800 Examples of Diphthong (Increasing and Decreasing)

Robert Johnston
800 Examples of Diphthong (Increasing and Decreasing)

The diphthongs They occur when two vowels are combined and pronounced within the same phonetic group, that is, a syllable. It may be the case that two vowels are together when written but do not belong to the same syllable. In this case, it would be a hiatus.

Diphthongs can be of two types: increasing and decreasing. This classification depends on the vowels that make up the diphthong.

Examples of increasing and decreasing diphthongs on white

The increasing diphthong is formed when the first vowel is weak ("i" or "u") and the second is strong ("a", "e" or "o"). As an example: amnesia, addression, murcgolake, agua, hEUrfano, olduo.

For its part, the decreasing diphthong is created when the first vowel is strong and the second weak. For example: Euclothes, reino crear, nuTico, traition, rhombI heardfrom.

It should be noted that the diphthong is a phonetic and not a graphic phenomenon. In this sense, words that are written with two vowels but are pronounced as one do not constitute diphthongs. For example: "que" and "aguinaldo" are not diphthongs.

Article index

  • 1 Examples of increasing diphthongs
  • 2 Examples of decreasing diphthongs
  • 3 References

Examples of increasing diphthongs

  1. Parliamentary
  2. Response
  3. Transmission
  4. Millennium
  5. Segregation
  6. Salvation
  7. Mission
  8. Sarcoidosis
  9. Rhomboid
  10. Wake
  11. Wedding
  12. Matricide
  13. Parricide
  14. Genocide
  15. Femicide
  16. Assassination
  17. Infanticide
  18. Previous
  19. Dromedary
  20. He saw
  21. Repeated
  22. Witnessed
  23. Shook
  24. Roared
  25. Ran
  26. ate
  27. Toured
  28. Occurred
  29. Stood up
  30. Broke in
  31. Warned
  32. Turned
  33. Shared
  34. Fought
  35. River
  36. Acquired
  37. Did it hurt
  38. Served
  39. Added
  40. Held out
  41. Promised
  42. Went up
  43. He left
  44. Turn on
  45. Moved
  46. He felt
  47. Auspice
  48. Chilled
  49. Waste
  50. Arrió
  51. Be quiet
  52. Exchange
  53. Smiled
  54. Went back
  55. Pondered
  56. Answered
  57. Spied
  58. Expired
  59. Confused
  60. He felt
  61. Ran
  62. Showed up
  63. Went back
  64. Existed
  65. Lived
  66. Joined
  67. Chased
  68. It seemed
  69. Was born
  70. Perished
  71. He died
  72. Continued
  73. Got
  74. Sank
  75. Learned
  76. Caught
  77. Wrote
  78. Understood
  79. Opened
  80. Measured
  81. Discovered
  82. Nightfall
  83. Dawned
  84. Cleft
  85. Brandished
  86. Ad
  87. Warned
  88. Disappearance
  89. Routine
  90. Roration
  91. Smelled
  92. Attended
  93. Half
  94. Bastion
  95. Fascination
  96. Ad
  97. Yard
  98. Congested
  99. Pressure
  100. Fire
  101. Satisfactory
  102. Beginning
  103. Guild
  104. Geezer
  105. Change
  106. Ape
  107. Various
  108. Large
  109. Option
  110. Ambitious
  111. Contempt
  112. Contrary
  113. Precious
  114. Waste
  115. Mercenary
  116. Wise
  117. Dirty
  118. Gods
  119. Moron
  120. Highly strung
  121. Be quiet
  122. Inside
  123. Rancid
  124. Reflect
  125. Magnificent
  126. Amateur
  127. Siege
  128. Necessary
  129. Service
  130. Condition
  131. TV
  132. Lips
  133. Shipwrecks
  134. Broken
  135. Higher
  136. Frowned
  137. Bedroom
  138. Exterior
  139. Commentary
  140. Curses
  141. Tough
  142. Price
  143. Third
  144. Bloodthirsty
  145. Remedy
  146. Obvious
  147. Measurement
  148. Space
  149. Interrogation
  150. Noon
  151. Bedroom
  152. Cleansed
  153. Smelly
