Success is a very personal definition ... for some it is money, power, health, fame, family, profession, buying a house, traveling the world, being kind, forgiving, finding a balance between the personal and the professional, etc..
I invite you to explore together these 10 steps that I discovered on my way as Life coach and several years of working on myself and my coachees to achieve success.
Start paying more attention to your mind, you are a mental being, if your thoughts are negative that is what you will create, if your thoughts are positive you will also create it, so you decide ...
I invite you to nourish yourself with good thoughts that make you feel good, in harmony, that help you prosper, that keep you positive, that make you feel full and successful..
It is important that you learn to see your desires through your mind, that is called display.
Learn to go according to what you want, in coaching we usually ask the coachee to feel that they already have what they want to objectify what they want.
You have to visualize positively: so if you want money you should have thoughts like "I am abundant, I generate abundance", never negatively such as "I don't want to have debts" or "I don't want to be poor", think abundant, full of money, large checking account, even if your appearance at this moment is different, remember that your mind will give what you ask with insistence and persistence.
The familiar, cultural, popular beliefs and ideas that do not let you advance and that confuse your mind because they have nothing to do with your reality they must be eliminated.
Example: beliefs such as "all men are equal", "better bad for known than good for knowing", "think badly and you will hit it", in our family all are diabetic, cardiac or prone to cancer ".
These are all beliefs that limit our development and growth.
We are mental beings creators of our existence, we are our own cause, our life is individual, we can make our development something wonderful, so if you have beliefs that lead you to move away from your dreams, feel fear, believe that success is for others, change them for beliefs that go with you, with your dreams and with what you decide for your life.
Define, establish and visualize your desire.
A well-defined desire places you well in front of your achievement, keep your thought in accordance with the desire.
You have to speak, dress and behave as what you want to be and thus the mental work begins until generating the desire, doing what is necessary to feel that the desire has already been fulfilled. What you are thinking, whatever is happening in your mind, you are attracting it.
By connecting with your values you integrate with your perfect self-worth, your concept of yourself is the most important and if you don't like it, change it!
You are your own cause and the moment you decide you can generate your own changes. If you can imagine it you can create it, so when we make the unconscious conscious we can generate profound changes in accordance with our values, as long as you are willing to work and fight for it.
It means exchanging anger for patience, frustration for learning, resentment for forgiveness, sadness for harmony, to turn your life into a magical encounter with yourself..
Change everything that you do not like, does not serve you and replace it with what does serve you, makes you happy and generates positive emotions..
Quality is about doing everything you can in the best possible way with a pleasant and harmonious spirit.
By doing things with quality, you will create formidable circumstances around you and the path of progress will become more passable and you will be able to feel full because giving your best effort you will generate trust, harmony, happiness and luck.
To achieve success, I recommend that you feel love first for yourself and then for others. Love yourself, only then can you love others. Remember that loving is the fastest way to achieve what you want in your life.
Commit to achieving your goals, be confident, practice persistence, practice discipline, be tenacious, be patient, be generous with yourself and with others, be punctual, respect your time and that of others.
Put each of your goals in writing, describe them as much as possible and specify them
Cut out pictures of what you want to do and stick them on a poster board (which will give you clarity and focus) and thus give them mental energy. Put the cardboard in a place where you can see the images and that you see them daily (visualization)
As you achieve your goals, congratulate yourself on your achievements all the time and go for the next one on the list..
Enjoy your success since as we saw at the beginning it is something so personal that only you can value it, you already know that you have all the elements, capacities and talents.
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