All of us have felt unmotivated on occasion, without enthusiasm and without wanting to do anything.
It is a situation that, if it is temporary, is not worrisome. We speak of apathy when this circumstance becomes habitual and the person who suffers it does not feel any interest in the different aspects of life, being indifferent towards everything, without wanting to relate or carry out any activity.
The person feels disconnected on an emotional level, it is difficult for them to concentrate and think and there is a general discouragement that leads to hopelessness. In extreme cases, the inaction and difficulty in making decisions.
Apathy can become a very paralyzing situation that affects us both on a cognitive level, making it difficult for our attention, as well as on an affective and emotional level, plunging us into a lethargy in which it seems that nothing that happens really matters to us..
Therefore, it is important that we know what is causing it to solve it as soon as possible..
Generally, apathy manifests itself as a general lack of interest in the different areas of life and a flat affectivity, being unable to feel emotions, both pleasant and painful.
The person is unmotivated, with serious difficulties in setting goals and meeting them and is you are tired both physically and mentally.
The person will not show interest in the activities that he previously carried out in a normal way, everything will become a mountain for him and he will try to reduce them to the maximum, limiting himself to hanging out and get distracted with activities such as watching television or surfing the Internet.
His dejection is such that he will avoid anything that involves an effort because he does not feel like trying.
All this will have repercussions on their performance, be it academic or professional, and may have serious consequences such as problems at work and even dismissal.
Likewise, this inaction can have consequences in their interpersonal relationships since the person stops fulfilling their obligations and commitments..
As we have already discussed, there is a inability to feel emotions, which translates into a lack of passion, indifference and even insensitivity towards the problems or feelings of the people around them.
That flat emotional state and disinterest in everything around you can also cause problems in interpersonal relationships.
The apathetic person has a great pessimism and defeatist feeling because he believes that it is not worth trying because he will not be able to change the life he has.
As we have discussed, we are going to focus on the apathy that has its origin in psychological and environmental factorsIt's like stress or anxiety and in the belief system. Apathy with physical or organic causes should be treated by specialist doctors.
1. If someone around you, or yourself, shows symptoms of apathy, remedy as soon as possible, will prevent it from getting worse or chronic.
2. Wear a balance diet that provides us with all the vitamins and nutrients we need.
3. Do sports or physical activity it will help us regulate our mood.
4. Sleep the hours necessary to ensure a good rest.
5. Avoid stressors that can trigger apathy and learn stress management techniques like mindful breathing, yoga, or meditation.
6. Dedicate ourselves time to ourselves to relax and disconnect, doing those activities that we like such as reading, listening to music, walking in the mountains, etc..
7. Introduce changes in our lifestyle to break the routine such as trying new things, signing up for excursions to see new places, making new friends, planning a trip, etc..
8. Don't isolate ourselves, surround ourselves with those who love us and let us take care of ourselves.
9. Review and change our belief system with techniques such as Transactional Analysis that will help us value ourselves, love ourselves and feel capable.
10. Deepen our self-knowledge It will help us discover what our values are and the things that really motivate us, which will help us set goals in life and feel self-realized.
Finally, if despite putting these tips into practice, apathy persists, it is time to seek professional help to regain the illusion and the will to live..
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