  154. Omen
  155. Glass
  156. Velvet
  157. Marriage
  158. Potions
  159. Segovia
  160. Lust
  161. Reference
  162. Industry
  163. Frequency
  164. Sour
  165. Skier
  166. Artificial
  167. William
  168. Complaint
  169. Tragedy
  170. Primary
  171. High school
  172. Commercial
  173. Devil
  174. Virginia
  175. High school
  176. Peculiar
  177. Intelligence
  178. Caress
  179. Righ now
  180. Trusted
  181. Story
  182. guard
  183. Magic
  184. Cyanide
  185. Challenged
  186. Too
  187. Synesthesia
  188. Cenesthesia
  189. Anesthesia
  190. Back pain
  191. Spinal anesthesia
  192. Comedian
  193. Changing
  194. Contrary
  195. Custody
  196. Cunning
  197. News
  198. Hates
  199. Manorial
  200. Old man
  201. Venetian
  202. Therapy
  203. Psychotherapy
  204. Psychotechnics
  205. Marketing
  206. Sicilian
  207. Provincial
  208. Thanks
  209. Prayer
  210. Victory
  211. Ceremony
  212. Rage
  213. Power
  214. Toward
  215. Dirty
  216. Asia
  217. Coincidence
  218. Stay
  219. Sweden
  220. Wide
  221. Confidence
  222. Distance
  223. Conference
  224. Misfortune
  225. Maid
  226. Creature
  227. Adrian
  228. California
  229. Ally
  230. Rain
  231. Pity
  232. Insistence
  233. Special
  234. Envy
  235. Travel
  236. Crippled
  237. Memory
  238. Study
  239. They studied
  240. Sponsored
  241. They spied
  242. Atoned
  243. Chilled
  244. They lowered
  245. They sent
  246. Wasted
  247. Started
  248. Silenced
  249. They guided
  250. Witnessed
  251. Caressed
  252. They allied
  253. They exchanged
  254. They negotiated
  255. They pronounced
  256. They cleaned
  257. Student
  258. Daily
  259. Refugee
  260. Sap
  261. Fury
  262. Half
  263. Beast
  264. Dressed up
  265. Clean up
  266. Vanguards
  267. Own
  268. Importance
  269. Pointed
  270. Peripeteia
  271. Reverence
  272. To exchange
  273. To pronounce
  274. Silence
  275. Lacia
  276. Gaping
  277. Rancidity
  278. They left
  279. They foresaw
  280. Shook
  281. They felt
  282. Nightfall
  283. They woke up
  284. They wrapped
  285. They turned on
  286. Fell back
  287. Yielded
  288. Erected
  289. Beat
  290. They belonged
  291. Led
  292. They died
  293. Ascended
  294. Gathered
  295. Invaded
  296. They spread
  297. Perished
  298. They chose
  299. They stirred
  300. They reddened
  301. Descended
  302. Departed
  303. They lost
  304. Teeth
  305. Repeater
  306. Have
  307. Had
  308. Weather
  309. Well
  310. While
  311. Adding
  312. Sensing
  313. Feeling
  314. Repeating
  315. Shaking
  316. Roaring
  317. In a hurry
  318. Smiling
  319. Sun rising
  320. Appearing
  321. Watching
  322. Dressing
  323. Wearing
  324. Sharing
  325. Keeping
  326. Granting
  327. Giving
  328. Thirsty
  329. Deciding
  330. Acquiring
  331. Aching
  332. putting up
  333. Tending
  334. Serving
  335. Promising
  336. Happening
  337. Straightening
  338. Splitting
  339. Opening
  340. Warning
  341. Understanding
  342. Uniting
  343. Offering
  344. Perishing
  345. Sinking
  346. Writing
  347. Wanting
  348. Discovering
  349. Covering
  350. Understanding
  351. Giving back
  352. Learning
  353. Getting back
  354. Existing
  355. Living
  356. Looking like
  357. Following
  358. Getting
  359. Appeared
  360. They repeated
  361. They roared
  362. They added
  363. They came back
  364. Existed
  365. They lived
  366. Joined
  367. Offered
  368. They chased
  369. They came
  370. Were born
  371. They seemed
  372. They followed
  373. Got
  374. Returned
