I leave you with a list of hot and daring phrases to spend a time of different and very sensual entertainment. These phrases are ideal to say to someone in whom you are emotionally interested, as well as to your partner or your boyfriend / girlfriend, to ignite the spark that exists between you and use them as a transition to intimacy.
Also, these questions will give you an idea of the wants and needs of the other person in this area, helping you to get to know them better. Are you ready to meet the most intimate fantasies in the other person's bed? Go ahead!
Article index
-What's the dirtiest fantasy you've ever had with me, and how would you like to make it come true??
-What do you do best in bed?
-Do you like to be possessive of me?
-Do you like having sex more in the morning or at night??
-Would you like me to do it with someone else and you see me?
-What's the dirtiest thing you've ever thought of doing to me?
-How old were you when you started having your first experiences?
-What would you improve in the way that I touch you?
Does it catch you hiding or sneaking to places to make out with your partner?
-What would you suggest we do to improve our life as a couple??
-How could I make you enjoy my intimacy with you more?
-Would you like to help me choose my underwear?
-What thing that I do to please you in privacy would be something extremely pleasant for you?
-How would you define or what would a person have to do to be good in bed?
-Have you ever tried or would you like to try a role play with infidelity as the theme??
-What do you think of toys when it comes to being intimate?
-Do you like to see me while I change?
-Do my moans turn you on when we're in the middle of the action?
-What is the craziest thing you've ever tried or would you like to try?
-Do you like to take or take the initiative in bed?
-Would you like to try while driving?
What is it that you never want to taste?
-Have you ever had or would you like to do it on an airplane?
-When was the first time you felt excited and how was it?
-Would you have relationships with someone you do not know but you find visually attractive??
-What goes through your mind when other boys stare at me?
-Would the fact of recording us doing it make you?
-If I asked you to give me a full body massage, where would you start??
-Do you like to see me when I touch myself?
-When you are up, what is your favorite position?
-What was the last erotic dream you had with me and how was it?
-What is your favorite part of my body?
-What do you like the most that I do when we are in bed?
-Do you like to have your hair pulled while you do it??
-Do you watch porn regularly?
-Have you ever had experiences with people of the same gender?
-If you could only use three words to describe my body, which ones would you use?
-What is the most sensitive part of your body?
-How much more would you take without touching me if I'm trying to seduce you?
-What turns you on almost immediately?
-Would you like to see me kiss someone else?
-Have you ever seen someone or someone accidentally seen you naked??
-What part of your body are you most proud of?
-What new activity, position, or variant would you like to try in bed??
-Do you like me to talk to you when doing it or do you prefer to be silent?
-How often do you think about doing it throughout the day?
-What would you do if you see me kissing passionately with someone else?
-What is the difference for you between something sporadic and making love?
-Is there something that you fear or that you are afraid will happen in privacy?
-What's the most awkward place you've ever been?
-Do you like to experiment different positions?
-Would you rather have the initiative or be passive?
-Would you like to do it at work?
-What do you think of the idea of using edible things in privacy?
-What do you like most about me or what do I know how to do better than other girls you've slept with??
-Do you think foreplay is important, or do you like to get straight to the point when it comes to intimacy??
-What one of the things I wear do you find almost irresistible?
-What do you think about making love in the rain?
-Does the fact that people can hear you excite you?
-Do you have a name or do you say in a specific way to your penis / vagina?
-What would you do if I send you a photograph of me naked?
-If you could choose anyone in the world to join us on a passion-heated night, who would it be??
-Tell me one thing that you've always wanted me to do, but have never done.
-If we could do it anywhere in the world, where would it be??
-What is the craziest toy you have ever used or would like to use?
-Tell me about a time when you felt used as an object?
-Have you ever done role play? What roles would you like us to take in bed?
-Would you ever like to exchange a partner (swing)?
-Would you let me see you while you touch yourself?
-Would you like me to ejaculate somewhere on your body?
-Do you like me to order you to do things in bed?
-(For men) Would you rather use condoms or have me take the pill??
-Would you like to swim naked with me?
-Have you ever had a friend with rights?
-Have you slept with someone much older than you? How did you feel?
-Have you ever had a striptease?
-Have you ever seen another couple do it without them knowing?
-Would you like us to do it by acting like we were complete strangers?
-Have you ever considered having or had open relationships?
-Have you ever fantasized that someone plays to force you? Would you like to try it?
