Sulfur oxide formula, properties, risks and uses

Abraham McLaughlin
Sulfur oxide formula, properties, risks and uses

The sulfur oxide (VI), also known as sulfur trioxide or sulfuric anhydride, is a chemical compound of formula SO3. Its structure is presented in figure 1 (EMBL-EBI, 2016).

Sulfur trioxide is produced in a dilute gaseous form in a contact process sulfuric acid plant through the oxidation of gases containing sulfur dioxide..

Figure 1: structure of sulfur trioxide.

Until now, however, the only preparation of pure sulfur trioxide from gases containing SO3 diluted, has been a pilot plant scale process involving cryoscopic condensation.

The usual procedure instead involves the distillation of oleum. The heat required for oleum distillation is most conveniently supplied by hot contact gas from the associated sulfuric acid plant..

It can be prepared in the laboratory by heating fuming sulfuric acid and collecting the sublimate in a cooled receiver. If the vapor condenses above 27 ° C, the gamma form is obtained as a liquid.

If the steam condenses below 27 ° C and in the presence of a trace of humidity, a mixture of the three forms is obtained. The 3 forms can be separated by fractional distillation.

Physical and chemical properties of sulfur oxide

Sulfur trioxide is shaped like white needles that turn to smoke in the air. Often encountered with inhibitors to prevent polymerization (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2017).

Its molecular weight is 80.066 g / mol, its density is 1.92 g / cm³ g / mL, and its melting and boiling points are 16.8 ºC and 44.7 ºC respectively. (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015).

The compound is combined with water with explosive force, forming sulfuric acid due to its acidity. Sulfur trioxide carbonizes organic substances.

Sulfur trioxide absorbs moisture quickly, emitting dense white fumes. Solutions of the trioxide in sulfuric acid are called fuming sulfuric acid or oleum. (Sulfur trioxide, 2016).

The reaction of sulfur trioxide and oxygen difluoride is very vigorous and explosions occur if the reaction is carried out in the absence of a solvent. Reaction of excess sulfur trioxide with tetrafluoroethylene causes the explosive decomposition of carbonyl fluoride and sulfur dioxide..

The reaction of anhydrous perchloric acid with sulfur trioxide is violent and is accompanied by the evolution of considerable heat. Liquid sulfur trioxide reacts violently with nitrile chloride, even at 75 ° C.

The reaction of sulfur trioxide and lead oxide causes white luminescence. The combination of iodine, pyridine, sulfur trioxide and formamide developed a gas over pressurization after several months.

This is due to the slow formation of sulfuric acid, external water or dehydration of formamide to hydrogen cyanide (SULFUR TRIOXIDE, S.F.).

Reactivity and hazards

Sulfur trioxide is a stable compound, incompatible with organic materials, finely powdered metals, bases, water, cyanides, and a wide variety of other chemicals..

The substance is a strong oxidant and reacts violently with combustible and reducing materials and organic compounds causing fire and explosion hazard.

Reacts violently with water and humid air to produce sulfuric acid. The solution in water is a strong acid, it reacts violently with bases and they are corrosive metals forming flammable / explosive gas.

 The compound is corrosive to metals and fabrics. Causes eye and skin burns. Ingestion causes severe burns to the mouth, esophagus, and stomach. Vapor is very toxic by inhalation. (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2015)

In case of contact with the eyes, check if you are wearing contact lenses and remove them immediately. Eyes should be flushed with running water for at least 15 minutes, keeping the eyelids open. Cold water can be used. Eye ointment should not be used.

If the chemical comes into contact with clothing, remove it as quickly as possible, protecting your own hands and body. Place the victim under a safety shower.

If the chemical accumulates on the exposed skin of the victim, such as hands, the contaminated skin is gently and carefully washed with running water and non-abrasive soap. Cold water can be used. If irritation persists, seek medical attention. Wash the contaminated clothing before using it again.

In case of inhalation, the victim should be allowed to rest in a well-ventilated area. If inhalation is severe, the victim should be evacuated to a safe area as soon as possible. Loosen tight clothing such as a shirt collar, belt, or tie.

If the victim finds it difficult to breathe, oxygen should be administered. If the victim is not breathing, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is performed. Always keeping in mind that it may be dangerous for the person providing aid to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation when the inhaled material is toxic, infectious, or corrosive..

In all cases, seek immediate medical attention (Material Safety Data Sheet Sulfur trioxide, 2013).


Sulfur trioxide is an essential reagent in sulfonation reactions. These processes provide detergents, colorants, and pharmaceuticals. Generated in situ from sulfuric acid or used as a fuming sulfuric acid solution.

Air pollution from sulfur oxides is a major environmental problem, with millions of tons of sulfur dioxide and trioxide emitted into the atmosphere each year. These compounds are harmful to plant and animal life, as well as to many building materials.

Another big problem to consider is acid rain. Both sulfur oxides dissolve in atmospheric water droplets to form acid solutions that can be very harmful when distributed in the form of rain..

Sulfuric acid is believed to be the main cause of acidity from acid rain, which can damage forests and cause fish to die in many lakes.

Acid rain is also corrosive to metals, limestone, and other materials. Possible solutions to this problem are expensive due to the difficulty of removing sulfur from coal and oil before they burn (Zumdahl, 2014).


  1. EMBL-EBI. (2016, December 2). sulfur trioxide. Retrieved from ChEBI:
  2. Material Safety Data Sheet Sulfur trioxide. (2013, May 21). Retrieved from sciencelab:
  3. National Center for Biotechnology Information. (2017, June 24). PubChem Compound Database; CID = 24682 . Retrieved from PubChem:
  4. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. (2015, July 22). SULFUR TRIOXIDE. Retrieved from
  5. Royal Society of Chemistry. (2015). Sulfur trioxide. Retrieved from chemspider:
  6. Sulfur trioxide. (2016). Retrieved from chemicalbook:
  7. SULFUR TRIOXIDE. (S.F.). Retrieved from CAMEO:
  8. Zumdahl, S. S. (2014, February 13). Retrieved from britannica:

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