I leave you the best Buddha phrases, about love, life, happiness, attachment, pain and many more. With them you will receive the knowledge that Siddhartha Gautama obtained in his search for wisdom and enlightenment..
"Buddha" means "the one who is awake" or "the enlightened one." Contrary to what is believed in the West, Buddha is not a God nor was he considered as such; It was a normal person named Siddhartha Gautama, who came to enlightenment and whose teachings are still taught today.
Buddha was born in Lumbini, Nepal, in 567 BC. He was the son of a king, raised in abundance, married and had a son. At the age of 29, his life changed when on a walk outside his palace he observed an old person, later an old man and finally a corpse. He was impressed and reasoned that even if he were rich, he would also go through illness, old age and death..
After the event, he decided to give up his privileged life and start a spiritual search. He met several teachers and practiced asceticism with long fasts. He thought that this kind of punishment helped to get closer to enlightenment and that wisdom was reached with the proximity of death.
As the story goes, after learning from his teachers, he wanted to keep seeking wisdom. He spent a whole night meditating under a tree and finally got all the answers he was looking for, among them that to achieve happiness you need to have mental discipline. From that moment of enlightenment he became Buddha, the enlightened.
Article index
-Do not hurt others with what causes yourself pain.
-With our thoughts we build the world.
-Doubt everything. Find your own light.
-If your compassion does not include you, it is incomplete.
-A jug is filled drop by drop.
-Take care of the exterior as much as the interior; because everything is one.
-The mind is everything. You become what you believe.
-I've never met anyone so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from.
-You will not be punished because of your anger, you will be punished for your anger.
-I never see what has been done; I only see what remains undone.
-Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation brings ignorance.
-It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles.
-Fools are those who, without knowing themselves, claim to be intelligent.
-No one saves us except ourselves. We ourselves must walk the path.
-The way is not the sky, the way is the heart.
-Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.
-Work out your own salvation. Don't depend on others.
-He who loves 50 people has 50 problems; he who does not love anyone has no problems.
-Just as a snake sheds its skin, we must shed our past over and over again..
-If you can't find anyone to support you on the spiritual path, walk alone.
-You cannot walk the path until you have become the path itself.
-Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.
-When you realize how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.
-Have compassion for all beings, rich and poor alike; everyone has their suffering.
-If you use your lamp to give someone light, you will also light your way.
-You yourself must make an effort. Buddhas only point the way.
-It's ridiculous to think that someone else could make you happy or unhappy.
-Who does not get angry with someone who is angry wins a difficult battle to win.
-Each human being is the author of his own health or disease.
-Don't insist on the past, don't dream about the future, focus your mind on the present moment.
-No matter how small a wish, it keeps you tied, like a calf to a cow.
-If the problem can be solved, why bother? If the problem can't be solved, worrying won't do any good.
-A madman is known for his actions, a wise man too.
-If you really loved yourself, you could never hurt another person.
-Do not believe anything for the simple fact that many believe it or pretend to believe it; believe it after submitting it to the judgment of reason and the voice of conscience.
-Three things cannot be hidden: the Sun, the Moon and the truth.
-Do not be friends with fools.
-In any battle, winners and losers lose.
-The world disputes against me, but I do not dispute against the world.
-Reflection is the way to immortality; the lack of reflection, the road to death.
-Holding onto anger is like holding onto a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone; you are the one who burns.
-Keeping the body healthy is a must, otherwise we will not be able to keep our mind clear and strong.
-We are formed by our thoughts; We become what we think.
-The fool who recognizes his foolishness is wise. But a fool who thinks he is wise is, in truth, a fool.
-There are only two mistakes one can make on the way to truth; don't go all the way and don't start it.
-The tongue is like a sharp knife. Kill without showing blood.
-To teach others, you must first do something very difficult: straighten yourself.
-It is a man's own mind, not his enemy, that lures him to evil ways.
-The instant we feel angry, we have stopped fighting for the truth, and we have begun to fight for ourselves..
-The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground.
-There is no fire like passion: there is no evil like hatred.
-Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own thoughts.
-We display the faults of others as the wind blows the straw, while we hide ours as the cheating player hides his dice.
-All evil arises from the mind. If the mind is transformed, can evil remain?
-Do not occupy the mind with foolishness and do not waste time in vain things.
-If you want to know the past, look at your present, which is the result. If you want to know your future look at your present, which is the cause.
-Virtue is more persecuted by the wicked than loved by the good.
-The one who gives will have true gain, the one who submits will be free.
-I was born as the king of truth for the salvation of the world.
-A man is not wise because he talks and talks; but if he's peaceful, loving, and fearless, then yes he is.
-The purity or impurity depends on oneself; no one can purify another.
-Speech, when it brings no harm to others, is a pleasant thing.
-There is no fire like passion, there is no shark like hatred, there is no bond like madness, there is no torrent like greed.
-Some say I'm the closest man to God.
-There is nothing as disobedient as an undisciplined mind, and there is nothing as obedient as a disciplined mind.
-Those who have not worked towards the truth, have lost the purpose of living.
-If you knew what I know about the power of giving, you wouldn't let a single meal go by without sharing it in some way..
-A dog is not considered a good dog because it is a good barker. A man is not considered a good man because he is a good talker..
-Practice meditation. Don't be careless. Don't regret later.
-Just as a solid rock is not shaken by the storm, the sages are not affected by praise or blame..
-Hate is never appeased by hate. Only through non-hatred is hatred appeased. This is an eternal law.
-Your job is to discover your work, so you put all your heart and give yourself to it.
-Refraining from lying is essentially healthy.
