100+ Michael Jordan Quotes

Anthony Golden
100+ Michael Jordan Quotes

Michael Jordan is one of the most talented and successful athletes in history; not only basketball but all sports. His ambition, leadership skills, desire to win and physical aptitudes led him to win the NBA 6 times.

In addition, he won the Olympic gold medal twice (1984 and 1992), six times the MVP of the finals, 10 times the award for the top scorer, 10 times the award for the top stealer, he was 14 times All Star and 3 times the MVP of the All Star Game.

If you are a basketball fan, you will have seen his recent documentary, in which he remembers his good and not so good moments, and you can also see the Jordan of today remembering his best time.

The best phrases of Michael Jordan

In this compilation of phrases by Michael Jordan you will be able to observe his ideas and thoughts about success, teamwork, basketball, sports in general, aspects of his life, perseverance or self-confidence. All of these quotes are taken from the interviews Jordan has given, both before and after his retirement..

I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost more than 300 games. On 26 occasions I was entrusted with the winning shot and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I have succeeded.

Usually, the most successful people must overcome many failures to be successful..

Sometimes a winner is just a dreamer who never gave up.

We must not give up, we must always keep trying to achieve our goals.

If you do the work, you are rewarded. There are no shortcuts in life.

Nothing worthwhile comes easy in life, to achieve our goals it is necessary to work hard for them.

Always turn a negative situation into a positive one.

We must modify our perspective and have positive thoughts in order to see the good in each situation.

Only play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.

You always have to enjoy what we do.

To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail.

If we use each defeat as learning, we will improve. In addition, we will know how to value our triumphs more because we will understand how much it has cost us to achieve them.

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.

Great goals are achieved with teamwork, not doing things individually.

I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can not accept not trying it.

Never let the fear of failure prevent us from going for what we want.

If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Find out how to climb, traverse or circle it.

All problems have a solution, you just have to look for it.

You have to expect things from yourself before you can do them.

We must always trust in our abilities to achieve our goals.

I have always believed that if you put yourself to work, the results will come.

If we work hard for what we want, we will eventually get it.

Everyone has talent, but skill requires hard work.

To be good at something, you need to work on it every day to improve.

If you quit once, it will become a habit. Never give up.

We must never stop fighting for our goals, this can become a bad habit.

What is love? Love is playing every game as if it were the last.

When things are done with love, they are done intensely.

My heroes were and are my parents. I can't see anyone else as my heroes.

No one is more important than the people who have taught us our values ​​and helped us become who we are.

Never say never, because limits, like fear, are often an illusion.

We must always try to go beyond what we think we can do, nothing is impossible to achieve.

I build my talent on the shoulders of the talent of others.

We achieve all our skills thanks to the help of the different people who have taught us and teach us every day..

I know that fear is an obstacle for some people, but it is an illusion for me. Failure always made me try harder.

We must not let ourselves be paralyzed by our fears, we must know how to use them to drive us to achieve our goals.

You don't know what you can get until you try.

You never have to stay with the desire to get something, you always have to go for it.

A leader has no excuses. There has to be quality in everything you do. Off the court, on the court, in the classroom.

Being a leader is a full time job, you should always give your best to the people who follow you.

If you can't stop thinking about it, don't stop working on it.

We must do everything possible to get what we want.

Some want it to happen, some want it to happen, some make it happen.

Things do not happen by themselves. If we want something to happen, we have to work for it.

If you put your mind to do what you want, good things can happen.

If we focus entirely on what we want to do, we will achieve it.

Don't be like me. Be better than me. That's the goal.

You do not have to compare yourself with anyone, you always have to try to improve ourselves.

The key to success is failure.

By learning from our defeats we become better at what we do and this brings us closer to achieving our goals.

I never lost a match, I just ran out of time.

Never give up.

Don't be afraid of failing. Be afraid not to try.

The bad thing is not making mistakes, but not trying.

My mother is my roots, my base. She planted the seed that is the basis of my life; the belief that the ability to achieve things begins in your mind.

It is essential to teach children to think positive thoughts, since these ideas are what will make them better when they grow up.

Learning is a gift when pain is your teacher.

Failures often cause a lot of suffering. However, we must seek to learn from each of them.

If no one helps you, do it alone.

It does not matter if we do not have the collaboration of any person, we must always continue looking for our objectives.

Not all heroes have a cape.

True heroes exist in real life and are ordinary people who do kind deeds and help other people, they are not fictional characters.

Enjoy every second of life.

We have to make the most of our life.

You can only fool reality until the truth comes knocking on your door.

We must not deceive ourselves or other people, we must accept things as they are and build from there.

Sometimes the family is not your relatives or the people to whom you are related by blood. Sometimes your best friend can feel more like family than your cousins.

