85 Questions to get to know a friend better and connect with him

Jonah Lester
85 Questions to get to know a friend better and connect with him

These questions to get to know a friend They will help you deepen their feelings, know their emotions and better understand their way of being. Do you know your friends well enough? If the answer is no or you are doubtful and sometimes you do not tolerate some of their behaviors, this exercise will help you better understand the real reasons that make them act this way..

You can get too many surprises just doing these questions to get to know a friend better, Do you know your best friend's favorite color? Or does his favorite animal, what food does he love, is heterosexual or not??

You will think that they are basic questions and that everyone should know this from their friends, but you analyze carefully and internalize these "obvious questions" I assure you that you will not know at least one or 2 of these, imagine the ones that are deeper, those questions that come to us to the depths of the feelings, there everything begins to change color and we understand very well that we still have a lot to know about our true friends.

85 Questions to get to know a friend better

  1. Do you like your body?
  2. What is the part of your body that you like the most?
  3. What do you most admire about people?
  4. What bothers you the most about people?
  5. Are you gay, bisexual, straight? Or does that not matter to you?
  6. What is the thing that you have done that embarrasses you the most?
  7. What is it that makes you feel most proud?
  8. Are you in love with someone right now?
  9. Who is the person you most admire in the whole world and why?
  10. What is your biggest fear?
  11. What is your favorite memory of all time?
  12. Where do you see yourself in five, ten, fifteen years?
  13. What is your favorite color?
  14. What is your favorite food?
  15. What do you love to do the most in your free time?
  16. Do you regret anything in this life? If so, of what things?
  17. Do you want to form a family and have children?
  18. What makes you laugh the most?
  19. What makes you cry the most or bothers you that they do?
  20. Do you consider yourself a loyal person?
  21. What are you looking for in a friendship?
  22. Would you like to be friends with which celebrity? Why?
  23. Who is your crush or platonic love?
  24. What is your favorite movie and series?
  25. Of all the members of your family with whom do you understand more?
  26. What bothers you about me?
  27. What is the strangest thing you do when nobody sees you?
  28. What is the place in the world that you most want to know?
  29. What is the musical genre that you like the most?
  30. What is the musical genre that you like the least? Why?
  31. What animal do you identify with or would you like to be?
  32. Do you believe in life after death?
  33. Do you believe in God or some other higher being?
  34. What is the book that has impacted you the most? Why?
  35. Do you like tattoos? If so, how many do you have? Do you want more tattoos?
  36. If they gave you 3 wishes, what would you ask for?
  37. Do you feel resentment in your heart towards someone?
  38. What is the hardest thing you've had to go through?
  39. What has been the best gift you have received? Who gave it to you?
  40. What do you think about your mom and dad?
  41. If you had to choose a pet to accompany you for the rest of your life, would it be a dog or a cat?
  42. What do you think of religion?
  43. Do you believe in aliens, mermaids, fairies, goblins, in short in other types of fantastic creatures??
  44. Do you like the leaders of your country?
  45. If you were president for a day what would you do?
  46. If you could only listen to one singer or band for the rest of your life, what would it be??
  47. If you win the lottery what would you do with that money?
  48. Do you like to cook?
  49. What is the most romantic thing that someone has done for you?
  50. If you could live in another era, which one would you choose?
  51. Who was your first love?
  52. What other language would you like to speak?
  53. Would you change anything about your body? If so, what would it be? Why?
  54. Do you like amusement parks?
  55. What is that thing that you would not forgive anyone?
  56. If you had to define yourself in one word, what would it be??
  57. What do you hate to do the most?
  58. Do you believe in love at first sight and soul mates?
  59. What is the myth that you like the most?
  60. If you could have been born elsewhere, where would it be?
  61. Wine or beer?
  62. What is the time of year that you love the most? Why?
  63. Where would you never live?
  64. What is the party that you like the most?
  65. What are your biggest hobbies?
  66. What do you think is more important in a friendship? Loyalty, respect or sincerity?
  67. If you could be someone else for a day who would you be and why?
  68. Who is your best friend in the whole world?
  69. What is the thing you most regret not having done in your life?
  70. Do you identify more with your mom or your dad? Why?
  71. If you could change your name which one would you wear?
  72. If you had to work on one thing for the rest of your life, what job would you choose??
  73. Do you believe in ghosts and the paranormal?
  74. What is your favorite hobby?
  75. What is your favorite song?
  76. Have you ever played a prank on someone? If so what joke did you make?
  77. Have you ever broken a bone?
  78. If you were a dessert what would you be?
  79. What is the most important material thing you have? Why does it mean so much to you?
  80. How old was your mom when you were born?
  81. Would you like to ask someone for forgiveness and you can't do it?
  82. Do you regret leaving someone in the past?
  83. Do you think our friendship is true?
  84. Would you give your life for someone?
  85. What do you prefer, a week without sex or a week without a cell phone?

It does not matter if you ask these questions through a game or directly, implement these questions to get to know a friendĀ can help you better understand his life, personality and behaviors.

After this wonderful exercise, your relationship will probably be much more solid, you can even propose to your friends that they ask you these questions so that they get to know you much better.

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