 hours after quitting smoking..
According to studies carried out in this field, these unpleasant sensations usually last an average of 12 weeks depending on the person. After this period, it is common for the person to continue to feel the urge to smoke but it will not be a sensation that causes great discomfort and it is also easy to control.
In other words, once this critical period is over, the person begins to feel much better, both physically and psychologically, in addition to increasing their self-esteem due to the achievement achieved despite the difficulties that have arisen along the way..
Next we are going to point out the main side effects derived from quitting tobacco use and some guidelines to deal with them. We are going to divide them into psychological and physical symptoms, we will make a brief description of each one and what are the main recommendations to deal with them.
Studies indicate that the most common negative emotions associated with quitting smoking are anger, irritability, and frustration. It is common to be more tense, be less tolerant with those around us and even argue more. To deal with these emotions, different alternatives can be put into practice:
Nicotine is the main addictive substance in tobacco. This substance is harmful to health since it affects many parts of the body, such as the brain among others.
A person who smokes regularly is used to having a certain level of nicotine in the body, so when they quit they feel the real need to smoke to maintain those levels. Here are some guidelines that can be followed to deal with this anxiety:
Most people feel sad when they quit smoking, but in very few cases it turns into episodes of major depression.
These cases usually occur only when there is a history of depression. We can implement different strategies to combat it:
According to studies in this field, approximately 60% of people who quit smoking experience a lack of concentration in the first two weeks. It seems that the main cause is because we focus all our resources and our attention on the process of quitting smoking and therefore neglect others.
It is common at this stage to make mistakes at work, not being able to study properly or suffer small forgetfulness and confusion. Some indications to better deal with these symptoms are:
Although they do not always appear, it is common for gastrointestinal problems to occur and especially for constipation to appear after quitting smoking..
This is because nicotine is a stimulant of the digestive system and when this substance is no longer in the body, it is necessary for the intestine to adapt to normal activity again. Some of the recommendations to mitigate these symptoms are:
These pains can appear after quitting smoking because the carbon monoxide that is ingested with tobacco is no longer in the body. Some guidelines to keep in mind to deal with it are:
Studies show that most people gain weight when they quit smoking. But only in a low percentage does it end up becoming a health problem.
In most cases, this weight gain is due to the fact that when you quit smoking, your appetite increases. Here are some guidelines to counteract it:
Different sleep disturbances often appear in the first weeks after quitting smoking. On the one hand, it may be that they wake up in the middle of the night with the desire and urge to smoke. Dreams related to tobacco or relapse into addiction may also appear.
And it is also very frequent that insomnia problems appear and difficulty in getting into deep sleep. That this happens is normal, because as we have commented previously, all body rhythms have to be adjusted again and sleep is one of them. Some recommendations that we can follow when this happens:
As we have already mentioned, nicotine works as a stimulant of the body, therefore, after quitting smoking, these symptoms often appear.
On the other hand, according to some studies, the detoxification process in which the body is immersed seems to be also responsible for the appearance of fatigue and tiredness. Some guidelines that we can follow to mitigate these symptoms are:
It usually occurs just in the first days after quitting the habit and according to studies it occurs in a low percentage of people (around 10%). It seems that the main cause is because the lungs begin to receive more oxygen than they are used to..
These dizziness usually last only a few seconds and occur in the first few days after quitting. Some indications to mitigate the effects of this symptom are:
Although many people manage to quit smoking without outside help, in other cases it is necessary to go to a health professional who can guide us. There are different methods and therapies (both individual and group) that have proven their effectiveness in this field.
In any case, knowing the symptoms that you are going to suffer after quitting smoking will help us to cope with them. It is important to remember that in all cases they are temporary, that the discomfort will disappear in a few weeks and that the benefits that we are going to achieve in the long term always outweigh these temporary symptoms..
And what other effects have you had when you quit smoking?
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