35 ways to increase your productivity

Simon Doyle
35 ways to increase your productivity

1. Learn to take breaks. To be more productive you must be sufficiently rested. Listen to your body and decide when is the best time to stop. You will return to work later.

2. Use a stopwatch for each of your tasks. It is the best way to control time and focus your attention.

3. Eliminate all distractions. That includes being away from the mobile and the computer.

4. Listen to music. Depending on the task you are doing, having some relaxing music in the background can be good for concentration..

5. Have fun with what you do. There is nothing more productive than enjoying what you do. Although this is not always possible.

6. Do what you least feel like at the beginning of the day. If you face your toad early, your mind will take a load off its shoulders and it will be able to focus its energy on the rest of the tasks.

7. Use tools that eliminate distractions. A good example is jdarokroom. This application turns your computer's desktop into a black screen (like the computers of before) in which the only thing you can do is write. No Facebook, no mail, no Internet.

8. Start. Many times the hardest part of a task is getting started. Once we have got down to work, the work flows by itself.

9. Discover when is the most productive time of your day. Do different tests by trial / error. Some people find their productivity peak in the morning while others do it at night..

10. Write down your ideas. Inspiration can come to you at any time. Get used to taking a small notebook with you (or mobile application) to write down those things that occur to you during the day and that can help you later in your work.

11. Keep track of your progress. In the form of a blog or a simple agenda. Checking first-hand how your evolution has been is the best way to stay motivated and keep up with your productive rhythm.

12. Plan all your meals a week in advance. This will help your pocket, your health and your time.

13. Visualize your day the night before. Mentally go over all your assignments the night before. It is the best way to make all your plans come true.

14. Ask yourself the following question: am I making the best use of my time right now?? It is not that you question your time every minute, but let this question start to appear in your mind more often than before..

15. Get enough sleep. Sleep hours are essential to keep your productivity levels constant throughout the day. If you sleep less than you need, your productivity will plummet.

16. Play sports. Aside from the obvious health benefits, playing sports recharges your batteries so you can get back to your productive rhythm later.

17. Be orderly. Your work desk should be neat. It will take less time to find what you need.

18. Listen to audio books. There is an immense amount of information on different topics in the form of audio books or podcasts. You can save learning time by getting used to hearing them while driving or cleaning the house. It is a way to do several things at the same time that allows you to make efficient use of your time.

19. Domicile your receipts. You will save time in having to go to the bank to pay them.

20. Read the best book that exists on productivity. It's called "Get Organized Effectively" and its author is David Allen.

21. Focus on what generates the most results for you. According to the Pareto Principle, 20% of your actions generate 80% of your results. Find those aspects of your life where the Pareto Principle is fulfilled and focus on them.

22. Tell other people what your goals are. When you witness your progress to other people, you will try twice as hard to try to achieve what you are after..

23. Learn to say no. Many times out of fear of rejection we get into commitments that we really do not want to make. These commitments take away precious time that we could dedicate to achieving our goals. Learn to distinguish favors from unwanted commitments.

24. Get on an informational diet. In the same way that if we binge on food we gain weight, when we binge on information our mind becomes saturated and prevents us from being productive. Learn to eliminate those sources of information and distraction that really do not contribute anything to you. A good start is to stop being a fan of the multitude of Facebook pages that fill our advertising wall. Of course, do not eliminate Psychocode

25. Learn from someone. Whatever your field of work or study, you can surely find someone to learn from. This way you will save time and make fewer mistakes.

26. Write down your main tasks on a calendar.  There are different tools that allow you to generate calendars according to your needs. In any case, a simple sheet of paper in a well visible place may be enough..

27. Set yourself attractive goals. If you don't have something in mind that really appeals to you, it will be difficult to maintain the productivity necessary to achieve it..

28. Don't multitask. Especially when it comes to tasks that require your full attention. If you are in the middle of a job that requires all your concentration and you stop to answer an email, it will take some time to return to the initial point of concentration. As much as possible, disconnect the mail while you work. Learn to use the multitasking system to differentiate some tasks from others.

29. Give yourself a reward every time you finish a job. Your productivity remains constant when you know there is a prize around the corner.

30. Make groups of similar tasks.  And try to complete them in specific periods of time. For example, housework (cleaning and shopping) can be done the same day. Other work-related tasks such as returning phone calls or answering emails can also be done together during the same morning..

31. Try polyphasic sleep. As long as your schedules and obligations allow it. People who manage to perform alternative sleep cycles manage to sleep fewer hours a day and still maintain constant levels of attention and productivity.

32. Increase your typing speed. It is an obvious way to do the same in less time.

33. Increase your reading speed. This is one of my pending subjects. There are many courses to learn to read faster without losing any information.

34. Learn to prioritize. The most urgent and important task should always be done first.

35. Never stop learning.  In order to increase productivity within any field, a constant update of any novelty that appears is necessary. You can update yourself through magazine subscriptions, reading blogs or following the most influential people in the sector of your interest on social networks..

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