67 General Culture Questions to Play with Friends

Anthony Golden
67 General Culture Questions to Play with Friends

The general culture questions Not only do they help you to know at what level your knowledge is, but they can also save your life in the middle of a class, an exam or a conversation.

Having knowledge in different areas helps you better understand the world in which you live and also helps you expand your intellect. Thinking about this, today we want to share with you these general culture questions that will help you cultivate your intelligence and knowledge.

General culture questions that will make you look like a smart person

In this compilation of questions of general culture we are going to include different areas of knowledge so that you can have multidisciplinary knowledge.

In addition, in each question we give you 3 options so that you can read them to someone as a game and have a great time. You can give 1 point to each correct answer and add all the points at the end.

So let's get started!

General Culture Questions: Geography

1.What is the name of the longest river in the world?

A: Nile River

B: Amazon River

C: Danube River

Answer: The amazon river.

two. What is the largest ocean in the world?

A: Pacific Ocean

B: Indian Ocean

C: Atlantic Ocean

Answer: The Pacific Ocean.

3. What is the world's largest country?

To China

B: Russia

C: India

Answer: Russia

4. What is the country that is shaped like a boot?

To Spain

B: Honduras

C: Italy

Answer: Italy

5. What is the most populous country on earth?

To united states

B: China

C: Russia

Answer: China

6. What is the city of skyscrapers?

To: Tokyo

B: New York

C: Hong Kong

Answer: New York

7. In which country is the Casa Rosada located??

To Argentina

B: Chile

C: Mexico

Answer: In Argentina.

8. What is the capital of Nicaragua?

To Santiago

B: Brasilia

C: Managua

Answer: Managua.

9. In which country is the city of Medellín located?

To Colombia

B: Venezuela

C: Peru

Answer: Colombia.

10. What continent is Suriname on?

To Africa

B: South America

C: Oceania

Answer: South America.

eleven. What is the smallest nation in the world?

To: Andorra

B: Monaco

C: The Vatican

Answer: The Vatican

12. What is the only city that is on two different continents?

To: Moscow

B: Istanbul

C: Berlin

Answer: Istanbul

13. What is the Italian city known as "the bride of the sea"?


B: Florence

C: Venice

Answer: Venice.

14. What is the tallest waterfall in the world?

A: The Angel Falls

B: Iguazu Falls

C: Niaraga Falls

Answer: The angel's Jump.

fifteen. What is the capital of Pakistan?

A: Bagdag

B: Islamabad

C: Marrakech

Answer: Islamabad.

16. What is the second highest mountain in the world?

A: K2

B: K1

C: K3

Answer: K2.

General Culture Questions: History

17. When did World War II end?

A: 1945

B: 1947

C: 1943

Answer: World War II ended in 1945.

18. In what year did Christopher Columbus arrive in America?

A: 1429

B: 1492

C: 1592

Answer: In 1492.

19. Who is the father of psychoanalysis?

To: Sigmund Freud

B: Carl Gustav Jung

C: Skinner

Answer: Sigmund Freud

twenty. Who was the general of the Nazis in WWII?

A: Benito Mussolini

B: Adolf Hitler

C: Heinrich Himmler

Answer: Adolf hitler.

twenty-one. What is the holy book of Muslims?

A: The Bible

B: The Talmud

C: The Quran

Answer: The quran.

22. In which country was the first atomic bomb used?

A: Russia

B: United States

C: Japan

Answer: In Japan

2. 3. What is the oldest surviving language in Europe?

A: Basque

B: English

C: French

Answer: The Basque

24. Who was the first man to go to the moon?

A: Louis Armstrong

B: Neil Armstrong

C: Michael Armstrong

Answer: Neil Armstrong

25. What is the name of the first woman who traveled to space?

To: Valentina Tereshkova

B: Alexandra Tereshkova

C: Amanda Tereshkova

Answer: Valentina tereshkova

26. In what war did Joan of Arc participate?

A: French War of Independence

B: 100 Years War

C: Spanish Civil War

Answer: In the 100 Years War.

27. What year is the first Spanish constitution known as "La Pepa"?

A: 1812

B: 1835

C: 1978

Answer: 1812.

28. Who was the first roman emperor?

To: César Augusto

B: Julius Caesar

C: Marco Aurelia

Answer: Caesar Augustus.

29. On which island did Napoleon die?

To: Sicily

B: Santa Elena

C: Crete

Answer: st. Helen.

30. Which year only had 355 days?

A: 1582

B: 1615

C: 1823

Answer: 1582.

General Culture: Art

31. Who wrote The Odyssey?

A: Homer

B: Virgil

C: Cervantes

Answer: Homer

32. What is the most important work of literature in Spanish??

A: The Little Prince

B: Don Quixote de la Mancha

C: One Hundred Years of Solitude

Answer: Don Quijote of La Mancha.

