Stafiate what it is for, preparation, contraindications

Robert Johnston
Stafiate what it is for, preparation, contraindications

The rip off (Artemisia ludoviciana) it is one of many common names for a perennial herb of North American origin. The words Ludoviciana It comes from the Latinization of Louisiana, one of the states in the southeastern region of the United States. It is currently distributed in Mexico, Canada and the United States.

The fresh or dried leaves (and occasionally the flowers) have medicinal use. Pre-Columbian codices reflect the permanence of the species in the lives of Mexicans, for a long time. Even today, both the oil and the leaves and flowers are part of the most popular remedies in Mexico..

By Photo by David J. Stang [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

It is known as "iztauhyatl" in Nahuatl. In Spanish it is known as white mugwort, altamiza, altaniza, mugwort, skunk's tail, epazote de castilla, white sage, prairie sage, and Louisiana sage.

Despite the inclusion of "salvia" in the common synonymy, the plant is not related to it. It is probably due to the aroma of the leaves and stem reminiscent of sage.

Stafiate is recommended for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, pain, and diabetes. It belongs to the genus Artemisa, a large and diverse group of plants made up of an approximate average of 300 species.

Seven subspecies are counted in the species Artemisia ludoviciana (according to D D. Keck, scientific authority on his classification). These are : albula (Wooton), candicans (Rydb.), incompt (Nutt.), Ludoviciana, mexican (Willd. Ex Spreng.), redolens (A.Gray)Y sulcata (Rydb.).

Article index

  • 1 Description and habitat
  • 2 What is it for? (properties)
    • 2.1 Chemical compounds
    • 2.2 Antidiabetic effect
    • 2.3 Helps in the regulation of menstruation
    • 2.4 In the treatment of malaria
    • 2.5 Relief from rheumatism and arthritis
    • 2.6 Antibacterial and antiparasitic
    • 2.7 Attenuating stomach discomfort
    • 2.8 Antinociceptive effects
    • 2.9 Spiritual healing practices
    • 2.10 Other uses
  • 3 How do you prepare?
  • 4 Contraindications
  • 5 Side effects
  • 6 References

Description and habitat

Estafiate grows on riverbanks along streams and in short, tall grass meadows. It grows on light, sandy to rocky soils below 3500 m. It can grow up to a meter in height.

The silver-green color that characterizes it comes from the multitude of microscopic, white, short, tangled and woolly hairs that cover it. It is drought tolerant and can thrive in moderately shady places.

The leaves are very varied, the flowers grow hanging at the top of the stem and are small green or yellow. It blooms from August to October and the seeds ripen between September and October. The species is hermaphroditic (it has male and female organs).

Most of the time the plant abounds in its natural habitat. Its propagation is done by seeds or by cuttings.

What is it for? (properties)

Stafiate is considered a multi-use remedy. The essential oils of several species of Artemisia have been used for their anti-infective, analgesic, antimalarial, anticancer and anti-inflammatory characteristics..

These properties result from the interaction of many of the substances that compose them. In the Artemisia genus the main active principles are usually camphor, 1,8-cineole, borneol, thujone and terpineol.

Chemical compounds

Monoterpenes, various sesquiterpene lactones, and flavonoids are some of the metabolites found in the Artemisia ludoviciana. Flavonoids include eupatilin, jaceosidin, arglanine and salvinin.

Eupatilin has the property of protecting the gastric mucosa in cases of ulcer and chronic gastritis, and of reducing intestinal motility. There is also evidence that it improves allergic inflammation.

Jaceosidine has antitumor properties; has been shown to be cytotoxic against colon cancer.

Antidiabetic effect

The hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic effect of some of the main components of the stafiate infusion was proven in animal tests. It is likely that it is mainly attributed to arglanine.

However, it is quite possible that the plant contains more compounds acting synergistically to achieve the antidiabetic effect. That is, substances that contribute pharmacologically to the release of insulin and the absorption of glucose.

Human trials have not yet been carried out to verify this finding, which would confirm the scientific basis of ancestral practice..

Helps in the regulation of menstruation

Although menstruation is part of the normal cycle in the life of a woman of childbearing age, its regulation and the generation of the least number of discomforts that accompany premenstrual syndrome is important..

Estafiate tea has traditionally been used for this purpose. That is, normalize the hormonal rhythm and alleviate the symptoms that accompany these changes.

In the treatment of malaria

The resistance of Plasmodium falciparum  and of P. vivax to chloroquine has stimulated the search for new antimalarials. In 1972 it was discovered that artemisinin, as well as its derivatives, are effective drugs against malaria.

In 2015, a Chinese scientist received the Nobel Prize in Medicine for this discovery, made from a kind of mugwort used in traditional Chinese medicine (sweet wormwood or Chinese wormwood., Artemisia annua). In the case of stafiate, its high effectiveness in the treatment of malaria was demonstrated in mouse studies.

Rheumatism and Arthritis Relief

One of the traditional uses of stafiate has been as a palliative of the discomfort generated by inflammation in the lining of the joints.

This is done using cold stafiate tea compresses applied directly to the sore joint. The effect is reinforced by drinking the infusion daily.

Antibacterial and antiparasitic

Stafiate contains lactone glycosides such as artemisinin and santonin which are considered anthelmintics. It also contains thujone, a poisonous substance in large doses, but which is appreciated for its antimicrobial properties..

