Relationships: there is nothing that makes us happier but at the same time makes us suffer as much if things do not work as they should.
As in many other aspects of life, here it is also advisable to “prevent” rather than cure, but the truth is that we are not born with an instruction manual regarding afective relationships is concerned and at school there is no subject that teaches us "How to build a happy couple relationship".
So we almost always end up being guided by those patterns that we have seen in our parents, in our friends and close people, and also in series and movies that “teach” us about how relationships should or should not be..
The bad news is that a lot of those things are stereotypes., limiting beliefs or any other type of ideal projections that often have nothing to do with reality, with the day-to-day life of a relationship.
But the good part is that we can identify and correct them, no matter what moment we are.
What psychiatrist and couples therapist I have been caring for people with difficulties in their relationship for many years and I can say that I am still surprised: just a few days ago, Juan was consulted by an 80-year-old man who wanted to fix some things with his second wife.
“Doctor: some problems with my children are interfering in our relationship. We need you to give us a hand "
I became a fan of this man right then and there.
So if Juan, at 80 years old, comes to ask for help and strives to improve things with his partner, none of us have an excuse not to do it, at any time and no matter how difficult things are..
I have written and write many things on this topic but what I bring you today are 5 exercises that are “different” from the usual (and easy to do), which will help you improve your relationship and prevent problems for the future..
Remember that sometimes small changes can have surprising effects ...
Here you have them:
The state of your home reflects the state of your partner. Look around. Is your environment orderly, clean, balanced? Is it nice, is it well distributed? Or is it chaotic, messy, dirty?
Spend some time tidying up and taking care of your home. In the same way that you influence her, if you make her beautiful, she will return the effort and it will be reflected in your relationship ...
Hugs bring many positive things to our well-being and, among other things, liberate oxytocin, the attachment hormone. If you haven't hugged your partner in a long time, make an effort to regain this fantastic habit.
Every time you say goodbye or meet again after the work day, nothing better than a warm and heartfelt hug. Doesn't it come out very natural for you? It doesn't matter, it's only at the beginning. Practice daily and you will see that in a short time you will not be able to leave it!
Yes. Write a letter to your partner. But not an email, but with a pen and paper, as before. Handwriting connects more directly to the heart.
What do you have to write about? About what you want. You can talk about something important, about small things, about something that bothered you and you wanted to say, about what you like a lot, or about all of it at the same time.
Let your hand and your heart guide you. Take a few minutes of tranquility, start anywhere and just let yourself go ... Then a nice envelope with your partner's name will do the rest.
No expectations ... and no penetration: As time goes by, sexual relations inevitably lose their initial fieryness and passion (this is normal), but they can also be affected by routine and a certain simplification.
I propose to recover the wealth in your sexual intercourse and the ability of your entire body (and not just your genitals) to give and receive pleasure.
For this, nothing better than planning a quiet time with your partner in your agenda. It will be time to make love without any hurry, without having to seek orgasm as the only purpose. Just enjoying each other and with one condition: penetration will not be allowed for once..
What can be done? Very easy. Let your imagination and your body guide you.
Perhaps in your relationship this is common, but many couples are somehow "forced" to do everything together. If not and it seems that we love each other less, or that we are angry ...
Nothing is further from reality. From time to time it is very positive that you make a different plan than your partner.
It is the ideal time to meet for dinner with those friends you see less of, go to a concert of that group that your partner cannot stand or spend the afternoon playing tennis and then have some beers, without thinking about where my partner will be. partner, if he is going to get upset, or that what I'm doing is wrong.
Schedule it so that your partner can also take the opportunity to do the same.
An example: my girlfriend is with her sister and her nephews in the pool on this first and very hot summer day in Madrid, and I stay home cool writing this post and bingeing on the fifth season of Game of Thrones ... 🙂
It is about writing a list with the 10 things you like most about your partner.
And nothing more for today. I wish you liked the post. If so, do not hesitate to share it.
I send you a big hug and see you in the next post.
Happy week!
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