7 thoughts to overcome the bad times

Robert Johnston
7 thoughts to overcome the bad times

With these 7 thoughts you will learn to quickly overcome the bad moments that come your way.

1. Happiness is not a constant and it is not supposed to be..

If happiness were something constant, we would not know how to enjoy or appreciate it anymore that we would be used to it. To live happy days and times it is necessary to go through difficult moments in our lives. Only in this way will we be able to appreciate and value those moments of happiness that will constantly disappear from our lives and later reappear..

2. Failures and errors are transitory situations that teach us necessary and permanent lessons.

Often the greatest lessons we have learned in our lives have emerged as a consequence of having made a big mistake. We all make mistakes and the sooner we accept this fact, the sooner we can use our full potential to achieve what we want. Doing something and making a mistake is always 10 times more productive than doing nothing.

3. You are always progressing even though you cannot perceive it here and now.

Perfectionist people, including myself, face a problem when we are in a learning process, be it a career, a sport or a job.

We are so perfectionists that until we consider that we have learned a lesson (or whatever) 100%, we will think that we are not making any progress and therefore we are not learning anything.

It does not matter if we start with 0% knowledge and today we already have 70%. That 30% that we separates from perfection leads us to visualize our progress as something stagnant and therefore insufficient. This thought can lead us to abandon what we have started.

One technique I often use to counter this problem is try to compare myself to the "me" of the past. I'll give an example: I've been studying Psychology for over 2 years and sometimes I feel like I'm not learning anything. Today, without going any further, I have started reading topic 1 of Thought Psychology.

Although reading has been quite boring and complicated for me, I have been able to verify that there were a multitude of concepts and authors treated in previous courses that were strongly anchored in my memory and I have not had to make an effort to understand who they were or what they said.

All that knowledge was already inside me. Now, if I had read this topic 2 years ago when I was just starting my degree, I would have had to make a huge effort to understand basic terms like "classical conditioning" or "operant conditioning". If I compare all the ignorance of my "I" in the past with my current "I" I can access a mental level that allows me to be aware of what my progress has really been.

4. What you feel when you are stressed is not an exact measure of reality..

Just because you are afraid does not mean that you are in danger. Just because you feel alone doesn't mean that no one cares about you. Even if you think that you are going to make a mistake, it does not mean that you will end up doing it. As much as we try to self-fulfilling prophecy it is not always fulfilled.

You must look beyond your fears and doubts to try to find the truth. You have to be aware of that inner voice that keeps telling you what you can and cannot do and shut it up when necessary. We all talk to ourselves and send each other many messages. If we also face an obstacle, most of those messages will be negative.

We are not aware of how much these words can affect us. We must learn to ignore them and unlink them of the authentic reality that surrounds us.

5. You cannot change what you avoid facing.

You can learn great lessons from your failures and mistakes as long as you don't waste time trying to deny them or justify them. It takes a lot of courage to admit that you have to change something. And it takes even more courage to assume that you have the responsibility to change it.

The most important step that leads us to achieve something is not the last step but the first. The simple act of taking action and starting something will put you in a positive state of mind that will give you the strength to continue to the end..

6. Your past does not define your future.

It doesn't matter how chaotic your past has been or how many times you were wrong. The future is presented to you clean, fresh and loaded with new possibilities. Your bad habits and mistakes from the past do not define who you are now. You are not what other people expected (or did not expect) of you in the past.

It is true that we have lived a series of years and we have learned a series of conditions that separate us from that clean sheet that we were when we were born. But it is so true that there will always be free space in that tabula to write new conditionings or even rewrite old ones. You are only what you think you are at this moment. You are only what you are doing right now.

7. Not getting what you want can be the best of gifts.

Sometimes not getting what we want can be a stroke of good luck as it forces us to reassess our situation and open new doors in search of new opportunities. Personally, I actively contribute to the search for new opportunities every time something negative happens to me..

When something unwanted happens to me or I fail in my attempt to achieve something that I have been fighting for, I say to myself: "ok, now I'm going to do something positive that I never would have thought to do if I had achieved what I was fighting for".

Thanks to this technique I get 2 things: On the one hand, I learn to quickly get out of negative results or situations by focus my energies on a new project.

On the other hand, if the new project comes to fruition, I will be able to remember my previous failure as something really positive that has allowed me to get to my current situation. This is best explained with an example: a little over 2 years ago I suffered a cut in my hours and salary at the company I work for. I immediately decided that I had to get something out of that bad situation and use those new free hours in something productive.. I decided to enroll in Psychology and simultaneously create this blog that you are reading.

Today, two years later, I have more or less half of my degree completed and this blog has achieved some relevance in the student world. I also have a Facebook page with almost 2000 followers 160,000 followers 200,000 followers and thanks to the advertising income I can recover part of the lost salary every month. During all this time I have met great colleagues and better people with whom I have been able to grow and learn.

With all this self-aggrandizement, I simply intend to explain that if now I look back and think about that great obstacle that was the reduction of my salary, I realize which was actually the best of gifts.

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