Coconut oil 20 health benefits and uses

Egbert Haynes

The coconut oil is an edible oil that is extracted from ripe coconuts (Cocos nucifera). Despite its high content of saturated fat, it is popularly considered a food with numerous benefits. In fact it is one of the few foods that can be considered as superfoods ”, due to its combination of fatty acids beneficial to the body.

The properties of coconut oil are multiple: it improves cardiovascular health, strengthens the immune system, helps control weight, fights cold sores, is a natural moisturizer and others that I will explain below..

Today, coconut oil is sold as a supplement that has an impressive range of uses, from skin moisturizers to cooking oil. The oil is extracted from the coconut palm, which can live up to 100 years and is considered one of the most useful plants on the planet. For generations, cultures in tropical regions have used it as food, cosmetic, or as building materials..

The coconut, or as it is known by its scientific name, Cocos nucifera, It is native to the coasts of Southeast Asia and Melanesia. Polynesians introduced various forms of this plant to the Pacific Islands when they settled there 4,500 years ago.

Coconut is a nutritious source of juice, milk and oil that has fed and nourished populations around the world for decades. In many islands, the coconut is the base of their diet and the main food consumed. About a third of the world's population depends on coconut for their food or their economy.

At least 12 crops can come out of a coconut plant, depending on its state of maturity. The nectar from unopened flowers can be used to create a syrup, which can be turned into a coconut sugar, or if fermented, made into an alcoholic beverage..

In the 1930s, Dr. Weston Price discovered that the islands of the South Pacific incorporated high amounts of coconut into their diet and remained healthy, fit, and with a low incidence of heart disease.

In 1981, researchers discovered that Polynesian communities whose main source of food was coconut remained in excellent cardiovascular health. It was then that its impressive health properties were discovered..

Coconut oil nutrients

Coconut oil is packed with nutrients and rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It is considered a fundamental food, because it provides great health benefits due to its nutritional content. 

Coconut oil is especially interesting because it has healing properties and has been traditionally used by the Asian population for medicinal uses. The Pacific Islands consider coconut oil a cure for all diseases. So much so that it is known as "the plant of life".

In the cosmetic world, coconut oil is often sold as a moisturizer. As a dietary supplement, people use it topically for liver protection and to treat diarrhea, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol..

Properties and uses of coconut oil

1- It works as a natural moisturizer

Coconut oil works as a natural moisturizer that acts as a protective barrier for the skin by containing natural fats and triglycerides, even offering some protection from sun exposure..

2- It can be used as a make-up remover

Not even the most resistant waterproof makeup can resist this excellent natural makeup remover.

Apply it directly to the face like a normal cleanser or with a cotton ball with gentle dabs if you prefer. Makeup disappears in seconds.

3- It is a natural anti-wrinkle

Being rich in natural antioxidants it also works as an anti-aging treatment for the skin, helping to delay and prevent wrinkles and sagging..

4- Repair burns

Due to its content in vitamin E, an antioxidant, it helps accelerate the recovery of burns, abrasions and trauma to the skin. In addition, it helps to restore psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, and other skin infections.

6- Remedy against lice

Start this natural treatment to eliminate lice by rinsing the head with apple cider vinegar.

Once the vinegar has dried, apply the coconut oil all over your head and let it sit for 12 to 24 hours. Brush the hair with a fine comb, then wash the head as you normally would. Goodbye lice!

7- It can protect the lips

Coconut oil is the ideal ingredient for dry lips. As it has a semi-solid texture, it will keep well at room temperature

8- Can be used as a conditioner

It is an excellent natural hair conditioner. Restores closed ends and helps improve the appearance of damaged hair, thanks to the essential proteins it contains.

9- It is a natural gel

To keep your hair under control, warm some coconut oil between your hands and run your fingers through your hair. Oil helps keep hair in place without making it look greasy.

10- It is a natural sweetener

Substitute the sugar in your cup by adding a little melted coconut oil. This way you will be able to add sweetness and a touch of flavor and good fats. If the oil is too solid, hold the bottle under hot water for a few seconds and it will turn liquid.

11- Replace the oil for frying

Due to its high content of positive saturated fat, it is perfect for cooking potatoes, breaded meat or any type of frozen food that requires large amounts of oil..

12- Natural non-stick

Grease the trays or molds with a little coconut oil and you will achieve the same effect as with butter: prevent food from sticking to the container.

13- Improve the cut

Before handling hard or sticky foods, smear a little coconut oil on your knife or scissors and you will find that cutting is much easier..

14- Improves cardiovascular health

According to the study "Effects of Fatty Acids in the Diet", it has been shown that saturated fats in coconut oil do not increase the risk of heart disease.

The study, carried out by the Department of Human Biology at the University of Maastricht, has shown that virgin coconut oil can improve cholesterol levels, lowering low-density cholesterol, known as bad cholesterol, and increase cholesterol in high density, known as good cholesterol, in serum and tissues.

15- Strengthens the immune system

Research carried out by the Faculty of Nursing of the University of Payap, shows that the consumption of coconut oil, due to its high content of lauric acid, can increase our body's production of monolaurin, which improves anti-virus protection. bacterial.

Studies also suggest that virgin coconut oil has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties..

16- Helps control weight

A study led by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University, revealed that coconut oil promotes the reduction of abdominal obesity.

Compared to most vegetable oils, the triglycerides in coconut oil are used for energy production and are not stored as fat.

17- Fight cold sores

As soon as you start to feel the tickle of an incipient herpes on your lip, apply a little coconut oil to the area and let the antibacterial properties of the coconut help clear up your problem.

18- Can be used as a fabric softener

If you like the smell of coconut and you want your clothes to smell like this, you can grate a little solidified coconut oil in your usual detergent and get a natural smell that will last on your clothes.

19- Natural whitening

Especially recommended for the bathroom. If you do not want to use cleaners full of chemicals, you can smear coconut oil on a cloth and clean the surfaces, which will recover their original white.

20- Wood polish

Coconut oil is a natural furniture polish. If you mix it with lemon juice you will get a higher natural shine that is much cheaper and smells better than the artificial products sold in the supermarket.

Get your own coconut oil

If you want to get a coconut oil that is even more natural than what can be bought in large stores and above all cheaper, here is a simple way to obtain it directly from a coconut:


  • A ripe coconut. (Ripe coconuts are recognizable by their dark brown color. Those that have not fully ripened tend to be lighter brown or even green.)
  • Butter knife, spoon.
  • Filter
  • Glass jar, jug.


1. Get a ripe coconut and cut it in half with a sharp knife. The more intense the brown color, the better.

2. Scrape the coconut meat out of the shell. You can use a coconut scraper, a sharp knife, or a sturdy spoon to do this. We recommend using a butter knife. Slide it between the meat and the rind to get the meat.

3. Cut the meat obtained into pieces as small as possible or shred it with a grater.

4. Put it in a blender and beat on medium speed until pureed. You can add a little water to facilitate the process.

5. Filter the coconut puree obtained. You can use a very fine strainer, a coffee filter, or cheesecloth. Place it over a jug and pour the puree little by little into the filter while you squeeze it to obtain the resulting liquid. Repeat the process until all the coconut is finished.

6. Let the pitcher sit for at least 24 hours. As it sets, the coconut milk and oil will separate, leaving a curdled layer on top of the jar. To speed up the process you can put the jug in the refrigerator, but the same result is obtained by leaving it at room temperature.

7. Remove the curd part with a spoon. This part won't do us any good. The coconut oil will remain in the bottom of the bottle ready to be used.

And ready! You already have your own coconut oil obtained in a simple and natural way.

And what other benefits and properties of coconut oil do you know??

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