15 Colombian comedians today

David Holt
15 Colombian comedians today

The Colombian comedians They have stood out in the field thanks to their jokes and routines, which have spread through television, cinema, radio, stand-up and theater, as well as on digital platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo.

There are important traits in Colombian humor. On the one hand, the political and social component are frequent aspects of routines; the same happens with imitations, which seem to be a constant among several of these professionals. In this case, it ranges from the imitation of voices and accents, to important figures in public life..

The truth is that at present, Colombian humor has opened up to different styles in order to reach out to all possible audiences. This has generated the birth of new styles such as stand up, which has opened the doors to a new generation..

List of Colombian comedians

Luz Amparo Alvarez

Source: canalcrn.com

He is one of the most important figures of Colombian humor today, especially for his routines focused on the imitation of characters from the public sphere. In addition, his works in speech, theater and singing also stand out..

Álvarez's style has also allowed him to explore the invention of characters, which have served as a channel for dealing with social and political issues from the perspective of satire and sarcasm. The same extends to national and international problems.

Camilo Cifuentes

Source: caracoltv.com

Cifuentes is widely known in the entertainment world thanks to his well-known imitation routine of 100 characters, a performance that was broadcast by different specials in the country.

One of the curious facts about this humorist is that while he was exploring his role as a comedian, he also worked as a surgeon. Thanks to his imitations and charismatic style, he met other comedians with great experience such as Crisanto “Vargasvil” Vargas and Saulo García, with whom he was part of a comedy group..

Thanks to his excellent imitations, Cifuentes is recognized as one of the best in the field in Colombia and also in the United States, where he has also made highly successful presentations..


Source: elespectador.com

David García Henao became known in the world of Colombian humor and comedy with the name “Jeringa”. In his early years he ventured into the stand up comedy, to later make his way into the world of television and entertainment.

One of the attractive points of Jeringa was his natural talent for imitations, which were mostly focused on national and international celebrities..

His career took much more strength when he was summoned to work at the Univisión network in the United States, in the program “Los Metiches”. He also conquered the stages of “Sábado Gigante”, making him one of the renowned Latin comedians outside of Colombia..


Source: las2orillas.co

Crisanto Vargas Ramírez, widely known in the world of humor by his nickname "Vargasvil", is a Colombian actor and comedian, considered one of the fundamental pillars of comedy in the country.

Like many of his colleagues, Vargasvil's style rescues the imitations of political characters, combining it with a type of acid and scathing humor.

In fact, this has earned him the recognition of other colleagues who affirm that his routines are characterized by finding fair criticism without incurring exaggeration or vulgarity.

The most famous imitations of this humorist are of several Latin American leaders such as Augusto Pinochet, Hugo Chávez and Juan Manuel Santos. 

Fabiola Posada

Source: elpais.com.co

Also known as “La Gorda Posada”, she is a social communicator and also a member of the Colombian comedy program Sábados Felices, one of the most popular in the country..

Her career in humor arose by chance, since while she was on the street, Posada was approached by one of the producers of Sábados Felices, who let her know that they needed a person like her to participate in one of the sketches of the program. Being part of the cast, the comedian did not take too long to win the affection of the public.

His shows have earned him presentations in different parts of Latin America such as Argentina, Chile, Panama and Venezuela, without neglecting the United States.. 

Antonio Sanint

Juanarbelaez [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], from Wikimedia Commons

Sanint began his career as a publicist in the United States, and after returning to Colombia to continue working in the field, he wrote and edited the play Ríase el show, together with his friend and colleague Julián Arango.

He also stood out for starring in commercials for different brands, to later become the presenter of different programs in the country with certain humorous overtones.

In 2008, he began the premiere of his show stand up comedy called “Who asked for chicken?”, a routine for which it has received international recognition in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and also in the United States..

Andres Lopez

GouldOLF [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], from Wikimedia Commons

López is considered the pioneer of the stand up comedy, whose humor rescues much of the classic style of Colombian comedy. His style is considered one of the few that are suitable for all types of audiences, and includes educational features focused on children and adolescents..

The work that has made López known the most is “La bola de letras”, a routine that includes a kind of socioeconomic study from 1965 to the early years of 2000. Even, for some experts, the comedian makes a faithful portrait of the middle class families.

Julian Arango

National Police of Colombia [CC BY-SA 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Arango is a comedian, humorist and actor with a long history in the world of national and international entertainment, so it is possible to see his work in film, television and live comedies..

He is widely known for his role as Antonio Brando in "Amor Dog", and also for his portrayal of Hugo Lombardi in the famous novel "Ugly Betty." It is also possible to see him as Orlando Henao in the Netflix series "Narcos".

Arango has projected his humorous style in the theater, as has his friend Antonio Sanint, with whom he has made several collaborations and works that continue to be a national reference..

As for style, Arango's humor has always stood out for being black and sarcastic, traits that have accompanied him since the beginning of his career..

Carlos Benjumea

Source: revistacredencial.com

Also known as "El Gordo Benjumea", he is considered among his colleagues and the public as one of the most important stars of Colombian humor. It is not surprising that his style has served as an inspiration for new generations.

He began his career in film and later moved to television, where he presented himself as a kind of antihero who had to face endless difficulties, but without losing the touch of tenderness and innocence..

Jaime Garzon

Source: elespectador.com

Jaime Garzón has been one of the critical comedians of political life in one of the most critical and complicated times in Colombia.

Garzón's career took place mainly on television, through programs such as "Zoociedad" and "Quac, el noticiero", which served as a channel to openly expose the political and social situation that was being experienced in Colombia during the 90s..

For some experts, Garzón's humor was charged with criticism and sarcasm, which earned him the hatred of hundreds of people. It got to such a point that some hitmen assassinated the comedian on August 13, 1999, while he was in Bogotá.

Despite the loss that his death represented in the world of humor, it is still unresolved who were involved in an event that still saddens this industry.


  1. Is there a limit to humor? (2018). In the time. Retrieved: February 7, 2018. In El Tiempo de eltiempo.com.
  2. Andrés López. (s.f.). On Wikipedia. Retrieved: February 7, 2018. In Wikipedia at es.wikipedia.org.
  3. Antonio Sanint. (s.f.). On Wikipedia. Retrieved: February 7, 2018. In Wikipedia at es.wikipedia.org.
  4. Camilo Cifuentes. (s.f.). On Wikipedia. Retrieved: February 7, 2018. In Wikipedia at es.wikipedia.org.
  5. El Gordo Benjumea, a stage craftsman and a star of humor. (2018). In the time. Retrieved: February 7, 2019. In El Tiempo de eltiempo.com.
  6. Fabiola Posada. (s.f.). On Wikipedia. Retrieved: February 7, 2019. In Wikipedia from es.wikipedia.org.
  7. Jaime Garzón, the unforgettable rebel comedian. (2018). In the time. Retrieved: February 7, 2019. In El Tiempo de eltiempo.com.
  8. Syringe. (s.f.). On Wikipedia. Retrieved: February 7, 2019. In Wikipedia at es.wikipedia.org.
  9. Julian Arango. (s.f.). On Wikipedia. Retrieved: February 7, 2019. In Wikipedia at es.wikipedia.org.
  10. Luz Amparo Álvarez. (s.f.). On Wikipedia. Retrieved: February 7, 2019. In Wikipedia from es.wikipedia.org.
  11. Vargasvil. (s.f.). On Wikipedia. Retrieved: February 7, 2019. In Wikipedia at es.wikipedia.org.

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