50 little instructions for life

Robert Johnston
50 little instructions for life

Today we leave you a series of small instructions that are very easy to carry out but nevertheless we forget to apply very often in our lives.

50 little instructions for life

1. Sing in the shower

2. Treat people the way you would like them to treat you

3. Watch a sunrise at least once a year

4. Discover the pleasure of reading

5. Never reject homemade desserts.

6. Strive for excellence, not perfection

7. Plant a tree on your birthday.

8. Watch your diet

9. When they leave you a car, return it with a full tank

10. Congratulate someone when they do the right thing.

11. Never miss the opportunity to tell someone you love them

12. Leave everything a little better than you found it

13. Keep things simple

14. Become the most positive and personable person you know.

15. Keep your house clean and tidy

16. Ask for a raise when you feel you deserve it

17. Forgive yourself and others

18. Leave a tip when you have had good service

19. Give thanks whenever you can

20. Please ask for things

21. Avoid negative people

22. Congratulate other people on their birthday

23. Strive to constantly improve

24. Shake hands firmly

25. Look people in the eye

26. Be the first to say "Hello"

27. Return all the things they lend you

28. Make new friends without neglecting your old friends

29. Do not reveal the secrets that they confess to you

30. Adopt a dog

31. Stop blaming others

32. Take responsibility for every area of ​​your life

33. Look at the stars

34. Don't expect life to always be fair

35. Play sports

36. Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation

37. Don't be afraid to admit your mistakes

38. Keep your promises

39. Call your mother

40. Once a year visit a place you've never been

41. Share your knowledge

42. Find time to be alone with yourself

43. Remember that sometimes silence is the best answer

44. Do something fun or relaxing once a day.

45. Spend more time with real friends than virtual ones

46. ​​Don't believe everything that's on the news

47. Make constructive criticism, never destructive

48. Disconnect when you leave work.

49. Before going to sleep, imagine that the next day will be perfect

50. Visit www.psicocode.com

Can you think of any more tips?

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