7 fun facts about the psychology of tattoos

Abraham McLaughlin
7 fun facts about the psychology of tattoos

According to the latest reports by the Spanish Academy of Dermatology, one in three people between the ages of 18 and 35 has a tattoo on their body. We can clearly indicate that the old stigma that tattoos were part of a rebellious subculture has become a thing of the past. Tattoos appear again and again through different cultures and generations and nowadays the tattoo is a whole fashion and a culture that does not go unnoticed in our society, but ... why are there so many people who want to get their skin tattooed??


  • Ink with centuries of history
  • Improve oneself
  • Risks and emotions
  • Singular and unique
  • Fight addictions
  • Personality disorder
  • Sexually active

Ink with centuries of history

Tattoos are a tradition that dates back thousands of years. The oldest tattoos were discovered in 3250 BC and belonged to a man nicknamed "Otzi", and his body was frozen under a glacier in the Alps where his skin could be kept in good condition for many years. He had a total of at least 61 tattoos all over his body.

Ancient tattoo tools have also been found all over the world so it can be proven that tattoos have been around for thousands of years. This is solid proof that tattoos are part of human history. The age of tattoos only proves that they are not just a modern fad, and that the reasons why people want to ink their skin with custom designs are deeply rooted in human psychology..

Improve oneself

According to various sociological studies, tattoos are a form of enhancement. People who get tattoos see their body as a blank canvas where they can design suggestive pieces of art to look more attractive. Something similar to anyone who goes on a diet to look and feel better about themselves. A tattoo is a work of art that becomes a part of the body for a lifetime.

Risks and emotions

In the early 1900s, one of the main places people got their tattoos was at the circus. Circus workers were known to have many tattoos, and each company used to have an artist who would tattoo members of the public for a fee. People who got a tattoo did it because they thought it was so much more exciting than any other game or side show attractions.

According to various studies, people with tattoos are more likely to take risks in their life. For example, people with tattoos are more likely to smoke cigarettes, putting them at risk of possibly developing lung cancer one day. Anyone who gets a tattoo also knows that sometimes the artist doesn't exactly do a very good job, and by stepping under the needle, you risk the artwork not ending up exactly the way you envisioned. There are some very bad tattoos done by inexperienced people, and they all started with someone who was willing to take a risk..

Singular and unique

People with tattoos have some common similarities. They generally want to feel unique, and they want to explore their life and have experiences that are outside the common norms in some cases. A study showed that people experiencing anxiety and low self-esteem experienced more positive confidence and happiness values ​​after getting the tattoo.

Fight addictions

Contrary to what popular culture may have us believe, people with multiple tattoos are not "addicted" to ink. In fact, the vast majority of people start out with just one tattoo but will wait for a period of several years before getting the next one. So it can be said that tattoos as a general rule are not addictive, but become a social behavior that is considered normal in certain circles..

However, for people who are struggling with an addiction, getting a tattoo can help them avoid giving in to its temptations. In fact, there are professionals from various sectors who recommend to patients who are in the process of recovery that they get a tattoo that represents their change as a sign of commitment to recovery and a permanent reminder to know that they intend to change their life for best. A symbol of your success for years to come.

Personality disorder

Having a tattoo is not an indication that someone has a personality disorder, but there is a greater chance that people who have these disorders will get a tattoo. Obviously, there is a big difference between someone who has a teardrop tattoo on their face and someone who has a dolphin on their ankle. Some of the most common tattoos that indicate a criminal record are a spider web on the elbow, three or five dots on the hand, and a watch without hands..

Sexually active

There is a stereotype that people with tattoos are more active in the lovemaking arts when it comes to sex. According to a study conducted by the Silesian Medical University in Poland, people with tattoos are more sexually active than people without tattoos. For the study, they brought together a large group of people between the ages of 20 and 35 and gave them various questionnaires based on the number of partners they had had, their sexual behavior, and their own assessment of how sexually active they were..

The results found that people with piercings and tattoos had their first sexual experience at a younger age than people without tattoos. They are also the people who have sex most often with their partners. However, no differences were found in sexual orientation or activity that is considered perverted or dangerous behavior. Basically, having tattoos doesn't make someone more promiscuous, it just means that they feel attractive and confident in their body, and that they probably enjoy having sex more often than someone without tattoos..


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