The main differences between yoga and pilates are that Pilates focuses on strength, muscle toning, body control and flexibility, with the emphasis on strength. On the other hand, yoga focuses on flexibility and large muscle groups. Offers balance, endurance, strength, spirituality, and physical movement.
On many occasions we are looking for an activity that relaxes us and helps us with an injury from which we cannot recover. Therefore, they recommend us to do activities such as yoga or Pilates. Although both disciplines have a lot in common, they also have differences that make them unique.
If, even seeing the main differences, you still have doubts about which would be the most suitable discipline for you. Here we explain the benefits of yoga:
Yoga's holistic approach to health improves balance, strength, and flexibility in the body, mind, and spirit. The postures used in yoga (asanas) improve flexibility, balance and coordination, while cleansing and detoxifying the organs.
Breathing exercises (Pranayama) and meditation improve focus while reducing tension and stress. Lifestyle and spiritual disciplines help to increase the knowledge of the daily actions of each one.
Used together, these practices increase general health and well-being. Other benefits of yoga practice include:
The first benefit of Pilates is that many practitioners have seen stronger abdominal muscles and a flatter stomach. Additionally, core strengthening exercises help stabilize your spine, improving posture, balance, and confidence..
Weight training with resistance machines builds strong, long, and lean muscles. The full strength and flexibility gained through Pilates also helps prevent and heal wounds..
Unlike yoga for the unification of mind, body and spirit, Pilates focuses on the physical aspects of health. Its methodical and orderly manner is often attractive to those who want physical benefits without philosophy..
Professionals often recommend Pilates when there is physical pain that prevents us from leading a normal life, such as an injury. In turn, although yoga also has many benefits on a physical level, it is usually used more to rehabilitate our mind and our emotions.
Therefore, depending on the origin of our problem and what we want to improve or achieve in our mind and in our body, we must opt for one or another discipline in order to increase its benefits..
We all know that both yoga and Pilates offer many benefits, including strengthening and toning the muscles of our body. However, if what you are looking for is only the first thing, Pilates will be the most recommended exercise for you since in addition to toning the muscles you will be able to lose weight with the help of the machines that are used as well as the positions.
On the other hand, in yoga, activities are not so “strong” with which you can lose the same or more weight than with the Pilates method, since they do not use the same machines or the same exercises. However, they can bring you benefits such as increased flexibility, among others.
Yoga is known for the great benefits it offers on a mental level to the people who do it. With this discipline you can calm your nervous system and thanks to this your stress level will be reduced, as well as your hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, which will also control your hormone levels.
On some occasions, the injuries or discomfort that we suffer in our body have a mental origin and are translated in this way. These injuries, therefore, will have a psychosomatic origin and yoga helps us to alleviate them with the knowledge of ourselves and our interior.
Unlike Pilates, yoga involves the exploration of spirituality that is, meditation is a large part of exercise. On the other hand, if Pilates and yoga have something in common, it is that both perform an alienation between the body and the mind. However, Pilates does not add spirituality.
So if philosophy has never interested you and you only want to exercise without meditation being the protagonist of the activity, Pilates will be the most recommended discipline for you..
Another difference between the two is their origin. For many people it is very important to know where the activities they do come from. Next, we explain it briefly:
The yoga It is believed to have arisen 5,000 years ago in India. Although its origin is uncertain, there are several theories to explain it, but none have actually been proven. It is part of a great philosophy and a way of life. This type of practice was invented to promote a better understanding of oneself and the alignment of mind, body and spirit..
The pilates It was invented as a method of rehabilitation and strengthening of the body in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates. It could be understood as a method of physical and mental conditioning that focuses on strengthening the entire body. It was a great tool to rehabilitate WWI soldiers as well as dancers.
If you are still not clear about what we can use each discipline for, do not worry, it is normal that doubts continue to arise since yoga and Pilates are similar in many aspects. Both include movements and poses to increase strength, flexibility, and mind-body connection..
However, the main objective of yoga is to work the mind and emotions, so everything related to strength and flexibility takes a back seat. While Pilates, if it focuses on toning the body and improving the posture and movement of the person.
In both disciplines, breathing is essential to achieve the objectives that are proposed, which as we can already imagine, will be totally different from each other..
Thanks to the use of breathing in Pilates we can give the muscles the energy they need for their proper functioning. Therefore, it is very important that we focus on our breathing in order to manage the oxygen that enters our body and travels to the muscles in order to relax them properly..
On the other hand, in yoga the breathing exercises that are carried out have as the main objective that the person relax.
During the practice of this discipline, it is important, as in the Pilates method, that we monitor our way of breathing in order to be able to guide the air towards the areas that due to stress do not work properly and relax them.
As we already know, thanks to yoga we can also increase our flexibility and also improve our joints. For this reason, stretching and maintaining static poses is the central theme of yoga, ideal for people who find it difficult to properly manage some of their joints..
With the performance of Pilates we are not directly increasing or working flexibility since it is more dynamic. What we can do is improve in a general and indirect way. As we have mentioned previously, Pilates is more aimed at strengthening your muscles and as a side effect you will see that you lose weight easily.
If you want to improve the strength of your muscles, Pilates is the most recommended discipline for this purpose, since it focuses first on trying to relax those muscles that are in tension and later strengthen them.
Unlike yoga, Pilates does incorporate the option of using machines to work resistance as well as other types of exercises in which you have to use mats. This makes the development of the activities resemble those of any gym training.
Yoga has always been known for the benefits it brings to our mind since this method is more focused on it. Exercise Has Been Proven To Help People With Depression And Anxiety.
On the other hand, it is also highly recommended for being effective in fighting more intense diseases such as cancer, since it focuses on the mind and spirit, as well as the body. Also, silent reflection and meditation are a large part of yoga practice. Many people start practicing it to reduce stress mainly.
Yoga is used as activity support materials such as blankets, blocks or straps to facilitate postures and exercises. You do not need any accessories to perform Pilates.
Currently, for some exercises that have been created recently in the Pilates method, it is necessary to use more complex machines than those used in yoga. These have a main objective to work the resistance of the body.
All the activities that help us to move, and therefore, to avoid that we are sedentary people can bring us a multitude of benefits both mentally and physically.
As we have seen, Pilates and yoga are two disciplines that, although they are similar at the base, differ in their style, dynamics and benefits. Our recommendation is that depending on what you really need and are looking for, choose one or the other and if necessary, consult a professional to help you.
On the other hand, you can always try both and keep the one that makes you feel the best and helps you both physically and mentally..
And you, what other differences do you know?
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