50 Phrases Against Drugs and Alcohol (Youth and Adults)

Philip Kelley

These phrases against drugs They will encourage you to leave them and can serve as support for the journey until you forget them forever. Some are by famous authors such as Noam Chomsky, Philip K. Dick or Kurt Cobain.

You may also be interested in these health phrases or these to quit smoking.

-Drugs are the enemies of the future and of hope, and when we fight them we fight for the future.- Bob Riley.

-Show that you don't need drugs to enjoy life.- Lifeder.com.

-If you need drugs to enjoy life, you have not yet found the healthy activities that will make you enjoy yourself.

-Children are often the silent victims of drug abuse.-Rick Larsen.

-You have to give up drugs to achieve your dreams.-Lifeder.com.

-Be grateful and do not use drugs, using is the best way to say that you despise the life and health that you have been given --Lifeder.com.

-Create a life without drugs; a life with health, hope, dreams, gratitude and joy.-Lifeder.com.

-No drugs, yes life.-Lifeder.com.

-Drugs create fictional well-being for you. They are the best liars in the world.- Lifeder.com.

-Drugs take you away from how great you can be and from the great path you have yet to travel. - Lifeder.com.

-Stay away from drugs and it will be one of the giant steps you can take in life.- Lifeder.com.

-Using drugs is like not wanting to accept the life that has touched you and the fact is that, no matter what has touched you; without drugs you can build the life you want - Lifeder.com.

-Try it first and have fun. Then you get used to it and it produces well-being. You're always wrong in the end unless you take it.-Lifeder.com.

-If you are using drugs it is because your eyes are covered. You are not seeing all the possibilities that life offers you without them..

-Drugs are one of the worst inventions in all of history and together we can turn it into one of the forgotten inventions in history..

-The fact is that you can feel better and with more self-esteem with certain drugs, although they are fictitious, fleeting and not useful for a happy life..

-If you are in the world of drugs, you are probably also in a social group that uses drugs. Identify it and discard it. It will be one of the best decisions you can make in your life.- Lifeder.com.

-To say that you take drugs because life is poor or unfortunate is to deny the human capacity for improvement and creation.-Lifeder.com.

-Using drugs is getting away from life because you don't see reality as it is. Falling asleep is better - Lifeder.com.

-You are never going to achieve great goals using something that takes you away from your maximum potential. Drugs make you decrease, never grow - Lifeder.com.

-Drugs are just as bad for you as they are for those around you. They hurt you and you hurt those around you.- Lifeder.com.

-Using drugs is kicking your own life - Lifeder.com.

-Choosing drugs is deciding to have a quick pleasure rather than a great future. If you choose them you are destroying your future.- Lifeder.com.

-Among millions, you were the first sperm to reach the egg; you have all the strength, and more, to lead a life in which you are self-sufficient.- Lifeder.com.

-One of the biggest delusions is the one who feels self-worth for using drugs. Have the courage to build it without them; You don't need something that destroys your body to feel good.- Lifeder.com.

-Drugs take away all the good things you have in life; your future, your hopes, your dreams and your experiences.- Lifeder.com.

-Don't waste your time doing drugs. There is so much to do in the world and you can make a difference if you are healthy and strong.- Lifeder.com.

-If you think drugs are good, you are living in another reality. Leave them and you will see what the true reality tells you; everything is much better.- Lifeder.com.

-If you have the power to say yes, you also have the power to say no to drugs. If you have the power to try them, you also have the power to leave them..

-Faces, insane and kill your life. Enough reasons not to want or listen to them - Lifeder.com.

-Recovery is about accepting that your life is in shambles and that you must change it.- Jamie Lee Curtis.

-Addictions take you away from the most important thing: yourself.-Anonymous.

-There is no drug in this world that gives your life any meaning.-Sarah Kane.

-One step at a time; one day at a time; one hour at a time.-Anonymous.

-The chains that bind you to drugs can feel very light until they are too strong to break.-Anonymous.

-When you can stop, you don't want to; When you want to stop, you can not.-Luke Davies.

-The priority of any addict is to anesthetize the pain of living to ease the days with a little bought relief.-Russell Brand.

-When you use drugs you think you only destroy pain, when reality destroys your whole life.-Anonymous.

-Drugs are the worst enemy of a healthy and happy life.-Anonymous.

-It is easier to stay away from drugs than to try to quit.-Anonymous.

-Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory, self-respect and everything related to your self-esteem. -Kurt Cobain.

-Regardless of whether you smoke or eat the aspirin, the result is the same: addiction. -William S. Burroughs.