-Would you like me to come inside of you?
-What do you feel when i'm inside of you?
-Would you teach me to improve my skills?
-Are you in favor of the idea that you have to wait to have relationships only with someone you love??
-If you could have my consent to sleep with someone else from time to time, but on the condition that you let me see you, would you like to do it??
-How much experience do you think you have?
-How did you know and what experiences did you have to be sure of the orientation you currently have?
-What is the frequency that you consider ideal to be intimate with your partner?
-Do you think relationships should be cute and romantic or rough and passionate??
-Can you give me the best example of how you would talk dirty to me?
-What courtesy or attention in bed has none of your partners had with you and have you always thought you would like to experience?
-What is it that you consider that you could not do in bed?
-What's been the biggest compliment anyone has ever said of your naked body?
-What do you think is the best thing your partner could do in bed to please you??
-Do you consider yourself to be a generous lover?
-Do you like to be bitten or scratched or do you bite or scratch your partner?
-What would you do if you knock on the door and I open it and I'm naked?
-How did you get so good at kissing?
-How would you like me to dress to turn you on?
-Have you slept with more than one person on the same day?
-What would you change or what do you think I can improve about my body to make you like it even more??
-If I ejaculated in your mouth, would you swallow the semen or would you rather spit it out??
-Do you think there is any exception or particular situation in which you think it is justifiable to cheat on your partner?
-What do you think is the strangest thing that makes you?
-If we were in the movies, and I want action, what would you ask me to do??
-What part of my body do you always turn to see first?
-If you could put your hand anywhere on my body, where would it be??
-What do my lips taste like?
-What is irresistible to you in the body of a partner?
-Would you like to watch porn with me?
-Have you ever fantasized about being intimate with someone you know or are close to me?
-What would you do if I let you tie me down and let you do whatever you want with me tonight?
-Would you like to take nude photos of me?
-Have you ever cheated on your partner?
-What would you like us to do with 20 minutes available to just the two of us?
-How did you learn to use a condom?
-What is it that makes you feel better doing it??
-If I am stressed, how would you help me relax??
-If you had to name your genitals, how would you tell them?
-If there were no repercussions, what would be the most inappropriate place you would like to do it??
-What is the most exciting thing that I could do in your opinion?
-(For men) If you were taking the pill, would you like to have sex with me without a condom??
-Would you like to bring a third party to our relationship to have a threesome?
-What is the most romantic place where you have made love?
-How would you describe your assortment / package?
-How would you describe the best erotic massage I could give you?
-Would you make love to me even if you don't feel like it or don't feel like it?
-Have you ever talked about how is your intimacy with me with your friends??
-Do you prefer it to be waxed or completely natural?
-What erotic games would you like to do with me?
-Do you like to liven up with music while you have intimacy?
-(For men) How does it feel to insert your penis into me?
-Would you like to submit to your partner or be subjected?
-If you could pick something to wear, what would it be?
-Have you ever done it by paying?
-Would you rather sleep naked or in your underwear?
-What do you think would turn me on if you whispered in my ear?
-What punishment would you like me to give you if I catch you seeing another boy / girl?
-Is there a scene from a movie that turns you on?
-Would you send me a picture of your favorite part of your body?
-Would you replicate a scene from a porn movie with me?
-What do you want from a lover in bed?
-Who in this room have you fantasized about having sex with??
-Has your boss ever made you an indecent proposal with job promises in between??
-Would you do it on the first date?
-Have you been caught doing it in public?
-What was the last erotic dream you had?
-What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while you were doing it??
-Have you ever slept with someone you weren't supposed to have gotten involved with?
-What is the fantasy that you most want to get to do?
-How often do you touch yourself?
-What's the boldest text message you've ever received?
-Have your parents ever caught you?
-Have you ever played erotic poker?
-Have you ever had sex in a car?
-With how many contacts that you have on your phone have you had some kind of intimate contact?
-Mention something you have seen on the internet and tried to do.
-What is the worst thing you have done in a time of need or urgency for intimate contact?
-How was your first time?
-What is the most extreme thing you have done after a fever and with no one available to calm your cravings?
-How many intimate partners have you had?
-If you had to compare your skills in bed with a natural or meteorological phenomenon, which would you choose??
-Have you ever seen someone do it or touch themselves without the person knowing?
-What terms do you use most frequently to search for erotic videos online?