  375. They learned
  376. They sank
  377. They took
  378. They covered
  379. They wrote
  380. Gave
  381. Understands
  382. Wants
  383. Certain
  384. Open
  385. Even
  386. Afraid
  387. Who
  388. Discovered
  389. Iron
  390. Any
  391. Wind
  392. Desert
  393. Someone
  394. Old
  395. Bloody
  396. Skin
  397. Stone
  398. Doing
  399. No one
  400. Dusk
  401. Ice
  402. Darling
  403. Skyscraper
  404. Icebreaker
  405. Ten
  406. Enough
  407. Smiling
  408. Member
  409. They came
  410. They smiled
  411. Legs
  412. They made
  413. Ate
  414. They ran
  415. They toured
  416. They saw
  417. They dressed
  418. They wore
  419. Happened
  420. They stood
  421. Split
  422. Were
  423. They broke in
  424. They interrupted
  425. They opened
  426. They warned
  427. There were
  428. They converted
  429. They understood
  430. They shared
  431. They fought
  432. They kept
  433. They understood
  434. Granted
  435. They laughed
  436. They decided
  437. They wanted
  438. They acquired
  439. They hurt
  440. They put
  441. They served
  442. Could
  443. They tended
  444. Snake
  445. They promised
  446. They discovered
  447. Servant
  448. Restless
  449. I lie
  450. Sarmiento
  451. Knowledge
  452. Forever
  453. Existed
  454. Audience
  455. Patience
  456. Honey
  457. Hot
  458. Left
  459. Fierceness
  460. See
  461. Seat
  462. Choose
  463. Breath
  464. Herb
  465. Asking
  466. Lying
  467. Stained glass windows
  468. Welcome
  469. Would issue
  470. Fog
  471. Seven
  472. Serie
  473. Think
  474. Disappeared
  475. They lied
  476. West
  477. Darkness
  478. Store
  479. Foot
  480. How much
  481. Which
  482. When
  483. Picture
  484. Any
  485. Language
  486. Water
  487. Guardian
  488. Quarter
  489. Quartz
  490. Four
  491. Wait
  492. Located
  493. Leagues
  494. Gentle
  495. Same
  496. Quarantine
  497. Fourty
  498. Find out
  499. Put up with
  500. Unequal
  501. Handsome
  502. Gloves
  503. Suitable
  504. Habitual
  505. Ancient
  506. Chance
  507. Bastions
  508. Endurance
  509. Garrison
  510. Watery
  511. Cushioned
  512. Perpetual
  513. Block
  514. Continue
  515. Rear
  516. Evaluate
  517. Situation
  518. Four hundred
  519. Acted
  520. Visualize
  521. Horse
  522. Gauntlet
  523. Casual
  524. Language
  525. Provisioning
  526. Unusual
  527. Padded
  528. Guatemala
  529. Guasimo
  530. Guano
  531. Bound
  532. Gradual
  533. Graduate
  534. Continuation
  535. Ebb
  536. Forges
  537. Strike
  538. Fat
  539. Piñuelo
  540. Little boy
  541. Owl
  542. Chick
  543. Leather
  544. Usually
  545. Dream
  546. I usually
  547. Holiday
  548. Salary
  549. Dead
  550. Silly faces
  551. Serum
  552. Silhouette
  553. Later
  554. It was
  555. Outside
  556. Fire
  557. Noise
  558. Wheel
  559. Raven
  560. Body
  561. Thick
  562. Remember
  563. Dream
  564. Force
  565. Leather
  566. One-eyed
  567. Door
  568. Bridge
  569. Turns
  570. Well
  571. Play
  572. Can
  573. Try
  574. New
  575. Neck
  576. Wheeze
  577. Exposed
  578. Effort
  579. I beg
  580. Your
  581. Turned
  582. Our
  583. Play
  584. Town
  585. Comes back
  586. Accounts
  587. Put
  588. Spree
  589. Sounds
  590. Old
  591. Monster
  592. Monstrous
  593. Tortuous
  594. Aqueous
  595. Mutual
  596. I find out
  597. Sinuous
  598. Majestic
  599. Defective
  600. Respectful
  601. Meager
  602. Fatuous
  603. Twelfth
  604. Unctuous
  605. Sumptuous
  606. Innocuous
  607. Share
  608. Fluorescent
  609. Lavish

