20 Featured Equity Examples

Jonah Lester

The equity It is the justice and impartiality that is revealed in many aspects of human life and that is based on the principles of equality and harmony on which society must be sustained..

Some examples of equity are that men and women have the same opportunities when it comes to being selected for a job, that disadvantaged people have the same possibilities of study as the wealthiest or that all are equal before the law.

Equity involves offering an individual or group of individuals the same advantages, opportunities and benefits that are offered to other individuals or groups. If a minority group is marginalized or its rights are not guaranteed, there would be a lack of equity.

It should be noted that equity is not about everyone receiving the same, but that each person receives what they are entitled to or deserve. This means that the particularities of each individual are taken into account, such as sex, religion, disabilities, among others..

Together with the principles of harmony and justice, equity guarantees the proper functioning of societies.

It is necessary to highlight that, in current societies, there are various behaviors that threaten equity, for example: homophobia, racism, the existence of minority groups (such as women, people belonging to a particular religion, foreigners, among others), the existence of patriarchal societies.

Despite this, many nations have moved (especially today) toward creating societies guided by the principle of equity.. 

Common Equity Examples in Life

1- Social justice

Social justice aims to ensure that all members of the population receive the same opportunities.

In this sense, it opposes social inequality. There are various types of equity that are usually included in social justice, such as gender equality, equality in terms of skin color, among others..

2- Equity of access to education

All people have the same right to access the educational system; For this, nations must guarantee the existence of free or low-cost institutions, supported by the State, that allow the least favored populations to also enter the educational system..

3- Fair treatment regardless of skin color

Each individual has a different skin color. We must not let such an insignificant characteristic define how we treat other people.

In this sense, racism and “Aryan supremacy” are practices that demonstrate the ignorance of the peoples..

4- Equity of access to health services

Healthcare centers should not judge patients based on their social condition, skin color, religion, sex, among others..

On the contrary, these centers have the duty to offer help to all the individuals who come to them.

5- Equity towards people with disabilities

The streets, shopping centers, state offices and all establishments in a country must have structures that allow for the inclusion of members of the population with special needs.

In this sense, all buildings should include ramps and elevators (for disabled people), information readers (for blind people), visual signs (for people with hearing difficulties), among others..

6- Fair treatment of people with cognitive compromises

The fact that some individuals present certain cognitive compromises is not a reason for them to be treated as inferior people, since we are all equal before the law.

7- Gender equity

Gender equity involves equal treatment between men and women in any field: labor, social, educational, among others..

Patriarchal societies, which favor the figure of man, are an example of discrimination and inequality.

8- Equity regarding decisions that concern the body itself

Each individual is responsible for the decisions they make about their own body: from trivial choices, such as not waxing, to more momentous decisions such as abortion..

9- Equity of treatment towards members of the LGBT community

Gay, bisexual and transgender people have the same rights as any other individual.

Acts of hatred and rejection towards individuals from the LGBT community are signs of discrimination and exclusion.

10- Equity regarding the laws that regulate adoption

All people of faultless behavior should have an equal opportunity to adopt a child.

However, there are nations in which only heterosexual couples can adopt, while this right is denied to homosexual couples..

11- Equity regarding the laws that regulate marriage

All individuals have the right to marry the person of their choice regardless of their sex, religion or skin color.

Many countries (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Spain, the United States, Ireland, the United Kingdom, South Africa, to name a few) have advanced in terms of marriage legislation, allowing homosexual couples to marry, which is a great example of fairness.

12- Equity in salary

An example of equity is that individuals who perform the same job and work for the same number of hours receive the same salary, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, a young person or an adult..

13- Equity in overtime pay

As with salary, overtime pay must be equitable. Therefore, if an employee works overtime on behalf of the company he works for, it is only fair that he receives an additional percentage.

14- Equity regarding job opportunities

Equity in terms of employment opportunities means that if a company is offering a job, any trained individual is in a position to be accepted, regardless of their skin color, gender, religion or nationality.

In some countries, there are laws that require companies to include a certain percentage of minority groups: women, aborigines, foreigners, among others..

15- Equity regarding job growth opportunities

All individuals in an institution must have the same opportunities for job growth; This means that individuals should be favored taking into account their work performance.

16- Equity of treatment regardless of the country of origin

Xenophobia is a sign of discrimination towards the unknown. All individuals should be treated the same regardless of where they were born.

17- Fair treatment regardless of religion

Religion is an element of the culture of peoples and should not be taken as a reason for exclusion.

18- Equity regarding the right to vote          

All human beings have the right to vote, regardless of gender. In fact, since 1948, almost all countries have approved women's suffrage.

However, there are nations, such as Saudi Arabia, in which voting has not been recognized as a women's right..

19- Equity in sports

Athletes compete according to their particular conditions. For example, at the Olympic Games, individuals with vision problems belong to the same category, so that they are all evaluated under the same conditions..

20- Equity of rights

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all human beings have the right to life, equality and freedom. This is the greatest example of fairness.


  1. Equity. Retrieved on June 3, 2017, from businessdictionary.com
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