25 Reasons to Get Fit

Jonah Lester
25 Reasons to Get Fit

The reasons and excuses for not exercising can be very varied. Here are 25 reasons to help you find the motivation you need to get in shape.

1. Helps lower cholesterol. Regular exercise reduces levels of so-called "bad cholesterol" while increasing "good cholesterol.".

2. Improve sleep. Exercise can help you sleep better. People who play sports on a regular basis tend to fall asleep more quickly than those who do not..

3. Improve self-esteem. Regardless of your physical appearance, exercising regularly will help you improve your self-esteem.

4. Lowers blood pressure. Sport not only reduces your blood pressure but will also help you prevent related pathologies.

5. Reduces back pain. Sport helps you increase your muscle strength, endurance, flexibility, and posture. Various studies show how a combination of these factors is the best antidote to avoid chronic back pain.

6. Reduces the risk of injury. As long as you are not a sports professional, having a strong and fit body will help you reduce the chances of suffering any type of injury.

7. Prevents cancer. Some studies show that people who play sports are 40% less likely to get colon cancer. Chances are also reduced for breast cancer.

8. Increase metabolic rate. Exercising regularly causes your metabolic rate to increase. In this way, you will not only burn more calories when you do sports, but you will also continue to burn them while you rest..

9. Increase range of motion. Flexibility prevents joint stiffness and also reduces pain and inflammation associated with arthritis.

10. Increase functional strength. From getting up from the chair to picking up an object from the floor. When your body is fit it can perform daily activities much faster and easier.

11. Increases insulin sensitivity. Regular exercise helps your muscles take up glucose much more efficiently. It also helps prevent type 2 diabetes.

12. Improve sex. Having good blood circulation helps prevent erectile dysfunction and impotence (when they are not psychogenic). It also helps to increase the production of certain hormones such as testosterone.

13. Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. Exercise strengthens the heart and improves contractile function.

14. It's fun and enjoyable. There are so many possibilities to do sports that it is very difficult that there is none that is to your liking. If you need extra motivation you can try to practice a competitive or even social sport to be able to practice it in a group.

15. Extends life. People who play sports on a regular basis tend to live longer.

16. Improves balance and coordination. The "kinesthetic consciousness" is the ability to perceive the place we occupy in space. By practicing sports we improve this type of awareness and in this way we avoid accidental blows.

17. Reduces anxiety and depression. Exercise improves your mood and prevents anxiety and depression.

18. Improves gastrointestinal transit. Exercising regularly helps prevent constipation.

19. Control your weight. There is some discrepancy between some studies that say that playing sports increases appetite while others explain that it reduces it. From my point of view, sport increases your appetite for healthy and nutritious things and consequently reduces weight. This is a personal theory, but I think that when you practice sports, you make it the body and not the mind that claims the food. When you listen to the body it is impossible to gain weight.

20. Improves fat burning. When you exercise, your body generates energy from stored fat and glycogen.

21. Strengthens the immune system. Sick leave occurs in a much higher proportion among those who do not practice sports. Personally, I have been working in my company since 2005 and I have not needed a single day of sick leave. The last time I remember having a fever was in 2004 when I lived in Edinburgh.

22. Strengthens the bones. Moderate weight lifting helps prevent osteoporosis.

23. Improves concentration. Playing sports improves your brain's ability to concentrate, remember, visualize, plan, and solve problems. All this is due to the fact that a fit body will supply a greater supply of oxygen to the brain..

24. Prevents Alzheimer's. Recent studies show that exercise can help the brain maintain its health into old age.

25. Helps you reach your potential. Sport helps you achieve the best physical version of yourself. And this physical transformation will help you improve your mental, emotional and spiritual state..

You only need 3 or 4 hours a week to practice some sport and be in shape. One week you have 168 hours, do you really still believe that you don't have time to do anything? Stop fooling yourself and know that the time spent playing sports is actually a long-term investment.

In addition to the above reasons, here are 8 tips that will motivate you to exercise and achieve the shape you want.

Tips for exercising and staying in shape

Are you one of those who join the gym with a terrible desire to get in shape and lose motivation after two days? Does “from Monday I start walking for an hour” sound like something to you? Can you find a thousand excuses for not continuing with your challenges: today it rains, I don't feel like it, tomorrow I get serious, I'm tired ... ?

The truth is that motivation is the essential force that moves us to do something, if we do not have a reason, no matter how small, we will end up abandoning our purposes (both in sport and in any other activity) If we have a reason for exercising daily, it may give us satisfaction and more desire to continue with it.. I want to share some tips to help you maintain motivation and the desire to continue practicing the physical activity that you have started or are going to start.

1.- Be realistic. Setting high short-term expectations can be disappointing with subsequent abandonment. For example, if you are not used to exercising, you cannot start by walking 15 km in one day or spending two hours in a gym. You have to get used to your body in small doses, feeling good and wanting to continue the next day. Otherwise, you will be devastated and unwilling to continue.

2.- Set small goals. Set goals that are attractive and close, so as not to disappoint you. As you overcome them, you will be more motivated to increase them and continue. One piece of advice: if you have never practiced sports, consult your doctor and be advised by a personal trainer.

3.- If possible, better in the morning. With a full schedule, it is more than likely that at the end of the day you are tired and your willpower is low. So it better be in the morning before your work routine. Even if it costs you to get up early at first, when you feel the benefits it brings you, you will include it as a habit in your day to day.

4.- Think about the benefits. Knowing the benefits of physical exercise, not only in health but also in our mind, is the best weapon to continue doing it.

5.- Listen to your favorite music. Music is motivating on its own, listen to your favorite song while exercising at its own pace.

6.- Maintain an adequate diet. With all the necessary nutrients and enough rest to feel good.

7.- Keep a record of your progress. For example a pedometer. Seeing how you improve day by day has a positive psychological effect on you. You will feel more than satisfied and wanting to improve yourself next time.

8.- Better with company. Exercising with other people is less boring and more enjoyable. Do not forget that achieving small goals is important but if you also share them, they are twice as rewarding and much more fun.

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