In every relationship there are elements that allow it to grow and others that devalue it. From the proportion between the two we can predict the future of it.
Fundamentally there are four soldiers who attack the relationship:
We know that happy couples are an important health predictor:
A couple inhappy increases by 35% the chances of falling ill, even shortening life by 4 years. An unhappy relationship is a stressor that drains us physically and mentally. And prolonged stress, as has been shown, lowers our immune capacity. Unlike, happy couples have a much higher immune capacity and therefore less propensity to disease.
Accompanying these four horsemen, we observe four scenarios in which they appear:
It is common for a co-protagonist to appear in these scenarios: a third person. It is important to note that it is not usually the cause, but the consequence. This third person is usually held responsible for the failure of the relationship, when in reality it is the consequence of a dying and dying relationship.
So there is no solution when you get to this point? If the couple wants to make one (last) effort, there is hope. Focusing the effort well so as not to "do it in vain" is essential.
Where to put the spotlight? In discussions? In the way of speaking? Although it is important to know how to speak well and argue "intelligently" is not the key point. The key is to increase the number of positive moments experienced as a couple. Encourage and increase to the maximum exponent those moments in which it is not discussed.
In addition, it is necessary to work to recover the relationship and consolidate each advanced step. Closing the gap takes effort.
The next step is to work to recover the affection and admiration for the other person. Sometimes it is enough to remember what we felt a long time ago. However, other times when indifference and contempt have consolidated their space in the relationship, it is necessary to work with techniques that allow us to unearth what has been buried.
Whether you decide to receive professional help or not, you can always start the engine of change with these six keys that will help you to combat the stages of crisis in relationship
1- Ratio 5 to 1Happy couples have five positive interactions for every negative interaction.
2- Talk: at the end of the day, talk with your partner about what happened to you during the day, share the moment as if you were talking with a friend, not to "vent" your bad moments with your partner. Pay attention to what your partner tells you 🙂
3- Celebrate: Have a party of all the good things that happen to your partner. Show joy to the positive news of your partner.
4- Make common decisions: Who makes the decisions in the couple? Talk and make decisions in the presence of the other, talking. Communication and trust level increases.
5- It evokes comic, humorous memories: Being able to recall funny or comical moments is positive for the relationship, although you have to be careful with the type of humor you use, you can find the unwanted effect ...
6- Enjoy sex: sex is not the only thing that increases satisfaction and happiness in the couple, there are other more relevant aspects. However, couples who are dissatisfied with their sexual relationships are dissatisfied in their relationship.
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