32 Names of demons meaning and origin

Alexander Pearson
32 Names of demons meaning and origin

The names of demons cause great curiosity in people, as well as their figure and the interpretation that we have given them during history.

The subject of demons raises millions of fears and sensations, however, around them there are a number of misinterpretations and that is why many people who know the subject more deeply have a deeper relationship with the universe of demons. 

Before delving into the names of demons more important, let's clarify the issue a bit.

Origin of the word demon

Normally people associate the word demon with fallen angels, beings from hell and the lower astral. However, although the culture has made this misinterpretation due to the imposition of Christianity and other religious currents, the history of the demons is deeper.

The word demon comes from the ancient Greek "Daimōn" (δαίμων) and means "spirit" or "divine power". This word predates Christianity and in texts such as Homer's Iliad in Greek literature, it appears to refer to any good or bad divinity that is not part of the Pantheon of the main gods. 

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This means that there are "good" and "bad" demons, they are spiritual energies that can help us or make us lose, depending on their nature..

We already know enough about evil demons, good demons manifest as spirits that take care of nature, help to raise the vibration of beings and the earth, bring messages, miracles, heal and communicate, among other missions to help earthly beings..

List of the best known demon names

Next you will know some of the names of demons best known. Don't be surprised to find yours!

Our idea is to divide the names of demons into different categories, so that you can address yourself in a fluid way, it should also be clarified that most of the demons that appear in this list have a negative connotation.

Demon names of men

1. Aamon: Demon associated with money and that is why he brings the sin of greed, they say he is the ruler of England.

2. Belia: This demon is associated with corruption and arrogance. They say that he also travels alongside Satan, Lilith and Leviathan.

3. Paimon: This demon is in charge of a legion of demons. It is said that it can be invoked to answer any question or to instruct in science, philosophy or art, as long as you are willing to make a sacrifice.

4. Agares: He is known as the head of a vast legion of demons. It is said that it can teach other languages ​​and encourages taking pleasure in immoral actions.

5. Sidragaso: This demon is associated with lust and incites sensual pleasures.

6. Balban: The story points out that Balban is one of the fallen angels in charge of deception situations.

7.Baphomet: This is one of the demons most revered by the Templars. Its nature is diffuse, some believe that it is a good demon and others that it is a symbol of evil..

8. Bael: He is the head of the infernal powers.

9. Baalzephon: He is the guardian of the sentinels of hell and in turn the Captain.

10. Baaalberith: This is a second-order demon. He is one of the most powerful princes of hell, who was previously a god of the Phoenicians.

Names of female demons

11. Alouqua: This female demon is responsible for leading men to extreme fatigue that can lead to suicide.

12. Abrahel: This is a female demon considered to be the queen of the succubi.

13. Abyzou: Female demon who chases pregnant women.

14. Aradia: She is a female demon, noted for being Lucifer's sister..

15. Astartea: She is the female angel from hell.

16. Habondia: She is the queen of fairies.

17. Lilith: She is the mother of vampires. The story of Lilith says that she was the first woman in Paradise, she accompanied Adam before Eve. 

18. Nahama: Nahama is a female demon. She is the one in charge of carrying the consolation.

19. Noctiluca: It is considered as the French goddess of vampires.

20. Persephone: Queen and lady of the underworld.

21. Perisas: They are the fairies of death.

22. Tamar: Regarded as the Queen of female contempt.

23. Zalir: This female demon acts as the patron saint of lesbians.

24. Zemunin: Mistress of prostitutes.

Ancient demon names

25. Asmodeus: This demon is also identified with Samael and it is said that it was the serpent that seduced Eve.

26. Behemoth: It appears in the Bible and is known as one of the most powerful demons in hell. They say he embodies all the evil in the world.

27. Lucifer: According to the Bible, Lucifer also called Satan, was the most beautiful and powerful angel. He rebelled against God and was defeated by the Archangel Michael. After exiled Lucifer becomes the boss of all demons.

28. Mammon: Among the names of demons, this is one of the oldest. Legend has it that this demon who is the son of the great demon and represents greed, avarice and power.

29. Leviathan: This is another of the best known demon names. It is said to be a water demon that lives in the depths of the ocean and is on the lookout for the weak of spirit..

30. Astaroth: He is considered to be one of the Grand Dukes of Hell. They say that it has the power to reveal hidden treasures, incites vanity and has the ability to modify the lines of destiny of any terrestrial or divine being..

31. Devil: Commonly, any representation of Satan is called the Devil. However, Diablo is a different demon who joined the disobedience in front of God.

32. Baal: He is a king of the underworld. It is the main divinity of the Phoenicians, the Chaldeans and the Babylonians. This demon reigns in the East.

These are just some of the most popular names of demons, however, the topic is wide since there are millions of legions, you can imagine that in this regard the topic is vast. 

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