I bring you 28 thoughts of Simón Rodríguez (Simón Narciso de Jesús Carreño Rodríguez) or Samuel Robinson, as he was known in exile. He is the father of the ideas of independence and freedom in America, as he was the teacher of Simón Bolívar; to whom he instilled a general education based on ideas of equality and independence for citizens and the continent.
His training stems from his admiration for authors such as: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Voltaire, Locke and Saint-Simon. He rejected all kinds of monarchical domination; His intellectual influence was decisive in starting the wars of independence and beginning to create a republican and independent continent..
1- It is not a dream or delirium, but philosophy nor the place where this is done will be imaginary, like the one that Chancellor Tomás Moro imagined; sor utopia will be, in reality, America.
2- Where will we go to look for models? Spanish America is original. Original must be its institutions and its Government and original founding one and another. Either we invent or we err.
3- Acquiring social lights means rectifying ideas instilled or poorly formed. by dealing with reality in an inseparable conjugation of Thinking and Acting under the knowledge of the principles of independence and absolute generalization.
4- Acquiring social virtues means moderating with self-love, in an inseparable conjugation of Feeling and Thinking, on the ground morale of the maxim“Think of everyone so that everyone so that everyone thinks of you " that simultaneously pursue the benefit of all society and each individual.
5- The children's teacher must be wise, enlightened, philosopher and communicative, because his job is to train men for society.
6- Ignorance is the cause of all the evils that man does to himself and to others; and this is inevitable, because monicience does not fit in a man: it can fit, up to a certain point, in a society (by the plus and minus one can be distinguished from the other). A man is not guilty because he is ignorant - there is little he can know - but he will be guilty if he does what he does not know.
7- The Spanish Colonial stage, imposed its culture, its religion, its laws, the culture of domination, of the exploitation of social exclusion, occurred in Spanish-speaking America.
8- In Europe political-economic transformations are taking place, it is passing from the feudal socio-economic stage, to the era of capitalism, of the first industries, of the formation of the national bourgeoisies, of the accumulation of capital, of Science as a computer of earthly life and religion as the computer of the spiritual.
9- Accustom the child to be truthful, faithful, helpful, restrained, beneficial, grateful, consistent, generous, kind, diligent, careful, neat; to respect reputation and to deliver on what it promises. And leave the skills to your charge; he will know how to find teachers, when young.
10- The title of teacher should not be given but to the one who knows how to teach, this is to the one who teaches how to learn; not to the one who commands to learn or indicates what to learn, nor to the one who advises that it be learned. The teacher who knows how to give the first instructions, continues to teach virtually everything that is learned later, because he taught how to learn.
11- Only with the hope of getting people to think about education can general education be advocated. And it should be advocated for; because the time has come to teach people to live, so that they do well what they have to do wrong.
12- Man is not ignorant because he is poor, but the opposite.
13- To instruct is not to educate; nor instruction can be an equivalent of education, although instructing educates.
14- Teach, and you will have someone who knows; educate, and you will have someone to do.
15- Teach the children to be questioners, so that, asking the why of what they are commanded to do; get used to obeying reason, not authority like the limited ones, not custom like the stupid.
16- Teaching is making people understand; it is to use the understanding; do not make memory work.
17- Nobody does well what they don't know; consequently there will never be a Republic with ignorant people, whatever plan is adopted.
18- The fundamental workforce is that of slaves and Indians, who helped in agricultural work, construction of forts, cities, churches and towns.
19- A man is not guilty because he is ignorant (little about what can be known) but he will be, if he is in charge of knowing what he does not know.
20- The Lights acquired on Art of living dThey suggest that societies can exist without Kings and without Congresses.
twenty-one- It is up to the teachers to make the children know the value of work, so that they know how to appreciate the value of things.
22- There is no interest where the end of the action does not lie. What is not felt is not understood, and what is not understood is of no interest. Calling, capturing and fixing attention are the three parts of the art of teaching. And not all teachers excel at all three.
23- In the American colonies, Spain establishes an extractive economy of precious stones, spices and food. There is an economy of ports.
24- The philosophers of Europe, convinced of the uselessness of their doctrine In the old world, they wish they could fly to the new ...
25- In South America the republics are established but not founded.
26- Anyone who does not know is deceived. Whoever does not have, anyone buys.
27- To enjoy the goods of freedom, the printing press must not have other limits than those imposed by respect for due society.
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