-The misuse of drugs is not a disease, it is a decision. It's like deciding to get in the middle of the road when a car comes. You would never say that this is a disease but an error in judgment. -Philip K. Dick. 

-I think if you were Satan and you were looking for something that would make the human race weaker, the answer would be narcotics. -Cormac McCarthy.

-One of the things that strikes me the most is that most people do not realize the damage that these substances generate. -Carrie Hope Fletcher.

-If you take drugs to stop feeling and it turns into an addiction that you cannot stop, then you are hurting yourself. -Carrie Hope Fletcher.

-I didn't care if he was a genius or a bloody idiot. It was rotting and it wasn't something I wanted to see. -Anthony Kiedis.

-It is easier to stay off drugs than it is to get off drugs. -Anonymous.

-You don't need heroin to be a hero. -Anonymous.

-Erase the drugs or they will erase you from the world. -Anonymous.

-You have a choice. You can choose to say no. Choose to deny yourself. -Anonymous.

-Drugs are not only illegal, they can make you do illegal activities in order to satisfy your addiction. Be smart. Do not start. Those decisions you make today pave the future of tomorrow. -Anonymous.

-Do you think drugs only affect you? You're wrong. You will disappoint all the people who love you, care about you, and want the best for you. -Anonymous.

-It's not cool being high. They make you act like a jerk. -Anonymous.

-As a cure for worry, work is better than whiskey. -Ralph Waldo Emerson.

-There is something to be said in favor of alcoholism and that is that it first removes the drunk from society and then removes him from the world. -Ralph Waldo Emerson.

-Alcohol can ruin your life and the lives of others. So why drink? -Duane Alan Hahn.

-Alcohol is destruction. -Robert Nesta Marley.

-If you drink, give your keys to someone else. -Anonymous.

-If you know someone who tries to drown sorrows, you can tell them that sorrows can swim. -Anonymous.

-Alcohol destroys family life and increases crime. -Anonymous.

-One of the reasons I don't drink is that I like to know when I'm having a good time. -Lady Astor.

-First you have a drink, then the drink takes another drink and then the drink takes you. -Francis Scott Fitzgerald.

-Once you have had the first drink, you have lost the ability to make a wise decision. -Anonymous.

-Parents are the key if you want to keep your kids off drugs. Being a good parent is the best precaution against drugs. -Anonymous.

-Drugs will destroy you, what part of that don't you understand? -Anonymous.

-We all have dreams, whether it be to graduate, to be successful, to be the best we can be. Never stop chasing your dreams and don't let drugs keep you away from them. -Anonymous.

-Drugs bring many emotions and negative effects in your life. -Anonymous.

-Don't let your life and dreams go up in smoke. -Anonymous.

-Don't be in a hopeless situation. Stay away from drugs. -Anonymous.

-Do not give up on your dreams. Let your goals and vision of the future be your motivation to stay off drugs. -Anonymous.

-Drugs are a death trap. -Anonymous.

-Once you fall into the drug hole, it is very difficult to escape. Don't be addicted, don't feel trapped. Stay clean so that you are able to choose your own path. -Anonymous.

-Pain relievers do more than put your pain to sleep, they will sleep your life. -Anonymous.

-Do not drink if you are depressed, it is not a cure. Drink when you're in a good mood. -Christopher Hitchens.

-Avoid narcotics. They will make you feel more boring. -Christopher Hitchens.

-Don't drink if you haven't eaten. The point of alcoholic beverages is to bring out the flavor of the food. -Christopher Hitchens.

-Imagine trying to live without air. Now imagine something worse than that. -Amy Reed.

-Never think of driving a car if you've had even a drop of alcohol. -Christopher Hitchens.

-Ask yourself a simple question: how come marijuana is illegal and tobacco is legal? It can't be because of the health impact because marijuana is so much healthier. -Noam Chomsky.

-There is no death rate from marijuana use in the United States. Yet tobacco kills hundreds of millions each year. -Noam Chomsky.

-The only difference I see between tobacco and marijuana is that tobacco is much more deadly and addictive. -Noam Chomsky. 

-Addiction breeds apathy. If you can overcome apathy, then you can overcome addiction. -Wodzak handle.

-Happiness is the only drug I can choose. -Marty Rubin.

-Music makes you feel things that no drug can make you feel. -Vineet Goel.

-I'd rather face depression than go after drugs and lose my soul. -Ron Baratono.

-It's like Superman believes that kryptonite makes him invincible. -J. M. Darhower.

-When I was a teenager, I loved the disguise of using drugs and being poor in judgment, and I decided I would wear it. Eventually, without realizing it, the ability to decide was gone.-Nadia Bolz-Weber.

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