65 Great Phrases about Death

Sherman Hoover

I leave you the best phrases about death from excellent authors such as Mahatma Gandhi, Cicero, Helen Keller, Anne Frank, William Shakespeare, Marcus Aurelius and many more.

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-Death is more universal than life. We all die, but we do not all live.-Andrew Sachs.

-You should not be afraid of death, but of never beginning to live.-Marco Aurelio.

-While he believed he was learning to live, he was actually learning to die.-Leonardo da Vinci.

-Death is the wish of some, the relief of others, and the end of all.-Martin Luther King.

-Just as a day well spent gives you a happy dream, a life well lived gives you a happy death.-Leonardo da Vinci.

-Death is the golden key that opens the palace of eternity.-John Milton.

-A person must die proudly when there is no longer a way to live proudly.-Friedrich Nietzsche.

-Our disgust towards death increases in proportion to our awareness of having lived in vain.-William Hazlitt.

-Of all the ways to lose a person, death is the kindest.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

-The vast majority of people die when they are 25, but are not buried until they are 75.-Benjamin Franklin.

-Death is a law, not a punishment.-Jean Dubos.

-Death is nothing, but living defeated and inglorious is dying every day.-Napoleon Bonaparte.

-For well-organized minds, death is nothing more than the next great adventure.-J.K. Rowling.

-Every night when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.-Mahatma Gandhi.

-A useless life is a premature death.-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe.

-After you die, you will be what you were before your birth.-Arthur Schopenhauer.

-Dying is a debt that we all must pay.-Euripides.

-Death is nothing more than a dialogue this spirit and dust.-Emily Dickinson.

-Death is not the greatest loss in life. It is that which dies within us while we live.-Normal Cousins.

-Everyone's life ends the same way. It is how we have lived that distinguishes one person from another.-Ernest Hemingway.

-Death is not the opposite of life. It's actually part of it.-Haruki Murakami

-The life of those who have died lies in the minds of those who still live.-Marcus Tullius Cicero.

-Life is pleasant, death is peaceful. It is in the transition where the problem lies.-Isaac Asimov

-A loss is nothing more than a change, and change is the delight of nature.-Marco Aurelio.

-Don't send me flowers when I'm dead. If you want me, give them to me while I live.-Brian Clough.

-Death can be one of the greatest blessings of the human being.-Socrates.

-When a man dies, a page is torn from his book, but it is translated into a better language.-John Donne.

-The fear of death is the most unjustified of all, since there is no danger or accident that can happen to someone who has died.-Albert Einstein.

-Death never takes a wise man by surprise, he is always ready to go.-Jean de La Fontaine.

-The call of death is the call of love. Death can be sweet if we answer in the affirmative, if we accept it as one of the greatest forms of life and transformation.-Hermann Hesse.

-To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe nothing but the truth.-Voltaire.

-Someone has learned a lot when he has learned to die.-German proverb.

-Death can be very isolating and if you stay away, you will exacerbate the consequences of pain.-Robbie Miller Kaplan.

-The call to death becomes a call to love. Death can be pleasant if we consider it positively, if we accept it as one of the great eternal forms of life and transformation.-Herman Hesse.

-In such a challenging time, we must be patient with both the chaos we endure within ourselves and that around us.-Carol Staudacher.

-Any man should do only two things: build his own belief and condemn his own death.-Martin Luther King.

-Life is eternal and love is immortal, on the contrary death only means a horizon, which is nothing more than the limit of our sight.-Rossiter Worthington Raymond.

-Our dead relatives are never found dead to us until the moment we have forgotten them.-George Eliot.

-The first breath, the first breath becomes the beginning of death.-Thomas Fuller.

-I'm not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens.- Woody Allen.

-An inevitable event in life is that we will all die. However, the most positive impact we will have will be the memories we leave on other people.-Catherine Pulsifer.

-Our surroundings change when a loved one dies because each person we love constitutes a beautiful and vital piece of our world.-Carol Staudacher.

-Never stop believing, don't be afraid to die. God will always be there with you, no matter what you care.-Catherine Pulsifer.

-Love never dies naturally. It dies because we do not know how to recover its origin. He dies of great blindness, faults and betrayals. He dies of illness and injury; dies of exhaustion and stains.-Anaïs Nin.

-The greatest loss in life is not death. The greatest loss is what dies within us while we live. Norman cousins.

-It is I who must die when the time comes, so let me live my life as I prefer! -Jimi Hendrix.

-Death is incapable of accepting bribes.-Ben Franklin.

-To make the suffering of grandparents even more difficult is the horrible reality that some young person passed away before them. Children are not supposed to die before their parents.-Alan D. Wolfelt.

-The fear of death is due to the constant fear of life. A man who lives entirely is completely ready to die at any moment.-Mark Twain.

-Death is hazardous, it can appear at any time and age, but the pride that occurs in life deceives people into believing that that day is far away.-John Buttrick.

-I do not intend to die without scars.-Chuck Palahniuk.

-Life is for the living. Death is for the dead. Therefore, let life be like music. And death, like a note with nothing to say.-Langston Hughes.

-When people are unable to express themselves, they slowly die.-Laurie Halse Anderson.

-A single death becomes a tragedy, however, a million deaths are a statistic.-Joseph Stalin.

-Life after death is an elephant in a living room that we are not supposed to notice. Our culture and beliefs that take so much pride in their freedom of thought, shows an intense antipathy for facing the greatest of human issues: death.-Dinesh D'Souza.

-Death to younger people sounds like a distant rumor.-Andrew A. Rooney.

-The bitterest tears that are shed on the graves are for all those words that were not said and for deeds that were left to do.-Harriet Beecher Stowe.

-The boundaries between life and death are, at best, limited, few, or vague. Who is in charge of saying where one ends and the other begins subtly? -Edgar Allen Poe.

-Has anyone not questioned what happens after death? It would be foolish and absurd to live your whole life without thinking and not be prepared for an event that we all know is inevitable. Ultimately, the death rate on earth is 100 percent.-Rick Warren.

-Dying is similar to reaching the end of a long novel: you only regret if the trip left you wanting more.-Jerome P. Crabb.

-Death is a new office building full of modern furniture, but for some reason it has no purpose for us.-John Ashbery.

-Love is stronger than death. Robert Fulghum.

-Older men are the ones who announce war, but it is the younger men who must fight and die.- Herbert Hoover.

-The last enemy that should be devastated in life, is death.-J.K. Rowling.

-Death should never be feared even for the one who lived wisely.-Buddha.

-Given that we are all going to die, the when and where should not matter.-Albert Camus.

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