The volleyball, volleyball or volleyball is a word that comes from the English word volleyball and it is a sport that consists of the confrontation of...
The human pyramids They are gymnastic or acrobatic formations in which three or more people take part, forming a column that rises supported on other ...
The sports culture it is a social bond through which a group identifies with a sport-related activity. Generally it is the nexus between people of dif...
Ernest "Ernie" Davis (1939-1963) was a young African American who in just two decades made a difference in American sports. Originally from Pennsylvan...
The history of futsal or micro-soccer -as it is known in Colombia-begins with Juan Carlos Ceriani in Montevideo, Uruguay. Although he is the youngest ...
The display sporty It consists of using the imagination to modify physical and / or emotional patterns present in different situations. Although it is...
The different types of strength in physical education They are: static, dynamic, maximum, explosive, resistance, relative and absolute. This classific...
The rules of Soccer They are the set of rules used to regulate the practice of this sport, to make the game fair for both teams and also for the spect...
Every day we sweat 10% of the water we drink. Sweating is a natural process of the human organism that has numerous benefits and whose objective is to...