-Mention some type of pornographic video that you have seen that has disturbed you.
-Did you touch yourself at school or work?
-Has your condom ever broken in the middle of the act?
-Have you ever said someone else's name while having sex?
-Do you have toys in your house? How often do you use them?
-What has been the longest you have lasted doing it?
-Have you ever woken up and remember absolutely nothing from the night before??
-With which person from television or cinema would you do it without thinking twice?
-Name the strangest person you have ever imagined having sex with.
-Mention the most inappropriate place you have done it.
-Have you ever done it while another or other people were watching you?
-Have you ever stripped strangers in your mind and imagined what it would be like to be with them?
-When was the last time you touched yourself and who were you thinking of?
-Are you still a virgin?
-How old were you when you lost your virginity?
-How long does it take on average to finish?
-Have you ever compared your erotic zones with your friends?
-What is it that immediately takes your spirits away from having any intimate contact?
-Have you ever hooked up with someone in public and ended up hooking up with that person as a matter of course?
-Mention one thing you've seen in a porn video that you've tried or intend to try, but it seems a bit impossible.
-Have you ever thought of someone else while making love?
-Have you touched yourself in the same room as other people when everyone is asleep?
-What do you like them to do to turn you on?
-What's the dirtiest thing you've ever said or shouted in the heat of the moment?
-Have you ever been struck by or have you fantasized about a teacher??
-Who or what was the most inappropriate thing you thought about while touching yourself??
-What has been the greatest number of times in a row that you have done?
-Have you done it while in a pool or in the sea?
-Before you started dating, did you ever fantasize about me?
-What is your favorite position?
-Would you rather do it in the morning, afternoon or evening?
-If you come home tonight and see me lying naked on the couch, how would you react??
-What would you do to me if I was right now with you?
-Wouldn't you like to be doing dirty things with me instead of working / studying?
-What do you miss the most that we do when we're not together?
-Would you like me to model my new underwear for you when we get off work tonight??
-Where would you like to go later, your house or mine?
-If an unfamiliar but attractive guy wanted to come over to your house and do it, would you like that??
-What would you like more for tonight, something fast or something passionate?
-How fast can you get to where I am?
-Do you want to know what I am using at the moment?
-What are you going to do later? Would you mind if I came over to your house later and gave you an oral?
-Where do you think we should make love later?
-If you could kiss one part of my body, what would it be?
-What do you do when you get excited being in a public place?
-When was the last time you touched yourself?
-Would you dare to do something in the bathrooms of your work (or school) with me?
-If you could touch one part of my body right now, what would it be??
-Can we meet now for a quick rendezvous?
-What do you think about going to a hotel and having a romantic getaway later??
-I am bored. Tell me how could I have fun?
-Have you ever slept with someone just because you were horny at the time??
-Do you think i make a lot of noise when we're in bed?
-What is the dirtiest or kinkiest fantasy you've ever had that you wish you had at work (or at school??
-(For men) Would you like to come inside of me today?
-I feel like now, what you gon do about it?
-If we weren't a couple, do you think we would have ended up getting intimately involved?
-What do you think the most sensitive part of my body?
-Do you have time to talk or make a video call? I don't think I can put up with you getting out of school (or work).
-What would you like us to do when I get out of school (or work)?
-Would you like to come to my house later to cuddle?
-What new thing would you like to try with me when we meet again?
-If I came to your house right now, would we be alone?
-Do you think I should buy this? [Send lingerie photography].
-What do you think if I stop by your house at lunchtime and see what we can do??
-Would you like to take a hot bath in the tub later??
-I found some ideas to try in bed later, what do you think if we better try them already?
-What would you like me to do to you if I were with you in your office?
-Would you dare to do something with me at school or at work?
-I have misbehaved at work / school today. Do you think you can punish me later?
-Would you send me an intimate photograph?
-Don't you feel bored? We could be doing funnier things right now.
-Do you touch yourself thinking of me?
-Do I look good in the photo? [Send photo].
-What time do you go out? I can't wait for us to be together again.
Games for whatsapp.
Challenges for facebook.
Questions for conversation.
Truth or dare questions.
Love questions.
Interesting questions for men and women.
Uncomfortable questions.
Fun questions.
Questions to meet someone.
Yes or no questions.
Questions of me never.
Leading questions.
Stupid questions to laugh at.
Questions of what do you prefer.
Conversation topics.
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