The heartbreak It hurts, but we sure don't die from that. I think so! I wish it was easy to go to the pharmacy, buy a magic pill to remove that pain that heartbreak leaves or have a button where those unrequited feelings could go away overnight..
But, in real life this does not happen, you fell in love, you got excited and you wanted someone to continue long term in your life, but that love was so fleeting that you continue hooked to something that will no longer work.
There are no magic tricks to remove that feeling and continue life without that burden that fills us with emotional pain..
What you should be clear about is that love doesn't hurt. And although you now believe that you are not deserving of a beautiful and healthy love, that should not be your concern. Now you only have to heal and that responsibility is yours alone.
Stop looking to blame or play the victim, that already happened.
Accepting is not the same as facing, we can face a situation just because we know that this is sinking us every day in a dead end..
Therefore, rather than accepting the task, the face and manage in the best way that lack of love that leads us to live in constant sadness.
Many times we are left in the struggle to accept something that hurts us and that the only thing that leads us is to live at war with our present feelings.
Do not look for that person, do not write to him, do not see him. It is the most difficult part of the process, but it is the first step you need to recognize that you can and should continue your life without that person..
I will not tell you that it is something easy, but I assure you that, if you really want to recover and heal that wound, stay close to that person who no longer wants to continue in your life as you want, it will hurt you a lot.
Out of respect for what hurts you, it is not convenient to continue in contact with your ex, as long as your feelings and wishes to continue by his side are present in you. It will cost you, it is as if we were in a pure detoxification process. But if you do your part, you will come out unscathed.
It is a loss and no one can tell you otherwise, you lost a project for the future, you lost the company of someone who gave you many beautiful things.
The duels hurt and to drain the soul with something that hurts us, we only have the tears, to vent and take out everything that we carry inside. "
In this process I like to recommend wearing a emotional diary and write everything we feel, both emotions and thoughts.
Being aware of how we feel helps us to seek help if we believe that we cannot handle that pain alone. Give yourself permission to feel that feeling without guilt, anger or rage.
Even if you are going through a painful process, try to get something positive out of this situation. This is not to take weight off your pain, but surely something positive is behind all this that you cannot understand.
To do this, answer with sincerity What did I lose? Why did this stop working? Would you try again with that person? Is that person really the one I want in my life, or was I just in love with a project as a couple? What will I do to continue my life without that person? Was it really love or was it a dependency?
How many outstanding debts do you have with you? Surely many things, projects, some trip something you have pending with you and you know it.
This is the best time to focus on yourself and begin to establish the best relationship of your entire life, the one you have with yourself. What will you do to be good with you? Singleness is a stage to discover ourselves and take more responsibility for our own happiness.
Go to the cinema alone, a concert in your city, start a project or learn something new. Take care of yourself so that the pain doesn't hurt so much.
Heartbreak leads us to distrust everyone or continue to idealize someone who was not as perfect as we thought.
Don't stop believing that love always finds us when we are ready to enjoy it. For this, it is best not obsess or look for another nail to forget who does not love me. You must be clear about what you deserve and want in a relationship.
Heartbreak on many occasions takes us away from our self-love, the fact of feeling rejected and unwanted by someone we love, can lead us to live at war with who we are.
The fact that someone does not want to love you should not be the trigger that you stop doing it too. Remember: you are the only person who will stay when others decide to leave.
That task is yours alone, nobody else's. Find something that fills you with passion and brings you closer to your inner peace once again, you have yourself to give your life another meaning. V
ive your duel, but do not forget about yourself and much less lead you to abandonment. Believe it or not right now, life goes on.
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