The most important people in our lives are those who are always there for us, and they are not always our most direct relatives, sometimes they are our friends.

Sometimes you have to follow your gut, you have to follow what your guts tell you. This is how I've lived my life, you must have guts.

Sometimes we must go against what reason tells us and do what our senses tell us.

If you accept the expectations of others, especially the negative ones, you will never change the outcome.

We must not listen to people who tell us that we are not capable of doing something.

People can fly. Some people fly higher than others, that's it.

Everyone is capable of dreaming, and there are people who dare to be more ambitious in their dreams than others.

The heart is what separates the good from the magnificent.

Kindness is what makes people high, not talent.

My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is my weakness, I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength.

All our flaws and strengths depend on the perspective from which they are viewed. Therefore, an apparent defect can turn into a great quality..

Basketball has been everything to me. My place of refuge, where I have always gone when I needed comfort and peace.

Jordan managed to disconnect from any problem that might have in his life playing basketball.

Authenticity is about being true to who you are, even when everyone around you wants you to be someone else..

We should never do things to meet other people's expectations, we should always do what seems right to us.

make it happen.

To get what we want, we must work for it.

The game has its ups and downs, but you can never lose the focus of your individual goals, and you cannot let yourself be defeated by lack of effort..

To achieve our goals we can go through good and bad times. In any case, you always have to keep working to achieve them..

Once I made a decision, I never thought of her again.

We must always be sure of the decisions we make, so we will never regret these.

I play to win, either in practice or in the real game. And I will not let anything get in my way and in my competitive enthusiasm to win..

We must always give the best of our abilities, no matter in what situation it is.

To be successful you have to be selfish or you will never achieve anything. And once you get to the highest level, you have to be generous. Keep in touch. Not isolate yourself.

To achieve our goals we must focus only on ourselves. Once we get them, we must help others to get theirs.

There is no such thing as a perfect basketball player, and I also don't think there is only one better player..

All people have flaws and virtues.

Sometimes things can't go your way, but the effort must be there every night.

It doesn't matter if things don't go the way we want, we still have to keep working hard to achieve our goals..

When I was young, I had to learn the fundamentals of basketball. You can have all the physical ability in the world, but you still have to learn the fundamentals.

You always have to start by knowing the basics of any activity you want to develop, no matter how talented you are..

I have never looked at the consequences of missing a great shot, when you think of the consequences, you always think of a negative result..

You always have to have a positive attitude and keep bad thoughts out of your head.

Every time I feel tired while exercising or training, I close my eyes to see that picture, see that list with my name on it. That usually motivates me to work.

Staying focused on our goals and visualizing them gives us the necessary boost to work hard every day..

I've never been afraid to fail.

We must not see failure as something negative or let ourselves be paralyzed by it.

The best evaluation I can make of a player is to look into his eyes and see how scared he is..

People who are not scared of great challenges usually achieve their goals.

The best comes from the worst.

From mistakes and failures is where you learn and improve the most.

Sometimes you need to get hit on the head to realize that you are in a fight..

Many times we do not realize where we are until something makes us react.

I want to get up every day and do whatever comes to my mind, and not feel pressure or obligations to do anything in my life.

You always have to do what you really want.

I want to be the bridge to the next generation.

It is very important to pass our knowledge and experience to the youngest.

Playing sick is very hard. There has to be a mental challenge, as well as a physical one.

To be able to carry out an activity when we are suffering from an ailment, the effort that must be made is not only physical, but also mental..

I'm not out there sweating three hours every day just to find out what it feels like to sweat.

Our sacrifice and hard work should always aim for a clear goal.

There is only one Michael Jordan.

Each person is unique in the world.

In any investment you have to expect to have fun and earn money.

Life is not just about money, you also have to enjoy what we do.

Another day, another chance to prove to all who doubt you that they are wrong.

Every new day is a new possibility that we have to achieve our goals.

It is not how hard you push along the way. It's about having something in you to end.

To achieve our goals, it is not just hard work that you can do, you also have to be determined to do it..

The reason I became such a successful athlete was that my mind was saying that it didn't matter who stood in front of me "I am the best, I am the best".

We must always trust our abilities and have positive thoughts.

Dreams are realized with effort, determination, passion and staying connected to the feeling of who you are..

To achieve our goals it is necessary to work hard and remain firm in our convictions.

There was never any fear in me, I am not afraid of failure. If I miss a shot, what?

Everyone is wrong, we must not let fear paralyze us.

You don't show up on game day and you hope to be great. Greatness happens with practice.

Without hard work it is impossible to excel in any activity.

Don't let rumors drag you down. Just be guided by what you believe.

Never pay attention to other people's comments. We must always draw our own conclusions.

