The mesh analysis is a technique used to solve flat electrical circuits. This procedure may also appear in the literature under the method names of the circuit currents or method of mesh currents (or loop).
The foundation of this and other electrical circuit analysis methods is in Kirchhoff's laws and Ohm's law. Kirchhoff's laws, in turn, are expressions of two very important principles of conservation in Physics for isolated systems: both the electric charge and the energy are conserved..
On the one hand, the electric charge is related to the current, which is the charge in motion, while in a circuit, the energy is linked to the voltage, which is the agent in charge of doing the work necessary to keep the charge in motion..
These laws, applied to a flat circuit, generate a set of simultaneous equations that must be solved to obtain the current or voltage values..
The system of equations can be solved with familiar analytical techniques, such as cramer's rule, that requires the calculation of determinants to obtain the solution of the system.
Depending on the number of equations, they are solved using a scientific calculator or some mathematical software. On the net there are also many options available.
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Before explaining how it works, we will start by defining these terms:
Branch: section containing a circuit element.
Node: point connecting two or more branches.
Ribbon: is any closed portion of a circuit, starting and ending at the same node.
Mesh: loop that does not contain any other loop inside (essential mesh).
Mesh analysis is a general method used to solve circuits whose elements are connected in series, in parallel or in a mixed way, that is, when the type of connection is not clearly distinguished. The circuit must be flat, or at least it must be possible to redraw it as such.
An example of each type of circuit is shown in the figure above. Once the point is clarified, to begin, we will apply the method to a simple circuit as an example in the next section, but first we will briefly review the laws of Ohm and Kirchhoff.
Ohm's law: be V the voltage, R resistance e I the current of the ohmic resistive element, in which the voltage and current are directly proportional, the resistance being the constant of proportionality:
V = I.R
Kirchhoff's Law of Voltage (LKV): In any closed path traveled in only one direction, the algebraic sum of the voltages is zero. This includes voltages due to sources, resistors, inductors, or capacitors: ∑ E = ∑ Ri. I
Kirchhoff's Law of Current (LKC): at any node, the algebraic sum of the currents is zero, taking into account that the incoming currents are assigned one sign and those leaving another. In this way: ∑ I = 0.
With the mesh current method, it is not necessary to apply Kirchhoff's current law, resulting in fewer equations to solve.
We will start by explaining the method for a 2 mesh circuit. The procedure can then be extended for larger circuits.
Assign and draw independent currents to each mesh, in this example they are I1 and Itwo. They can be drawn clockwise or counterclockwise.
Apply Kirchhoff's Law of Tensions (LTK) and Ohm's law to each mesh. Potential drops are assigned a sign (-) while rises are assigned a sign (+).
Starting from point a and following the direction of the current, we find a potential rise in battery E1 (+), then a drop in R1 (-) and then another drop in R3 (-).
Simultaneously, the resistance R3 is also traversed by current Itwo, but in the opposite direction, therefore it represents a rise (+). The first equation looks like this:
AND1-R1.I1 -R3.I1 + R3.Itwo = 0
Then it is factored and terms are regrouped:
- (R1+R3) I1 +R3Itwo = -E1 (Equation 1)
Starting from the point and and following the direction of the current, a potential drop is found in Rtwo (-), another drop in ANDtwo, since the current enters through the + pole of the battery and finally another drop in R3 (-), At the same time the current I1 traverses R3 in the opposite direction (+).
The second equation, with the indicated signs, looks like this:
- Rtwo Itwo - ANDtwo -R3 Itwo +R3 I1= 0
R3I1 - (Rtwo +R3) Itwo = Etwo (Equation 2)
Note that there are two equations with the two unknowns I1 and Itwo.
The system of equations thus formed is then solved.
To begin, it is important to consider the following:
-Loop currents or mesh currents can be assigned an arbitrary address.
-Each essential mesh - or "window" - that the circuit has must be assigned a current.
-Mesh currents are denoted with a capital letter to distinguish them from currents that circulate through branches, although in some cases the current that circulates through a branch may be the same as that of mesh.