-Anger will never go away as long as the thoughts of resentment are valued in the mind. Anger will disappear as soon as the thoughts of resentment are forgotten.
-Evil must exist so that good can demonstrate its purity above it.
-Conquering yourself is a bigger task than conquering others.
-Never fear what will become of you, do not depend on anyone. You are free only the moment you refuse all help.
-Everything has a beginning and an end. Make peace with it and everything will be alright.
-Reading many holy words, no matter how much you talk, what use will it be if you don't act on them?
-In separation lies the greatest misery in the world; in compassion lies the true strength of the world.
-Wear your ego like a baggy garment.
-People with opinions just annoy each other.
-Speak or act with an impure mind and trouble will follow.
-In heaven there is no distinction between east and west; people create distinctions of their own minds and then believe they are real.
-The secret to the health of the mind and body is not to cry about the future or anticipate problems, but to live the present moment wisely..
-Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks pleasant relationships..
-Remembering a mistake is like carrying a load on the mind.
-Nothing exists completely alone, everything is related to everything else.
-Nothing is permanent.
-An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.
-When you dig a well, there are no signs of water until you reach it, there are only rocks and dirt to move out of the way. If you have removed enough; soon the pure water will flow.
-All bad things arise because of the mind. If the mind is transformed, can evil remain?
-To understand everything is to forgive everything.
-The darkest night is ignorance.
-Disorder is inherent in all composite things. Push yourself with care.
-Better than worshiping the gods is obedience to the laws of justice.
-Rather than live with selfish, vain, quarrelsome and stubborn, man has to walk alone.
-True love is born of understanding.
-Love doesn't have to be perfect. It just has to be true.
-These are the things that matter most: How much have you loved? How long did you live fully? How much did you let go deep?
-You can search through the Universe for someone who deserves your love and affection more than yourself, and you will not find that person anywhere..
-Radiate boundless love to the whole world.
-Only a mother would protect her only child with her life, thus one must cultivate limitless love towards all beings..
-Love is a gift from most of your soul to another so that both can be complete.
-True love is born of understanding.
-If we could clearly see the miracle of a single flower, our whole life would change.
-If a man lives a pure life, nothing can destroy him.
-Avoid bad deeds just as a man who loves life avoids poison.
-As long as you travel, walk or eat, it is present wherever you are. Otherwise you will lose most of your life.
-Without health life is not life; it is only a state of languor and suffering, an image of death.
-To live a life without pure selfishness, one must not count on anything as one's own amidst abundance..
-The only real failure in life is not being true to what you know.
-To walk safely through the labyrinth of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue..
-Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.
-The whole secret of life is summed up in living it without fear.
-Long is the night for him who is awake; Long is a mile for the one who is weary, long is life for fools who do not know the true law.
-In life's journey, faith is food, virtuous works are a refuge, wisdom is the light of day, and mindfulness is the protection of night..
-A moment can change a day, a day can change a life and a life can change the world.
-Teach this triple truth to all: a generous heart, a kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things that renew humanity..
-What you think is what you become. What you feel is what you attract. You create what you imagine.
-Set your heart on doing good. Do it again and again and you will be filled with joy.
-Everything happens for a reason. Don't question it, trust.
-There is not enough darkness in the whole world to extinguish the light of a small candle.
-If something is worth it, do it with all your heart.
-If it has a solution, why are you crying? If you have no solution why are you crying?
-The past is gone, the future is not here yet. There is only one time for you to live.
-It is not richer who has the most, but who needs the least.
-It is better to travel well than to arrive.
-Happiness will never come to those who do not appreciate what they already have.
-Thousands of candles can be lit from just one, and the life of that candle will not be shortened. Happiness will never diminish by being shared.
-Happiness does not depend on what you have or what you are. It just depends on what you think.
-A disciplined mind brings happiness.
-The origin of suffering is attachment to things. Happiness consists precisely in detaching ourselves from everything that surrounds us.
-We live happily if we do not hate those who hate us, if among men who hate us we live free of rancor.
-If you are quiet enough, you will hear the flow of the Universe. You will feel its rhythm. Go with that flow. Happiness is yet to come. Meditation is the key.
-If with a pure mind a person speaks or acts, happiness follows him like a shadow that never leaves..
-If a man can control his mind, he can find the way to enlightenment and virtue will naturally come to him..
-Happiness is not having a lot, but giving a lot.
-There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.
-Patience is the key.
-Imagine that all people except you are enlightened. They are all your teachers, each one does exactly what you need to help you learn patience, perfect wisdom and perfect compassion..
-Peace comes from within. Don't look for her outside.
-More than a thousand useless words, only one is worth giving peace.
-Those who are free from resentful thoughts are sure to find peace.
-There is no fear for someone whose mind is not full of wishes.
-Better than a thousand empty words, it's a word that brings peace with it.
-Do not overvalue what you have received, or envy others. He who envies others does not get peace of mind.
-We are in this world to live in harmony. Those who know don't fight each other.
-Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.
-Fear is a natural reaction to getting closer to the truth.
-Don't run away when you have a problem, because there is always a way to fix it.
-Even death is not to be feared by someone who has lived wisely.
-Everyone trembles at the violence; everyone is afraid of death. Putting oneself in another's shoes, one must not kill or cause another to kill.
-Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.
-When one has the feeling of dislike towards evil, when one finds pleasure in hearing good teachings; when one has those feelings and appreciates them, one is free from fear.
Zen phrases
Mahatma Gandhi quotes
Dalai Lama quotes
Spiritual phrases
Short reflection phrases
Positive phrases
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