33. Who painted the famous painting The Last Supper?

A: Rembrandt

B: Velazquez

C: Leonardo da Vinci

Answer: Leonardo da Vinci.

3. 4. What is the name of the National Anthem of France?

A: The International

B: The Marseillaise

C: The lonely

Answer: The marsellesa

35. What is called the seventh art?

A: Painting

B: Sculpture

C: Cinema

Answer: Cinema.

36. What is a music lover?

A: A music lover

B: A movie lover

C: A fan of the comics

Answer: A music lover.

37. What is the name of the poetic stanza that is made up of 10 verses of 8 syllables each?

A: Tenth spinel

B: Decasyllable

C: Decasyllable octagonal

Answer: 10th spinel.

38. What are the musical notes?

A: Do, Re, Mi

B: Do, Re, Mi, Sol, La, Si, Do

C: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si

Answer: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si

39. Who wrote One hundred years of loneliness?

To: Gabriel García Márquez

B: Mario Vargas Llosa

C: Camilo José Cela

Answer: Gabriel Garcia Marquez

40. Who painted The starry Night?

A: Vincent van Gogh

B: Rembrandt

C: Velazquez

Answer: Vincent van Gogh

41. Who is called the King of Rock and Roll in America?

A: Bruce Springsteen

B: Michael Jackson

C: Elvis Presley

Answer: Elvis presley

42. What is the name of the Mexican artist known as "la Doña"?

A: María Félix

B: Paulina Rubio

C: Frida Kahlo

Answer: Maria Felix

43. In what year did Kurt Cobain die?

A: 1996

B: 1994

C: 1998

Answer: 1994

44. Who composed the Brandenburg Concertos?

A: Mozart

B: Beethoven

C: Bach

Answer: Bach.

General Culture Questions: Exact Sciences

Four. Five. What is the most abundant chemical element in the earth's crust?

A: Oxygen

B: Nitrogen

C: Carbon

Answer: Oxygen

46. What is the result of a multiplication called?

A: Multiple

B: Result

C: Product

Answer: Product.

47. What is the number Pi equal to?

A: 3.1614

B: 3.1416

C: 3,416

Answer: 3.1416

48. What was the first metal that humans used?

A: Bronze

B: Steel

C: Copper

Answer: The first metal men used was copper.

49. What is the first of the prime numbers?

A: 0

B: 1

C: 2

Answer: The first of the prime numbers in the list is 2.

fifty. What is the type of triangle that has three equal sides called?

A: Isosceles

B: Equilateral

C: Straight

Answer: Equilateral triangle

51. What is the first element of the periodic table?

A: Helium

B: Argon

C: Hydrogen

Answer: Hydrogen

52. What is the center of an atom called?

A: Electron

B: Core

C: Proton

Answer: Core

53. What is the gas that is in greater quantity in the air that we breathe??

A: Nitrogen

B: Oxygen

C: Carbon

Answer: Nitrogen.

54. What is the chemical symbol for gold?

A: Or

B: Au

C: Ao

Answer: Au.

55. What is cobalt?

A: A mineral

B: A vegetable

C: An animal

Answer: It is a mineral.

56. What is added to iron to make steel?

A: Oxygen

B: Carbon

C: Nitrogen

Answer: Carbon

General Culture Questions: Natural Sciences

57. Where in the body is insulin produced?

A: Liver

B: Lungs

C: Pancreas

Answer: Pancreas

58. What branch of biology studies animals?

A: Zoology

B: Fauna

C: Medicine

Answer: Zoology

59. How many legs does a spider have?

A: 6

B: 10

C: 8

Answer: A spider has 8 legs.

60. What is the fastest animal in the world?

A: Condor

B: Leopard

C: Cheetah

Answer: The fastest animal in the world is the cheetah.

61. What is the only mammal that can fly?

A: Bat

B: Ostrich

C: Eagle

Answer: The bat.

62. What is the process by which plants obtain their food called?

A: Biosynthetic

B: Photosynthesis

C: Luminosynthesis

Answer: Photosynthesis.

63. What are the animals that hatch from an egg called?

A: Eggs

B: Viviparous

C: Oviparous

Answer: Oviparous

64. What is the largest flying bird in the world?

A: Golden Eagle

B: Andean Condor

C: Falcon

Answer: The largest flying bird in the world today is the Andean condor.

65. How many hearts do octopuses have?

A: 1

B: None

C: 3

Answer: Octopuses have 3 hearts.

66. What is the branch of biology that studies plants?

A: Zoology

B: Botany

C: Mineralogy

Answer: Botany

67. How many bones does a human being have in total?

A: 60

B: 206

C: 416

Answer: 206

We hope that you are general culture questions have clarified a little the panorama in different areas of knowledge. And they have also helped you have a fun time with your friends.

Now go and show off with your friends Show that you are a wise man in every sense of the word!

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