Examples of decreasing diphthongs

  1. Exhausted
  2. Quick
  3. August
  4. Paula
  5. Audio
  6. Captivated
  7. Pause
  8. Austere
  9. Augmented
  10. Even if
  11. Audience
  12. Author
  13. Laura
  14. Howled
  15. Cautious
  16. Cause
  17. Hearing
  18. Highway
  19. Bus
  20. Car
  21. Self-sufficient
  22. Motorists
  23. Restaurant
  24. Autograph
  25. dawn
  26. Abundant
  27. Bold
  28. Authentic
  29. Precautions
  30. Absent
  31. Absence
  32. Baptized
  33. Opening
  34. Automatic
  35. Self-esteem
  36. They augur
  37. Closure
  38. Cloister
  39. Aura
  40. Car
  41. Authority
  42. Authorized
  43. Aucuba
  44. Audacity
  45. Headset
  46. Audio frequency
  47. Audiogram
  48. Audiology
  49. Audiometry
  50. Auidimudez
  51. Audit
  52. Augite
  53. Augur
  54. Augur
  55. Augury
  56. Classroom
  57. Classrooms
  58. Increase
  59. Aurelia
  60. Aureliano
  61. Aurelio
  62. Aura
  63. Golden
  64. Aureomycin
  65. Atrium
  66. Absenteeism
  67. Abusetania
  68. Ausón
  69. Sponsor
  70. Southern
  71. Australia
  72. Austria
  73. Australian
  74. Austrian
  75. Austro-Hungarian
  76. Autarian
  77. Self-accusation
  78. Self-agglutination
  79. Self-analysis
  80. Autobiography
  81. Self-harm
  82. Autoantibody
  83. Self-control
  84. Self-consumption
  85. Indigenous
  86. Self determination
  87. Autodidact
  88. Autogamy
  89. Selfing
  90. Autolysis
  91. Autosomal
  92. Car radio
  93. Self service
  94. Autosyndesis
  95. Autosuggestion
  96. Autosomal
  97. Autotomy
  98. Autotransformer
  99. Autotroph
  100. Autotransfusion
  101. Autovaccine
  102. Dual carriageway
  103. Autotigony
  104. Auscultate
  105. Assistant
  106. Applaud
  107. Handset
  108. Inaudible
  109. Sink
  110. Nauseating
  111. Jaws
  112. They danced
  113. Playing cards
  114. Taiwan
  115. Haiku
  116. Hawaii
  117. Ease
  118. Mosaics
  119. Paratrooper
  120. Unsheathe
  121. Air
  122. Traitors
  123. Bring
  124. I fall
  125. Scenery
  126. Basin
  127. Rooted
  128. Sway
  129. Devious
  130. Leggings
  131. There are
  132. Ingrained
  133. Spanking
  134. Android
  135. I hear
  136. Today
  137. I go
  138. I am
  139. I'm
  140. Morrocoy
  141. You are
  142. Sternocleidomastoid
  143. Rhomboidal
  144. Coincident
  145. Heroic
  146. Eunuch
  147. Eubacterial
  148. Eubolia
  149. Eucalyptus
  150. Eukaryote
  151. Eucharist
  152. Euclase
  153. Euclid
  154. Euclasia
  155. Eucroite
  156. Eudoxia
  157. Eudoxus
  158. Euphemism
  159. Euphony
  160. Euphorbia
  161. Euphoria
  162. Euphotid
  163. Eyebright
  164. Euphrates
  165. Euphronius
  166. Euphuism
  167. Eugenia
  168. Eugenics
  169. Eugenol
  170. Euglena
  171. Eulalia
  172. Eunuchism
  173. Eureka
  174. Euripides
  175. Esurhythmia
  176. Eurobond
  177. Euro
  178. Euro currency
  179. Eurodollar
  180. Euromissile
  181. Euscalduna
  182. Eurovision
  183. Euskadi
  184. Eusebius
  185. Basque
  186. Eustace
  187. Euthanasia
  188. Eutrophic
  189. Europe
  190. Debts
  191. Meeting
  192. Euphoric
  193. Pseudonyms
  194. Tire
  195. Rheumatic
  196. Neurology
  197. Therapist
  198. Eire
  199. And go to
  200. Eisai
  201. Six
  202. Thirty
  203. Hairstyle
  204. Twenty
  205. Oil
  206. Kingdom
  207. To shave
  208. King
  209. Pledging
  210. Delight
  211. Bacon
  212. Simultaneity
  213. Olives


  1. What is a diphthong? Retrieved on August 17, 2017, from thoughtco.com
  2. Diphthong. Retrieved on August 17, 2017, from en.wikipedia.org
  3. Diphtong. Retrieved on August 17, 2017, from vocabulary.com
  4. Diphthong. Retrieved on August 17, 2017, from merriam-webster.com
  5. Spanish Diphthongs and Triphthongs. Retrieved on August 17, 2017, from 123teachme.com
  6. Detecting diphthongs in Spanish. Retrieved on August 17, 2017, from dummies.com
  7. Spanish vowels. Retrieved on August 17, 2017, from spanishdict.com
  8. Spanish Diphthongs and Triphthongs. Retrieved on August 17, 2017, from study.com

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