Find the currents that flow through each resistor in the circuit of figure 3, if the elements have the following values:
R1 = 20 Ω; Rtwo = 30 Ω; R3 = 10 Ω; AND1 = 12 V; ANDtwo = 18 V
First, it is necessary to assign the mesh currents I1 and Itwo and take the system of equations as deduced in the previous section, then substitute the values given in the statement:
- (R1+R3) I1 +R3Itwo = -E1 (Equation 1)
R3I1 - (Rtwo +R3) Itwo = Etwo (Equation 2)
-(20 + 30) I1 + 10Itwo = -12
10I1 - (30 +10) Itwo = 18
-fiftyI1 + 10Itwo = -12
10I1 - 40 Itwo = 18
Since it is a 2 x 2 system of equations, it can be easily solved by reduction, multiplying the second equation by 5 to eliminate the unknown I1:
-fiftyI1 + 10 Itwo = -12
50I1 - 200 Itwo = 90
-190 Itwo= 78
Itwo = - 78/180 A = - 0.41 A
Immediately the current clears I1 from any of the original equations:
I1 = (18 + 40 Itwo) / 10 = (18 + 40 x (-0.41)) / 10 = 0.16 A
The negative sign in the current Itwo means that the current in mesh 2 circulates in the opposite direction to that drawn.
The currents in each resistor are as follows:
For the resistance R1 the current circulates I1 = 0.16 A in the sense drawn, by resistance Rtwo the current circulates Itwo = 0.41 A in the opposite direction to the one drawn, and by the resistance R3 circulate i3 = 0.16- (-0.41) A = 0.57 A down.
In matrix form, the system can be solved as follows:
The first column is replaced by the independent terms of the system of equations, maintaining the order in which the system was originally proposed:
I1 = Δ1/ Δ = 300/1900 = 0.16 A
Itwo = Δtwo/ Δ = -780/1900 = -0.41 A
Determine the current and voltages through each resistor in the following circuit, using the mesh currents method:
The three mesh currents are drawn, as shown in the following figure, in arbitrary directions. Now the meshes are traversed starting from any point:
Mesh 1
-9100.I1+18-2200.I1+9100.Itwo= 0
-11300 I1 + 9100.Itwo = -18
-(7500 + 6800 + 9100) .Itwo + 9100.I1+6800.I3-18 = 0
9100.I1 - 23400.Itwo + 6800.I3 = 18
-(6800 + 3300) I3 + 6800.Itwo - 3 = 0
6800.Itwo - 10100.I3 = 3
-11300 I1 + 9100.Itwo + 0.I3= -18
9100.I1 - 23400.Itwo + 6800.I3 = 18
0.I1 + 6800.Itwo - 10100.I3 = 3
Although the numbers are large, it can be solved quickly with the help of a scientific calculator. Remember that the equations must be ordered and add zeros in the places where the unknown does not appear, as it appears here.
The mesh currents are:
I1 = 0.0012 A; Itwo = -0.00048 A; I3 = -0.00062 A
Currents Itwo and I3 circulate in the opposite direction to that shown in the figure, since they turned out to be negative.
Resistance (Ω) | Current (Amps) | Voltage = I.R (Volts) |
9100 | I1 -Itwo = 0.0012 - (- 0.00048) = 0.00168 | 15.3 |
3300 | 0.00062 | 2.05 |
2200 | 0.0012 | 2.64 |
7500 | 0.00048 | 3.60 |
6800 | Itwo -I3= -0.00048 - (- 0.00062) = 0.00014 | 0.95 |
Since they are large numbers, it is convenient to use scientific notation to work with them directly.
The colored arrows in the 3 x 3 determinant indicate how to find the numerical values by multiplying the indicated values. Let's start by getting those of the first bracket in the determinant Δ:
(-11300) x (-23400) x (-10100) = -2.67 x 1012
9100 x 0 x 0 = 0
9100 x 6800 x 0 = 0
Immediately we obtain the second bracket in that same determinant, which is worked from left to right (for this bracket the colored arrows were not drawn in the figure). We invite the reader to verify it:
0 x (-23400) x 0 = 0
9100 x 9100 x (-10100) = -8.364 x 10eleven
6800 x 6800 x (-11300) = -5.225 x 10eleven
Similarly, the reader can also check the values for the determinant Δ1.
Important: between both brackets there is always a negative sign.
Finally you get the current I1 through I1 = Δ1 / Δ
I1 = -1.582 x 109/-1.31 x 1012 = 0.0012 A
The procedure can be repeated to calculate Itwo, in this case, to calculate the determinant Δtwo the second column of the determinant Δ is replaced by the column of the independent terms and its value is found, according to the procedure explained.
However, since it is cumbersome because of large numbers, especially if you do not have a scientific calculator, the easiest thing is to substitute the value of I1 already calculated, in the following equation and clear:
-11300 I1 + 9100.Itwo + 0.I3= -18 → 9100 Itwo= -18 + 11300 I1 → Itwo = -0.00048 A
Once with the values of I1 and Itwo in hand, that of I3 found directly by substitution.
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