Walking is one of the most complete sports that exist, and benefits of walking they extend to both physical and psychological health. For this reason, and due to the simplicity with which this discipline can be practiced, more and more people decide to incorporate it into their day-to-day life..
Studies show that a sedentary person can begin to notice very positive effects on their body and mind just by walking 30 minutes a day. In addition, this exercise can be carried out even by individuals with difficulties to practice other more intense sports, making it a good alternative in any situation..
On the other hand, beyond burning calories, the benefits of walking can have a very significant impact on all areas of our life. In this article we will see some of the most important, all of them backed by the most modern science and easy to achieve if you incorporate this simple habit into your daily life..
Surely the first thing that many people think about when they consider starting to walk regularly for the first time is losing a few extra pounds. Although at first glance walking does not seem like an especially intense or tiring exercise, the truth is that it is one of the best alternatives to improve the silhouette.
Fat loss is mainly based on a very simple idea: whenever we eat more calories than we expend, we get fat, and vice versa. Of course, there are other factors that influence this equation, but at a first level this rule is the most important.
This is where the first of the benefits of walking comes into play. Walking for 30 minutes or more a day, especially at a regular pace, has been found to activate the metabolism much more intensively than almost any other type of exercise. This implies that for the same effort many more calories are burned than with other similar disciplines.
Of course, to lose fat correctly, walking is usually not enough: physical exercise has to be accompanied by a balanced and healthy diet. However, if you add a good walk to your daily routine, it will be much easier to eliminate those extra kilos in a short time.
Not all the benefits of walking have to do with being more attractive in front of the mirror. In fact, the latest research on this discipline suggests that one of the organs that are most impacted by this sport is the brain.
And it is that walking 30 minutes a day has turned out to be one of the most effective ways to improve our mood consistently over time. Although there is no single explanation for why this occurs, there are several hypotheses that can shed some light on the beneficial effects of walking on our brain.
On the one hand, it is known that moderate physical exercise helps increase the amount of endorphins released by our brain. These substances are responsible for causing our positive moods, so having a greater number of them is very good for our psychological well-being.
In addition to this, there are also other secondary factors that make walking help improve our mood in an indirect way. Among others, we can mention the increase in vitamin D levels when walking outdoors, or the elimination of toxins of all kinds thanks to the greater oxygenation of the lungs.
Currently, one of the most common and serious health problems for the population of Western countries is cardiovascular disease. More and more people die from a heart attack or stroke; and worst of all is that to a large extent these health accidents are easily avoidable.
All the research carried out on this topic indicates that the combination of a good diet and moderate physical activity can prevent the onset of cardiovascular diseases extremely effectively. In this sense, walking is one of the best alternatives to achieve it..
According to a recent study, walking for at least 30 minutes five days a week can reduce the probability of having a heart attack by 19%; and the percentage increases in proportion to the time spent walking. Of course, this is not the only important factor in this regard, but it can have a great weight..
One of the biggest problems that many people find when they want to start exercising is that they are in a too weak physical state, so they cannot easily access most sports disciplines. This, however, is something that just doesn't happen if you want to start walking..
Regardless of the physical state from which we start, everyone can enjoy the benefits of walking. For example, this discipline is one of the few that has little impact on the joints or that older people can begin to practice..
In addition to this, the intensity of this sport can also be increased. In the beginning, it would be enough to simply change the time you are walking, but later you can introduce other elements such as unevenness or higher walking speed to achieve even greater benefits.
Having high blood sugar levels can be a serious threat to our health. In addition to increasing the chances of suffering from type II diabetes, it also makes the appearance of conditions such as obesity or all kinds of cardiovascular diseases easier.
Luckily, regular walking has been found to greatly lower blood sugar levels while improving insulin resistance..
These two factors combined prevent the occurrence of the complications mentioned above, especially when this physical exercise is combined with a good rest and healthy habits..
Not many people would associate the fact of walking with going to the bathroom regularly, but the truth is that among the main benefits of walking is the improvement of digestion and other processes associated with it..
Different studies suggest that simply walking 15 minutes a day after a heavy meal can activate intestinal transit. This will help us go to the bathroom more easily, while allowing our body to absorb more nutrients and eliminate toxins more effectively..
The immune system is the main one in charge of protecting us against all kinds of diseases, from the most harmless such as a simple cold to the most serious.
Luckily, to strengthen this function of our body we only need to lead a healthy lifestyle; and walking regularly is one of the best ways to achieve this.
A study of 1,000 participants during the seasonal flu season found that those who walked at a moderate pace for more than 30 minutes a day were sick for nearly half as many days as those who did not. In addition, they also had a much lower number of respiratory infections.
As if this were not enough, even in the moments when they became ill, these individuals suffered much less severe symptoms than those suffered by those adults with a more sedentary lifestyle..
More and more people complain that they feel tired all the time, and they have to turn to stimulants such as coffee to be able to function normally in their day to day life. However, among the benefits of walking we find a significant increase in energy in a totally natural and healthy way.
Among other things, regular walking increases the amount of oxygen available in the blood, which can greatly reduce some symptoms of fatigue such as "brain fog" or difficulty thinking clearly. In addition, it also helps blood circulate throughout the body more easily, which further improves our energy levels..
On the other hand, walking regularly causes our body to release certain hormones such as adrenaline or norepinephrine that are known to have a great impact on the activation levels of our body..
We have already seen many of the main benefits of walking, but we still have one of the most important. According to the latest studies on this subject, regular walking can reduce the chances of dying from all kinds of causes by up to 20%, thus increasing life expectancy significantly..
Research on this topic found that walking at a moderate speed (about 6 kilometers per hour) five times a week and for more than 30 minutes per session greatly decreased the likelihood of dying from problems such as cancer, cardiovascular disease , or simply by the effects associated with age.
According to a study published by the Journal of Clinical Oncology, women diagnosed with breast cancer who walk regularly for long periods of time are 45% more likely to survive the disease than those who do not.
With a good walk you can avoid many bone problems, such as loss of mass. Walking produces vitamin D, responsible for improving the strength and quality of our bones.
Also, the National Institute of Health of the United States states that 6,000 steps a day help protect you from knee osteoporosis.
A study conducted by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle found that women who took hour-long morning walks slept better than those who did not do this routine.
The appearance of varicose veins is a natural process as the body ages, and it is also a very unsightly mark. However, different studies have ensured that those people who walk regularly delay the appearance of these venous dilations.
The reason is that the venous system is strengthened by healthy blood flow, so a person suffering from varicose veins may choose to walk to avoid this type of swelling..
More and more marketing or advertising companies encourage their employees to develop some physical activity or encourage walks even at work.
And it is that, although for many it may seem somewhat counterproductive, several studies have demonstrated the potential of a walk when it comes to clearing the mind, clarifying the idea and enhancing the creativity of the individual.
Although it seems that balance is something that we obtain naturally, the truth is that it also requires training, especially in older adults.
For this, walks are one of the safest, most comfortable and suitable exercises for anyone, even requiring a cane or walker..
Walking is one of the most practiced physical activities in the world, by people of all ages, and can be practiced individually or collectively. In fact, it is more and more frequent that walking clubs are founded so that one can join and organize walks with other members..
If you are a shy person, you can always walk with your dog, surely he will also appreciate accompanying you.
Walking in a natural environment such as the beach or the countryside further increases the benefits described above. Not only by breathing a cleaner air, but because your senses will show interest in an environment they are not used to..
If you are more of a city, the walk can help you discover streets or monuments that you have never visited before, increasing your cultural knowledge about your own region.
In both cases, the experience of discovering new locations will keep your mind busy and free from worry or stress..
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