105 Happy Friday Phrases (Beautiful and Funny)

Abraham McLaughlin

I leave you more than 100 friday phrases, time to discharge that energy accumulated throughout the week, get together with our friends or to enjoy quality time with the family.

You may also be interested in these Sunday appointments or these Saturday.

-Friday is the happiest day of the week. Happy Friday!

-How can I not fall in love with Fridays if what they bring me is hope and happiness?

-Life is beautiful, especially on Fridays.

-Your Friday can be a bright day, just make it shine.

-The only thing better than a Friday is when Friday is also payday.

-Friday nights with good friends are always the best.

-The best day of the week has arrived, and its name is Friday!!

-Friday is the day to worry less, smile more, learn and grow.

-I hadn't been this excited for Friday since last Friday.

-Friday marks a new beginning, a day full of fun and adventure.

-This Friday party is forecast.

-On Friday afternoons I feel like an angel has come to my house.

-If Friday were a person, I would give him a big hug and a kiss.

-24 hours is not enough to enjoy a Friday.

-He just called on Friday, says he's coming and he's bringing wine.

-Work hard, work hard, that on Friday there is a party for sure.

-When Friday comes everyone knows what to do. Leave things pending for Monday and go out for drinks until dawn!

-Today is Friday, because half of me is already vodka.

-The only happy ending I know is when the workday ends, and it's finally Friday!!

-Friday is that ephemeral part of both our weeks and our months.

-This Friday remember that you cannot control the direction in which the wind blows, but you do have the ability to adjust the sails of your boat.

-Do you know what rhymes with Friday? Beer.

-You know you're doing what you're passionate about when Sunday nights feel like Friday nights. -Donny Deutsch.

-On Fridays, any plan to be a productive member of our society is officially thrown out the window..

-If my boss knew how unproductive Fridays are, he wouldn't want me here either. -James Johnson

-Friday afternoon feels like heaven. -The fire.

-What happens every Friday is a secret. See you until next Friday for more secrets.

-I think we all deserve a break. A break from all the stress, worries, and problems. This is the perfect time. There is no better day than Friday for it.

-I love Fridays because they give me time to think about what I'm going to do next week.

-My heart is screaming at me that it's already Friday.

-Even Friday the 13th is better than Monday. Weekend is coming!

-There is no worse thing than being in bad shape before Friday. Save that for monday!

-Beautiful Friday, I love you, stay, just one more moment.

-Do you know what friday the 13th is scary? When you know that your fortnight falls on the 15th of each month, and unfortunately it falls on Sunday.

-If you need motivation, think about your bank account on pay Fridays. -Byron Pulsifer

-Make Friday a day to celebrate a week of work well done that you can be sure you didn't just finish in time for your next paycheck. -Byron Pulsifer.

-Keep calm and get ready to be happy ... it's already Friday!!

-I like to practice escapism. It's like going to a funny movie on Friday nights. -Charlie Kaufman.

-Every Friday I like to congratulate myself on surviving another week with little more than caffeine, willpower, and inappropriate humor. -Nanea Hoffman.

-It's Friday and the only decision you need is to choose between a bottle or a glass.

-Youth is like a long weekend on a Friday night. Maturity is like a long weekend on a Monday afternoon. -Richard Nelson Bolles.

-Friday is a day of freedom. A women's day.

-I think it is a mandatory law of the universe that on Friday we should do something a little fun. -Hanna Rhoades.

-Thank god tomorrow is friday!

-Fridays are sometimes the most difficult: you are so close to freedom ... -Lauren Oliver.

-My favorite word that starts with "V" is Friday, without a doubt..

-Weekends are a gift of life for those who hate their jobs. -Mokokoma Mokhonoana.

-Friday are days to break the monotony. Up on fridays!

-Optimists call Thursday "Friday's Eve".

-Friday can be a pretty tough day, especially if you haven't kept your commitments. -Byron Pulsifer.

-I would like to thank God and alcohol for this great Friday.

-This Friday will be a great day to achieve all our purposes ... as soon as we have a little alcohol in our system.

-Friday is a day to meet the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of your week. Well done. -Byron Pulsifer.

-Dear Friday, where were you on Wednesday that I needed you so much?

-Thank God it's Friday, now to squander our salary to relieve ourselves of work.

-While I understand that every day has 24 hours, most of us agree that Friday is the longest day of the week and Sunday is the shortest. -D. S. Mixell.

-On Friday nights, expectations include friends, partying, and crazy adventures. But more often than we'd like to accept, reality involves our bed, lots of food, and a laptop..

-Let's have fun till we drop, because it's Friday!

-I don't have any plans on Friday except to party and get drunk until midnight.

-It's hard to keep Fridays confined to themselves… they tend to overflow. -Parag Tipnis.

-Now I understand why everyone thanks God for Fridays. That's what life is about. Having good times with good friends is priceless.

-Love the following days as if they were Friday.

-Today it's cold beer, share good stories with good friends and lots of partying. Happy Friday!