The moment you move away from the basics, be it from the techniques, the ethical work or the mental preparation, your game may be over, your work or whatever you are doing..

You always have to keep training and preparing as if it were the first day we do it.

The basketball court is for me, during the game, the most peaceful place that I can imagine. On the basketball court, nothing worries me. When I'm there, no one can bother me.

When we do what we love to do, we completely disconnect from the world and are happy.

I know I am black, but I would like to be seen as a person, that is the wish of all people.

You should never discriminate against people based on their skin color.

As athletes, we are used to acting fast. Here, come, stop, come. There is a lot of free time. That's the hardest part of the day.

People who have a very fast pace of work, generally cannot slow it down on a daily basis.

I came back for the second half [announcing his return to the Bulls in 1995].

With this phrase Jordan refers to his return to the courts after having retired for two years.

I have reached the peak of my career, I feel like I have nothing else to prove. When I lose my sense of motivation and the need to try something as a basketball player, it's time for me to walk away from the game..

When you no longer have the same passion when doing an activity, it is better to stop doing it.

I am 99% removed from the game. Of course, there is always that 1% left.

When we stop doing something we love, there is always a little desire to do it again.

I set myself another goal… a reasonable and manageable goal that I can realistically achieve if I work hard enough. I approach her step by step.

You always have to be sensible when setting new goals and charting a path that will lead us to achieve them..

As a proud American, a father who lost his in a senseless act of violence, and a black man, I am concerned about the death of African Americans at the hands of law enforcement forces..

Jordan complained that the law does not protect African Americans.

I cry with the families who have lost their loved ones, because I know their pain too well.

Only when we suffer the loss of a loved one are we able to understand the pain that this causes..

I was raised by parents who taught me to love and respect people regardless of their race or background. So I am saddened and frustrated by the separatist rhetoric and racial tensions that get worse every day..

It is essential to promote a culture of respect from childhood, so that racism and inequality disappear.

This country is better than that [regarding racism]. I can't keep quiet anymore. We need to find solutions that ensure that people of color are treated fairly and equally.

Jordan fought against racism and believed that American society was capable of overcoming its differences, to create a society where all people are equal.

By working together, we can achieve understanding, positive changes, and create a more peaceful environment for ourselves, for our children, for our families, and for our communities..

Big decisions must be made by society as a whole, in this way all voices can be heard and better agreements reached.

If I had been playing for the money, I would have complained a long time ago that I get paid too little.

When you love what you are doing, money becomes secondary.

I have never liked to exaggerate my achievements. It is not mine.

You always have to keep humility.

You cannot live with regrets. Sometimes you can accept them, but you must also learn to control them.

You have to know how to accept the mistakes we have made in the past and stop thinking about them.

Be a contributor. I have had the best experiences of my life with coaches who were willing to talk to me and ask what I think.

When working in a team, it is important to communicate and collaborate with other colleagues so that the project is stronger.

I want people to leave the movies and think about how they can be better people. That's the only way things can get better.

We must always give a positive message to the people who listen to us.

I think it's easy for people to put you in a box or on a certain path because you look like someone else. It seems to me that it is unfair to others who must live this situation.

You never have to compare people, each human being is unique.

Taking a break, taking a moment, it's very important.

Rest is just as important as work. If we are not well rested, we will not be able to do our work with the necessary energy.

As human beings, why do we have to wait for someone to be near us to see their humanity? Why can't we see humanity in people who are far from us?

We must trust more in the goodness of people and not prejudge people without knowing them.

When you go through difficult times with another person, that brings them closer, brings them together.

By sharing bad times, people come together much more to face the situation and get ahead.

I believe that all people want to be themselves and be individual.

You never have to do things to try to please other people, you have to do the things that we want to do.

Equality is having the same rights, the same freedoms and the same opportunities regardless of our differences.

For there to be equality, all people must be treated the same.

Do as many tasks as you can. Learn from the work of others and never settle for anything.

You never have to stop learning new things and you always have to seek new goals..

That's one of the fun things about being an actor, you can be who you want to be..

Actors are free to portray anyone in any way they want.

I have lived by this name all my life. My name is Michael Jordan. So I've always compared myself to a person of greatness.

We must always believe in our abilities and virtues, even when we are not recognized by others.

I think redemption is about repairing an evil and that it only matters if you try. You can stumble, you can make mistakes, but it is in the act of trying that the repair lies.

Everyone is wrong and can harm other people. We must always acknowledge our mistakes and know how to apologize.

We are different depending on the person we are with and the environment in which we find ourselves.

People's attitudes tend to change depending on the environment where they are.

Don't pretend that you know everything. I have been fortunate to work with many veteran players and absorbed their lessons like a sponge.

You can always keep learning.

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