How to Prevent Child Abuse 10 Solutions and Strategies

Abraham McLaughlin
How to Prevent Child Abuse 10 Solutions and Strategies

it's possible prevent child abuse, in your home, in your environment or in your community, although it is true that in general terms governments are also responsible and must develop plans and strategies to prevent child abuse in all its forms.

Preventing this kind of abuse is important to avoid the development of physical and psychological damage in children. These damages are not only short-term, but can last a lifetime.

For example, a child who is abused may develop an insecure attachment, which will influence his relationships as an adult. You can also develop low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, among other mental disorders.

Strategies for the prevention of child abuse

Increase your children's self-esteem

A good way to prevent child abuse in any area is to promote self-esteem in your children.

If they are able to appreciate and value themselves as people, it will be more difficult for them to mistreat them at school, for example, because they will immediately seek help to get out of that situation.

To stimulate good self-esteem in your children, do not verbally attack them. Never tell your child that he is "stupid." Don't compare him to his siblings or classmates. He will end up believing that he is not worth as much as others and that will destroy his self-esteem.

Encourage their achievements and trust their abilities. Allow them to make mistakes and learn from their mistakes. Don't scold them. Calmly tell them what aspects of themselves they need to improve and trust that they can do it.

Appreciate positive attitudes

Another way to improve your children's self-esteem and prevent them from being abused is to recognize and value all their positive attitudes..

When they get a good grade in school or when they behave correctly on a walk, it should be pointed out and recognized with words and gestures, kisses and hugs.

Teach by example

You can't ask a child to stop throwing tantrums and calm down if you are yelling at them. If you give him a slap on the wrist, you are teaching him that violence is a way to solve problems.

If you really want to avoid child abuse, you should start by controlling your impulses and acting calmly. If you feel angry, it is best to retreat to your room and not do or say anything until you are calmer..

In this way children will also learn to control their emotions and in the future they will not mistreat their own children.

Encourage dialogue

Dialogue is essential for a correct relationship between parents and children. Listen to what your child has to say and respond calmly and frankly. If you want to help prevent child abuse, tell your children about their rights.

Tell them that no one has to see or touch their private parts and that if they experience any situation that makes them feel uncomfortable, they should tell you, they should trust you, because you will always help them.

Adjust your expectations

Every child is different and not all have the same abilities, preferences or talents. Some parents have unrealistic expectations regarding their children's school or athletic performance, and this can lead to child abuse situations.

As a parent, you must learn to know your children, understand them and help them develop their potential, adjusting your expectations according to their possibilities and preferences..

Seek professional help

Unfortunately there is no school for parents. Not all parents have to instinctively know the best way to raise their children, how to set healthy limits, or how to control their behaviors..

So if you are having problems with parenting, you should not feel embarrassed or resort to violence. Seek professional help in doctors, psychologists or institutions that provide help for parents, surely there is some in your community.

Look for solutions for specific pathologies

Sometimes children with certain pathologies such as anxiety disorders, attention deficit syndrome or depression, can be victims of child abuse.

If you think that your child's behavior is not what it should be, you have to consult the doctor, perhaps he or she suffers from some type of disorder that requires specific treatment.

Avoid unwanted pregnancies

If you really don't want to have any more children, then take the necessary precautions to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Unplanned pregnancies increase the risks of child abuse and having a child is a great responsibility.

If you are not sure if you can or want to raise more children, it is better not to have them.

Avoid violence

Children and adolescents will not learn to blows what their parents want to teach them, you must always keep this in mind.

Violence will not help them behave better or resolve conflicts. On the contrary, when there is violence in the home, children become less sensitive to violent experiences and child abuse increases..

Learning about the rules of coexistence, about peace, solidarity or empathy will not be taught with words, but with your own example.

Set limits in a healthy way

It is possible to set limits in your home and have your children respect them and respect your authority as a father or mother, without the need to resort to any type of violence, physical or verbal.

For authority to be experienced and understood by children as something natural and positive, parents must move away from violent practices and learn to manage their emotions, to recognize and express their anger by finding the right words and even, they must learn to ask for forgiveness to their children when they are wrong.

If at the time of going to sleep, bathing, doing homework or sitting at the table, things do not happen as you would like and the tension increases following the sequence: “talk, convince, argue, shout, hit”, then you are overflowing and the emotional climate in your home will not be good.

Recovering a suitable climate is essential for parents to be able to exercise their authority. The limits must be clearly marked, the children must know perfectly what the rules are and what the consequences will be if they do not follow them.

And parents should apply them whenever their children do not respect these limits, but in a calm environment, with a tone of voice, body posture and gestures that convey authority but tranquility at the same time..

The safe and appropriate emotional climate in the home is based on the conviction that conflicts will appear naturally in all homes, but that there is a way to solve them, based on dialogue and mutual respect between parents and children.

Follow these simple tips and you will be helping to improve the family environment, avoiding child abuse.

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