11 examples of essential moral values

Alexander Pearson
11 examples of essential moral values

Moral values ​​are the qualities that make life in society and in the world more pleasant and bearable. Moral values ​​are related to good manners and correct actions in contrast to what is bad, incorrect or unjust. That is why they are important to maintain the stability and functioning of society..

We express our moral values ​​through our attitudes, behaviors, and opinions when we interact with others. These are determined by the society, the family and the culture in which we develop.

Here are examples of the most important moral values.

1. Justice

Justice is a moral value because it maintains harmony between individuals within society. Being fair is giving everyone what they deserve. For example, taking turns doing a task that everyone at home dislikes. Distribute something equally among colleagues. Paying the same salary for the same job, regardless of gender, age or ethnicity is also an act of justice.

2. Straightness

An upright person is one who behaves correctly and fairly in all areas of his life, thus grouping most of the moral values. Righteousness implies acting with fairness, integrity, honesty, and consistency. For example, a judge is expected to be an upright, incorruptible, fair person, to judge impartially and neutrally..

3. Respect

Respect is a moral value in the sense that it enables us to interact with other people and is the foundation of many other values, such as tolerance and loyalty. We show respect when we treat people with consideration and appreciation. We owe respect to the elderly, our parents, teachers and the people who offer us a service.

4. Honesty

Honesty as a moral value is important to maintain trust between people. When we give back something that we find is not ours, when we do not cheat to win a game, or when we speak the truth even though it may affect us, we are being honored..

5. Honesty

Honesty is a key value in social life. Being honest is telling the truth, not lying, recognizing when we make mistakes. If we are late for an appointment, do not make excuses and accept that we did not plan our trip.

6. Responsibility

Turning in an assignment when asked, doing our chores at home, going to work, paying bills and bills on time make us feel responsible. The value of responsibility is in ensuring that things are going to be accomplished and that we can trust the work of others and our own.

7. Kindness

Kindness is expressed when we perform acts of good and generosity. Being good means helping others when they need it, such as volunteering in an organization that helps those in need..

8. Solidarity

Supporting an outside cause, especially if it does not affect us, is to be in solidarity. For example, when a natural disaster occurs in one country, other countries show solidarity by sending medical and food supplies so that the affected country can overcome the crisis..

9. Loyalty

Loyalty is valuable to society as soon as we show our devotion to a person, idea or organization. It implies that we can count on someone through thick and thin. When we dedicate our attention and admiration to a person or a group despite the inconveniences or disagreements, we are loyal. If a friend has a problem, we show loyalty by supporting them and maintaining our friendship..

10. Fidelity

Fidelity is the unrestricted commitment to a person, cause or belief demonstrated by loyalty and continued support. When a couple marries, each is expected to be faithful to the other. It is part of good customs and respect for others and social structures.

11. Tolerance

Not all people are the same or have the same tastes. Accepting the opinions, preferences or behaviors of other people that differ from ours is to be tolerant. This is a critical value to live peacefully with others, respecting our differences. When a neighbor plays loud music because they are celebrating their anniversary, allow it without complaint, as long as it does not exceed or disrespect their neighbors.

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  • Examples of ethics and morals

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