-The weekend has finally arrived! Thank God I'm still alive. Happy Friday!

-It's 4:58 PM on Friday. Do you know where your margarita is?

-If it were up to me, I would make fridays eternal.

-It's Friday but I already feel the Saturday night fever.

-Everyone loves Fridays except mothers. They wait for Monday to come to rest again from their children.

-I hate that Fridays take so long to arrive, and when they arrive, they fly by!

-Employers are happiest on Mondays. Employees are happiest on Fridays. -Mokokoma Mokhonoana.

-It's Friday. Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

-What do you mean tomorrow is Monday? But if it was just Friday.

-People wait all week for Friday to come, all year for summer to come, and a lifetime for happiness to come. -Raimonda B.

-Friday. The favorite of the days of the week, the superhero of the weekdays, the watershed for the weekend. The famous word we thank God for every week.

-Life begins on Friday night.

-I'm immediately 70% nicer after 3pm on Fridays.

-Of all the days of the week, Friday is the only one different, because it seems that the "midweek" dies and the "weekend" is born..

-It's Friday and the forecast for tonight is 99% probability of wine.

-Friday is the most anticipated day of the week, where everyone wants to go and have fun.

-I know the best synonyms for Friday. They are smile, fun and success. Have a great friday!

-If Friday had a face, I would kiss it without thinking.

-Thank God it's Friday. Does anybody know where my vodka went?

-I can't imagine a week without a Friday.

-Stop stressing and just relax. Finally it's Friday!

-If I don't die by Friday, you will see me excellently on Friday night. -Jimmy Buffett.

-Music always sounds better on Friday. -Lou Brutus.

-I know that every day is a gift, but where was the receipt from Monday to change it for another Friday?

-Do not think twice, this Friday is enjoyed!

-Friday is usually the grave of monotony.

-It's Friday night and I have a date. We will definitely sleep together my bed and I.

-Lord, give me laziness, because if you give me strength I'm going to party.

-I've been waiting for you since Monday. What made you take too long, Friday?

-I'd like to take a moment to thank my coffee for helping me endure another week that felt like a fucking year. -Nanea Hoffman.

-Today I just want you to come to me, stay with me and don't go, Friday.

-Thursday doesn't even count as a day, it's just the thing that obstructs Friday's arrival.

-Friday is the day where virtue staggers.

-Dear Friday, I am so happy to be together again. Sorry for making you see me with the other days of the week, but I swear I was thinking of you all the time.

-Every Monday is Friday the 13th.

-Happy Friday! Forget all the bad things that happened to you this week and just have a great weekend..

-I love fridays. Thinking of sleeping tonight without setting an alarm. Oh! I love sleeping.

-Not for nothing is his motto "Thank God it's Friday." They live for their weekends, when in fact they can go do what they really want. -Richard Nelson Bolles.

-I am happy to have made it to Friday. My job is causing me a lot of stress. Thank God is friday!

-Only Robinson Crusoe is able to have everything ready for Friday.

-It's Friday. Make sure today is so wonderful that it makes yesterday jealous.

-My Friday always feels like Saturday, laziness invades me. Makes me want to sleep all day.

-If you want to see anyone smile, just tell them it's Friday.

-Every day is a gift, and Friday is the greatest gift, enjoy it!!

-Persistence and dedication do not belong to any specific day, they always apply, just like Friday. -Byron Pulsifer.

-It comes so slow and it goes so soon. I wish every day of the week was as exciting as Friday!!

-It's Friday again. Share lacking love during the week. It is a moment worthy of peace and happiness. -S. O'Sade

-Why is it that Monday is so far from Friday, but Friday is so close to Monday?

-When Friday finally arrives, the party reverberates in my heart and soul. Let the celebration begin!

-Make every day of your week like Friday, and your life will take on a new zest. -Byron Pulsifer.

-It's Friday and the body knows it.

-When you start doing the things you truly love, it doesn't matter if it's Monday or Friday, you'll be excited to wake up every morning to work on your passions. -Edmond Mbiakading.

-Who laughs on Fridays, cries on Sunday.

-If you see me on Friday, you will see different material on Saturday night.

-Friday with V's I'm going to laugh, I'm going to dance, live my life.

-It's Friday and I can't wait to be ashamed of what I'll do tonight.

-I don't work on Fridays, I just like to pretend.

-Friday is like a superhero who always arrives just in time to prevent me from savagely hitting one of my co-workers with the keyboard. -Rich.

-My life begins on Fridays. I am so happy to have time to relax and enjoy the pleasures of life.

-Happy Friday! Let's toast to ourselves that we managed to survive another week of pretending to be adults. -Nanea Hoffman.

-Stop waiting for Friday, summer, or someone to fall in love with you. Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting and make the most of your current situation.

-Get ready, today is Friday, and on Fridays you dance.

-Employed people say: It's Friday already! Freelancers Say: Isn't It Friday??

-I always give my 100% at work: 13% on Mondays, 22% on Tuesdays, 26% on Wednesdays, 35% on Thursdays and 4% on Fri ...

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