Attenuating stomach discomfort

The carminative properties of stafiate compounds act against discomfort such as flatulence, pain, bloating, heartburn or nausea in the upper part of the stomach.

It is a popular Mexican remedy against diarrhea, which is one of the symptoms that appears frequently when there is food poisoning..

Antinociceptive effects

There is rigorous preclinical scientific evidence supporting the use of the essential oil of  A. ludoviciana for the treatment of painful ailments.

In addition, the biological mechanisms of its action in pain relief have been established. Substances that would promote this effect are campor, γ-terpineol, borneol, and 1,8-cineole..

Spiritual healing practices

It has had an important role in the ceremonial rites of some Native American tribes. The harvested and tied stalks were burned for cleansing and purification, and the dried leaves served as incense. With the smoke, spaces, utensils, implements, animals and weapons were cleaned.

It was also used to purify people and drive away evil spirits, dreams and thoughts, as well as bad influences and disease. In these cases it was mixed with a small portion of Actea rubra.  

The Lakota and Cheyenne made bracelets with the plant for the Dance of the Sun.

Other uses

-It is used as a repellent and deodorant. For example, to deodorize the feet, a sheet is placed on the footwear. The infusion of the leaves is also used as an axillary deodorant.

-The soft leaves are used as toilet paper, and the smoke that results from the burning plant drives away mosquitoes.

-When the decoction of the plant is made together with other medicinal herbs, it allows the complementarity between their properties. For example, ginger and stafiate preparations improve poor digestion.  

-Together with the bitter short, it is used to treat intestinal parasites, as well as digestive disorders such as ulcers and gastritis..

-With orange blossom it is sedative for the nervous system.

-Stafiate and cactus flowers relieve prostate pain and have moisturizing and antioxidant effects.

-With peonies relieves anxiety and muscle tension.

-The plant is also a source of fiber for making household items..

How do you prepare?

Stafiate is used as a condiment and to make tea. The seed is edible, but very small and difficult to use. The use of the seeds to make tea has also been reported.

The leaves and flowering tops are seasoning for sauces and are used to garnish dishes. The crushed leaves have been used to relieve headaches and nosebleeds.

To make the tea, one teaspoon of dried leaves and flowers per cup of boiling water is used. It is left to infuse for approximately 15 minutes, and then it is taken.

The dose starts with a quarter cup a day and gradually increases. As the taste is very bitter, it is recommended to sweeten with honey.

The Artemisia ludoviciana It can also be ingested in drops, from the tincture. It is suggested between 5 to 10 drops per day and prepare it in the following proportion: for each part of stafiate, 2 parts of 95% alcohol.

The tea can be applied directly to the skin if there is eczema, wounds, stings, or joint pain. The poultice made with the leaves is indicated in the presence of spider bites, blisters and boils. Rubbing the plant over the affected areas is recommended in case of pain and inflammation.

Inhaling the plant is helpful in treating respiratory infections, as well as colds and headaches and sore throats..


Possible drug interactions are unknown. It should not be taken during pregnancy or when its existence is suspected, it is not indicated in lactating women..

Side effects

No side effects have been reported in humans, although it can eventually cause contact dermatitis in sensitive people.. 

In large doses, it presents liver and brain toxicity, which can cause seizures, delirium, paralysis and even death. However, healthy individuals are not affected by taking small, controlled doses..

Stafiate can cause or promote menstruation.


  1. Anaya-Eugenio, G., Rivero-Cruz, I., Rivera-Chávez, J. and Mata, R. Hypoglycemic properties of some preparations and compounds from Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2014. 155 (1), 416-425.
  2. Anaya-Eugenio, G., Rivero-Cruz, I., Bye, R., Linares, E. and Mata, R… Antinociceptive activity of the essential oil from Artemisia ludoviciana. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2016, 179, 403-411.
  3. Artemisia ludoviciana White Sage, Louisiana Sage, Prairie Sage, Western Mugwort PFAF Plant Database (n.d.). Retrieved on July 6, 2018 at
  4. Artemisia ludoviciana (2018). Retrieved on July 7, 2018, in Wikipedia.
  5. Estafiate (2009). Retrieved on July 7, 2018, in
  6. Estafiate-herb-artemisia-ludoviciana (s.f.) Retrieved on July 8, 2018, in
  7. Kang, Y., Jung, U., Lee, M., Kim, H., Jeon, S., Park, Y., Chung, H., Baek, N., Lee, K., Jeong, T. and Choi, M. Eupatilin, isolated from Artemisia princeps Pampanini, enhances hepatic glucose metabolism and pancreatic β-cell function in type 2 diabetic mice. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2008; 82 (1), 25-32.
  8. Malagón F, Vázquez J, Delgado G, Ruiz A. Antimalaric effect of an alcoholic extract of Artemisia ludoviciana mexicana in a rodent malaria model. Parassitology. 1997 Mar, 39 (1): 3-7.
  9. Ryoo, S., Oh, H., Yu, S., Moon, S., Choe, E., Oh, T. and Park, K. (2014). The Effects of Eupatilin (Stillen®) on Motility of Human Lower Gastrointestinal Tracts. The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 2014, 18 (5) .383-390.
  10. White sage artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. Plant guide (s.f.) Retrieved on July 7, 2018 at
  11. Yong-Long Liu, Mabry T.J… Flavonoids from Artemisia ludoviciana var. Ludoviciana. Phytochemistry. 1982; 21 (1), 209-214.

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