29 jokes with puns (short)

David Holt

Jokes with puns are a great way to have fun while learning new words. But they are not only intended for children and adolescents, but also for adults who simply want to learn a simple joke.

Below you will find a list of jokes that use puns and that deal with animals, everyday situations, languages, men, children and other topics. As you will see, most include a question and an answer, so they can be used to have fun with friends and family..

How to use these jokes? Read them alone or to your child, although if they already know how to read you can help them or have them do it alone. If you notice that they are having fun, continue with them and they lose their attention, you can save the page in favorites and come back another day.

Short jokes with puns


Why are elephant jokes bad?

Because they are irrelevant.

The constrictor

-What are you going to do, boa? asked the hunter.

-Bite you.

Wave in french

How do you say wave in french?

Simple !: "olalá".


What do you call a monkey in a minefield?


The first man

Who was the first man?

Simple, it was before the second.

The zebras

What do two zebras do when they see each other after a long time?

Simple: sebrazan.

The children of the elephants

What do you call a baby elephant?

Simple: elinfante.

The unattainable skill

What is the unattainable craft?

Simple: the "maña-na".

The popular animals of Mexico

-Let's see, children, today we will review the class of the animals of South America. Rosita, tell me two typical animals from Mexico.

-Well, teacher, a large crested toad and an axolotl.

-Very well. Now you, José, tell me three more animals.

-Ok, teacher, two axolotls and another little toad.

Why don't they accept llamas at the zoo?

-The zoo does not allow llamas.

-And because?

-Because they fear a fire.

The largest layer

What is the largest layer?

Simple: the ozone layer!

That's crazy!

There was once a horse that says to a cat:

-What do you eat when there are no fish around?

-Wow! That's crazy! A horse that talks!

Samson and the university

Samson was very sad crying outside the university. His friend Calliope approached him and asked him what was wrong, and he said:

-I will not graduate as a bodybuilder.

-And why, Samson? ”, If you are very good at that!!

-Is that I have brute force.

Joseph and the wind

-What are you doing talking to the wind, José?

-I feel like he's the only one sincere with me.

-And why do you say that?

-Because it is always transparent.

Thieves' Christmas Present

Two robbers were talking, and one tells the other.

-What did you ask santa for christmas?

-I asked him for a drone.

-Oh wow ... now will you steal with technological techniques?

-No, I just want it to give it a special name.

-Just to give it a special name? You're crazy!

-Wait, wait ... It's great! I'll put "Estela", do you understand? "Estela drone".

The dwarf brother

-Daddy, daddy, Jose keeps calling me dwarf.

-Son, don't listen to him. Come take this marble and go play to be the conqueror of worlds.

Don't play in the dirt

There was once a woman who said to her son:

-Neil, stop playing there on earth!

And his son listened to him. Her name was Viola Louise Engel, and her son was Neil Armstrong (the first man to set foot on the Moon).

The wrong name

They are passing the list in a classroom, and the teacher says:

-Antelope Brincón, Antelope Brincón.

-Professor, when will you say my name right? It's Anti López Brinco.

The talkers

A man comes to the psychologist very depressed, and the latter asks him:

-Let's see, tell me, more or less what do you think causes your depression?

-Is that people talk behind my back.

-Excuse me sir, but I see from your resume that you are a taxi driver.

The singer

-What happens the singer! -said the entertainer of the party, and no one appears. And so it takes five minutes.

When his face is fading with shame, he says:

-Yon Wen, where are you? -When saying that, an innkeeper stops and replies:

-Over here sir, what snack do you want?

-What a sandwich or what a sandwich! I need you to come sing!

-Sir, excuse me, I don't know how to sing, they hired me as a waiter.

-Is that here it says "Yon Wen, canton is".

-Cantonese, sir, Cantonese, from Canton.

To count the dreams

-Let's see, children, today we will tell you what each of you dreamed of. Voucher? You first, José, what did you dream of? -said the teacher.

-Teacher, I dreamed I was a soccer star, just like my dad.

-Aaaah, how nice that, José, I did not know that your dad was a soccer star.

-No, teacher, he is not, he also dreams that he is Cristiano Ronaldo.

The children of the rivers

Two rivers had a son and they laughed at him.

The doctor's parrot

A parrot sees a doctor go by and says:

-Excuse me, Dr. López, I must tell you something.

-What? José, my little parrot, is it you?

-Yes, it's me.

-And what are you doing here on the street?

-Well, I'm actually in my cage next to your bed. You're dreaming and you peed. Wake up you're wetting me!

A strange phobia of casinos

It was once two very friendly little dogs: Willy and Pepa. Willy always noticed that, when passing by the casino, Pepa went to the other street. One day, curious, he asks:

-Well, Pepa, why do you walk away from the casino every time we pass by??

-And don't you know, Willy?

-Know what, Pepa?

-It is that they live there ... The slot machines!

The mosquito guitarist

He was once a very talented mosquito playing guitar. He was so, so good, that he didn't survive playing his first song in public. Just finished, died after the first applause.

The strange vacation spot

-Let's see, today we will talk about the places we want to go. Maria, tell me.

-Well, teacher, I want to go to South Korea.

-Oh good, Maria. And you, José, where?

-Teacher, I want to go to Jamsterdam.

-Excuse me, Pedro, you mean "Amsterdam".

-No teacher, to Jamsterdam, the store where I bought my hamster.


-Greetings sir. Today's menu is fish soup, Argentine barbecue and banana pudding for dessert. You want?

-Give me all the service, please.

-Okay sir, okay. Will you want full silverware?

-No, I want them discovered, please.

A strange fishing method

José and Luis organized a day of fishing. When he was at the scheduled time, José went with all the necessary objects, but Luis only carried his cell phone.

-But Luis, where are your fishing tools? I brought only mine.

-How little technological you are, José, I have everything on my Smartphone.

-In that way?

-Well, simple, I'll fish with my social networks.

The special nail

It was once a nail that was to be used to drive a cinnamon tree. And just when they were going to hit him with the hammer, he said: "I'm sorry, I don't nail spices".

Themes of interest

Funny quotes.

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