Mental and Emotional Well-being 10 Habits to Have Them

Simon Doyle

The Mental Wellness it is a psychological state in which the person feels good about himself, feels relaxation and has a feeling of satisfaction with his work and personal life.

Sometimes having a mental and emotional well-being that allows you to be happy with your life can be more complicated than one expects. Things happen to us continuously in life and adapting to all of them appropriately is not always easy..

However, despite the fact that you have many stimuli that can make it difficult for you, you can achieve psychological well-being, since your mental state depends on you. In other words: mental well-being is that state that allows us to function in an adequate and healthy way.

The term mental well-being is not synonymous with the absence of mental disorder, but rather refers to a state of bonanza that encompasses the 5 dimensions that make up the person: physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual.

But beware: the human being does not act peacefully in the mental well-being but rather does it in an active way. We create psychological well-being based on how we interpret things and how we live our respective lives.

Let's see 10 habits that if we do them properly can help us enormously to achieve a state of mental well-being.

10 habits to achieve mental and emotional well-being

take care of yourself

To be good you have to be good to yourself. This phrase may be redundant or empty but it is not. And it is that although it seems a cliché, to be able to enjoy the things in your life, first you have to be able to enjoy yourself.

You will not reach a state of well-being if you are not good with yourself, if you do not like yourself or if you are unhappy with yourself. Therefore, spend time and effort taking care of yourself at all levels: physically, emotionally, psychologically and socially..

If you take care of yourself you will achieve that image of yourself that you would like to have, you will like yourself, and then you will be in the optimal state to be able to participate with your environment.

Taking care of yourself and building a good image of yourself means building a good foundation and a good structure that ensures that what you built on top will never wobble..

Value what you have

Your life is not what you have but the interpretation you make of what you have. As we have seen in the previous example, you can have an endless number of theoretically precious goods around the world but not value them and therefore not enjoy them.

Instead, you can have a small number of rewarding stimuli but value them enormously and enjoy them 100%. You have two options: either value the things you have and enjoy them or ignore everything you have and regret what you don't have..

Obviously the first option will guide you towards a state of mental well-being and the second will take you away from it. Think that your happiness will not be in the number of inches of the next television you buy or in the amount of horsepower that your car's engine has.

Your happiness will not be in the number of friends you have, in the social recognition you achieve or the amount of compliments you receive during the week.Your happiness is in you and in the assessment you make of the things you have, whatever they are , I'm sure they have their value. Dedicate yourself to looking for it and finding it!

Project illusions

We often fall into a routine and forget to do different things or develop exciting projects. However, change and illusion is one of the main needs of the human being, and one of the aspects that most help us to have a psychological well-being.

And it is that new things provide our brain with a much higher level of gratification than those things that are immersed in our routine can provide..

However, as you well know, achieving new things in our lives is often complicated, since the inertia of day to day encourages us to adapt to our customs.

Try to make an effort to get out of your routine from time to time and carry out projects that may be exciting for you..

Start a new professional challenge, make plans related to leisure, think about life changes, desires or aspirations, you will know what it is that can bring you excitement. Find it and work on it!

Get adequate rest

In order to have a proper mental state you must give your body the necessary rest.

As much as time and productivity have been established today as the main values ​​of people, human beings are not machines and we need rest to function properly.

When the human being does not rest properly, he obviously gains time, since he can invest the time allocated to sleep in working, however this gain in time will never translate into greater productivity..

In addition, the lack of rest directly translates into an inappropriate state of mind. Our mind, like our body, needs rest in order to function.

So don't skimp on the rest your body and brain need. A fatigued person becomes an easy prey for the stimuli around him, a rested person is capable of everything.

Share your life with others

The person is not understood without the presence of other people. Unlike other animals, the human being is designed to interact with others and live in community.

In fact, the interpersonal relationship is a basic need that all of us have in order to receive rewarding stimuli. Do not keep your things to yourself, you have your life to share with others.

Spend time telling your things to your family friends and listening to the experiences that they explain to you.

Invest time in enriching your relationships, because the people around you will be the sustenance of your well-being, who will provide you with greater personal gratification and who will help you regain a beneficial psychological state when in the moments that you may lose.

Express your emotions and concerns

In the same way that it is beneficial for your mental state to share your things with others, so is expressing your emotions and concerns.

Many times we think that the problems and feelings we may have are our things and we should keep them for ourselves. It is partly true, since we must be able to control and manage our emotions and thoughts on our own.

However, this does not prevent us from being able to express them in an adequate way to those people who we know will accept this type of externalization. Negative feelings and thoughts are normal and do not have to be harmful, they often fulfill an adaptive function.

However, if we manage them in an inappropriate way and we keep them inside ourselves, they can become a bigger problem. When you are sad, worried or stressed, share those feelings with the people you trust, you will see that you will feel good and your mental state will improve.

Stay active

To be well we need to do things. If we spend the day inactive, lying on the sofa or stretched out in bed without doing anything, our mental state will deteriorate irretrievably.

If you have a job, you may or may not be active enough, this will depend on your personal characteristics. If you feel active enough you will not have a problem, if you do not feel that way, it will be better to look for more activities to increase your occupation.

If you do not have a job, it is possible that the feeling of lack of activity is more present. However, this does not have to be like this.

There are many activities that you can do: develop an active job search, invest time in helping your family and friends, examine recreational activities that you would like to do, start a volunteer task ...

The type of activity you do is not so important but how you feel when doing it. If you like it, it is to your liking, it gives you personal satisfaction and a feeling of well-being and functionality, you will have the objective fulfilled.

do exercise

Physical exercise helps us to be in shape, have greater health and a lower probability of suffering a physical illness. However, the benefits of physical exercise are not only for our body, they are also for our mind.

Performing physical exercise promotes the release of endorphins in our brain and increases the production of tryptophan, increasing the levels of serotonin in our neurons.

Physical exercise increases confidence, emotional stability, intellectual functioning, among others. In addition, it reduces depression, stress, anger, among others.

Avoid stress

Stress can be one of the biggest enemies to our psychological well-being. When we experience stress, our body and mind adopt a higher state of permanent activation than normal..

There are times when this increased activation is necessary, but many others when it is not. For example:

You have a very important meeting which will dictate the future of your business. In this situation, it will be good for your body and mind to adopt a greater activation in order to reach your maximum potential..

However, if you maintain this state after the meeting is over, when you get home, when you go to sleep, the next day and for a long period of time, this activation will no longer make any sense and the only thing it will do is wear down your body, and rob you of your mental well-being.

Analyze your schedule, your activities and the way you face each aspect of your life to see if you should reduce your stress or not.

Invest time in you

Finally, to improve your mental well-being it is very important that you do not forget about yourself. Do not forget that your life is yours and you will only have one to enjoy it.

Do not forget that for many obligations that you have to fulfill, none should be so important as to deprive you of having a moment to carry out activities that are to your liking.

Invest time in doing those playful activities that bring you well-being, do not put aside your hobbies and hobbies, as they are a source of gratification that you cannot afford to lose..

These are 10 habits that can help you improve your psychological well-being. Do you practice any that we have not mentioned? Share it with us to help readers. Thank you!


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