7 Questions about bullying or bullying you should know

Egbert Haynes
7 Questions about bullying or bullying you should know

These questions about bullying or bullying will help you take a deeper look at this problem from different perspectives.

Bullying or bullying is a practice that could be said to have existed forever. However, with the passage of time, the impact it has on people's lives has been identified, and that is why it is necessary to delve into an issue that concerns us all.

Thinking about this, today we want to share some questions about bullying that will help you better understand its causes, its effects, its implications and other important data around a topic that is a global trend.. 

We hope this article is helpful for you and your loved ones..

Questions about bullying or bullying

These questions about bullying work as a practical guide that answers the most common questions about bullying or harassment. Knowing this information can be of great help in the event that at some point in your life you have to face this problem directly or indirectly. 

1.What is bullying?

Bullying is called all types of physical or psychological harassment inflicted against a person in person or by electronic means.

It should be noted that bullying is also known as school harassment, since the term has been coined mainly to cases of harassment within the educational field, in schools, colleges and other educational institutions. 

However, harassment situations also occur in other contexts such as in work groups, community groups and even among friends, partner or family.

Bullying or harassment can be manifested through hitting, invasion of personal space, insults, teasing, defamation, discrimination, psychological manipulation and all kinds of practices that affect physically, mentally and emotionally a person and their close circle.

2. How can we avoid bullying?

One of the most recurrent questions about bullying is how to avoid it? The first thing to say about it is that stopping this problem is a matter that concerns us all.

Education and love play a vital role when it comes to forming people who respect themselves and other people, with the ability to put themselves in the shoes of the other. 

That is why the first step to combat bullying is to train sensitive human beings who know how to respect limits and understand the pain of others..

This is achieved through an education in values, and coexistence within harmonious environments where respect prevails and all kinds of violent behaviors that can alter the integrity of people from any level are avoided.. 

3. What is cyberbullying?

It is known as cyberbullying or cyberbullying to any situation of harassment that takes place on the internet, whether through social networks, email, text messages, offensive comments, defamations and even phone calls in which dignity is violated or integrity is jeopardized of a person. 

4. What are the effects of bullying or harassment?

Bullying has multiple effects on a person's life, among them we find low self-esteem, loss of confidence, impotence, psychosomatic problems, depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, the appearance of phobias and emotional disorders that can radically affect a person's life. 

Bullying is a problem whose effects do not stop with the victims, because according to multiple studies, not only the directly affected person suffers, their family, friends and other people in their close circle also suffer the effects of seeing their loved ones diminish, waves worries, anxiety, panic, and emotional disturbances product of threats or other behaviors that disrupt their normality. 

5. What to do if you are a victim of bullying or harassment?

If you or someone you know is being bullied or harassed, whether it is bullying in the classroom or in another type of group, a comprehensive care route must be followed, it is necessary to report the situation to the group director and request psychological support.

In the event that harassment occurs in other types of scenarios, it is recommended to report to the competent authorities. 

By following these guidelines, you will not only be presenting a precedent, but you will also take the necessary actions to stop the harassment. In the same way, psychological support is essential, since this type of experience can leave psychic traces in the victims..

6. What goes through the head of a stalker?

This is one of the questions about bullying that can most upset the victims. It must be said that the answer to this question has multiple answers and depends mainly on the particular condition of the bully.

In the case of bullying or bullying, it has been detected that bullies are generally children who have been victims or witnesses of some type of abuse at home or in other of their usual environments. That is why bullying can be considered as a chain that continuously expands until someone decides to stop the situation.

The stalker may also have some personality disorder that prevents him from adapting effectively to life in society, and encourages him to obtain satisfaction through harming others. 

7. How to transform the behaviors of a bully?

Bullying not only has disastrous consequences for victims, bullies can also be affected from different levels by their condition.

This is why a stalker needs to receive psychological attention that allows him to become aware of his condition and be able to transform it for the benefit of himself and society. 

These are roughly the Most popular bullying questions, that can serve as a basis to know how to face this type of situation that affects people of all ages and from all social circles.

Remember that eradicating this practice is everyone's commitment and we must be united for a world free of bullying. 

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