Love as a couple An everyday decision

David Holt
Love as a couple An everyday decision

We are used to fantasizing about the ideal love. That romance of adventure and passion that completes our life. But the truth is that living a love affair is much more than the smiling images that we see in most movies..

Once we have overcome the images of fairy tales that we have about couple love, it is possible to reach the emotional maturity to understand that loving is a decision.

Yes, you need to feel chemistry, share experiences, attraction etc. However, in the long run love as a couple is a decision. You should also bear in mind that love is made up of different languages ​​and understanding your partner's is a very important point..

Your you have the power to promote love daily.

How to foster love as a couple?
How to stay motivated to decide to love your partner?
And how to ensure that it is not only you who decides to love every day?

Here are the answers to these questions and several tips to improve your relationship.

Decide to focus on the best in your partner

Your partner has hundreds of aspects positive. It has virtues, capabilities, attributes, strengths, etc. and you can choose to focus on them.

And a lot of attention!

I don't mean to forgive or overlook all failures.

I mean pick your battles and decide what time and importance will you give to each of them.

Reflect on the following:

When your partner does something good, do you highlight it with the same intensity as when he does something bad??

Do you thank with the same emotion with which you demand?

Simple questions, but pitifully often ignored.

So, if you make the decision to love today, start by valuing your partner and letting them know..

Value the moments they share, the kiss when he said goodbye, the found smile and his way of doing things. Highlight everything positive that you live with your partner and decide to focus on it.

Of course, read carefully; you should focus on the positive you have with your partner, in the real.

Not in the idealized!

If you have already read several of my articles before, you will remember that I always highlight the importance ofe focus on reality and not fantasy ideals. And that's why today I highlight it once more.

Be honest with yourself, look at your reality objectively.

All relationships have their positive and not so positive aspects. And just as you have the opportunity to focus on the positives in the relationship, you also have the responsibility to stop a harmful relationship.

So if you are living in a toxic relationship I will suggest you get out of it. Decide to love yourself and place yourself in an environment where you will receive the same love that you give yourself.

On the other hand, if you objectively recognize that you have a positive relationship and take the decision to love every day, then you can choose to focus even more on the positive.

If you are living a positive relationship, I will suggest that you frequently show how much you value it and that you decide to promote love daily..

How to stay motivated to do it?

I'll tell you below:

Have a life to share the love of a couple

The second important aspect to keep the decision to love your partner is in stay motivated to do it.

Did you think that it is about waking up every day with the magical enthusiasm of showing love to your partner??

Because is not like that.

Although your partner is a very important part of your life, it is not all.

You don't live just to love your partner and your day to day is not just about your partner. Your mission is every day build your own life, build what you are going to share with your partner.

Loving is a decision, but it starts with you.

So have a passion for your life, discover something new every day, build your goals, be an interesting person. And with all that you have to give, decide to share it with the person you love.

Work for you, decide build the best of you and decide to be a complete being.

And a lot of attention with this aspect!

Because you should not carry the responsibility of your success and your happiness on your partner.

In reality, you should not give the power of your happiness to your partner, or to any other person, or other external factor. The life you build is your responsibility and you will be the one to decide what to share and with whom to share it..

Nothing and nobody will come into your life to give you what you want so much, nor will they be obliged to give you the happiness you aspire to have. Understand that only you can build the life you want for yourself.

Now, the more control and satisfaction you have over your life, the greater the motivation you have to live happily. And that's what this is all about, have your own happiness to share with your partner.

The passion you feel for your life will be your motivation. The life that you build for yourself is the basis to feel satisfied with yourself Therefore, love and the attention you give to yourself, will be the example with which you will guide your relationship..

And so, the happier you are, the more desire to get ahead you have and the more you are willing to do for yourself, the more you will have to share with your partner..

How to transmit all this life that you want to share with who you love?

I'll tell you below:

Communicate without taboos

Loving is a decision and, in the love of a couple, commitment requires that both decide the same.

How to make sure that you both keep the same commitment?

Communicating it without taboos.

And please, do not forget that to have assertive communication as a couple, both must express and listen. Not only to communicate as an outlet, but also learn to be receptors of what your partner wants, needs, thinks and feels.

Talk about everything.

Express how much you value your partner. Tell him what you like the most and how he can make you fall in love every day. Communicate your needs, do not expect your partner to guess and understand everything that happens within you. If you want me to understand you, then communicate what you feel and what you need.

Talk more about your hobbies, about something new that you discovered, what is interesting for both of you and less about the things to do.

Share the life you build day by day talking about your goals, your fears and why not, the barriers that you decide to overcome.

Talk about everything that brought them together from the beginning. Of the most essential factors that made them a couple and of what they have yet to discover together.

And of course, talk more about positive things and reduces complaints and pessimism.

As I told you before, you have the power to decide what you want to focus on. You decide what value and time you want to dedicate to each adversity that comes into your life. You have the power to decide what value to give to the positive that you have in your life and with your partner.

You and only you have the power to decide what is best for you.

Couple love: A summary for you

Loving is a decision. In couple love, both have the power to decide what is best for the couple.

They can decide to love each other every day, show how much they value the other and to thank for the positive things that live in the day to day.

As a couple, they can choose to share the best of themselves with the other. They have the power to build a life for which they feel passion and decide to give the best of themselves to build the life of a couple.

For the daily commitment to love to have solid foundations and adapt to the evolution of the relationship, it is necessary to communicate. Express and share wishes, dreams, fears, needs, feelings, everything.

The responsibility to decide and the commitment to love belongs to the couple, of both equally.

Reflect on this article and share it with your partner. It is sure to become an interesting topic to talk about with each other..

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