The forests of Mexico They include a series of temperate arboreal plant formations, both conifers and angiosperms, and even mixed. They differ from the jungles due to their climatic conditions and their lesser structural complexity..
Mexico, as a megadiverse country located in the transitional area between the temperate and tropical zones of the northern hemisphere of America, has a diversity of forests. Among them are coniferous forests, which in turn differ from each other by the predominant species.
Others are broadleaf forests (broad-leaved angiosperms), and mixed forests where both conifers and angiosperms coexist. In addition, due to its location between the temperate and tropical zones, there are mixed forests with conifers, temperate angiosperms and tropical angiosperms..
The variety of species in the forests of Mexico is also due to their great diversity in genera characteristic of these plant formations in the world. For example, Mexico is the country with the greatest diversity of species of the genus Pinus (conifer), and also the largest number of species of Quercus (angiosperms).
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These forests are defined by the dominance of coniferous species, a group of resinous arboreal gymnosperms. Of these there are various types, depending on the dominant species, given the great diversity of conifers in Mexico..
They are named for forests where species of the genera Pseudotsuga Y Spruce, which in Mexico are called ayarín or pinabete. These species are found on mountainous slopes in protected valleys and with a sufficient supply of water..
The climate in these areas is temperate with annual rainfall of 600 to 1,600 mm and temperatures between 5 and 22 ºC. They are distributed in scattered areas to the north of Mexico in the Western and Eastern Sierra Madre as well as in the Neovolcanic Axis and Oaxaca..
In Mexico they call cedar or white cedar to the species of conifers of the genus Cupressus. They are between them Cupressus arizonica, Cupressus guadalupensis Y Cupressus lusitanica, among other.
These trees develop in temperate and cold climates with an average annual temperature of 10 to 20 ºC and rainfall of 800 to 2,500 mm..
There are patches of these forests in various mountain ranges of the country between 100 and 3,200 meters above sea level. For example, in the Sierra Madre Occidental, Eje Neovolcánico, Sierra Madre del Sur and on Guadalupe Island in Baja California.
In Mexico oyamel is the common name for Religious abies and species of Pseudotsuga, trees that exceed 30 m in height. From the dominance of these species in some patches of vegetation in almost all the mountains of the country, comes the name of oyamel forests.
These trees grow in temperate and cold climates between 2,000 and 3,000 meters above sea level, where there are temperatures of 6 to 18 ºC and rainfall of 600 to 3,000 mm. In addition to Religious abies, is the fir treeAbies duranguensis), the ocote (Pinus spp.), the aile (Alnus firmifolia) and oaks and oaks (Quercus spp.).
Species of Pinus and they are found in all Mexican mountain ranges from 150 to 4,200 meters above sea level, at the limit of trees. They have a great climatic range, since they develop both in temperate and warm climates.
Temperatures vary from 6 to 28 ºC, with annual rainfall of 350 to 1,200 mm. They reach a canopy height of up to 30 m, and about 44 species of the genus are found in the forests of this country. Pinus.
They are the Apache pine (Pinus engelmannii), Chinese pine (Pinus teocote) and the Scotch pine (Pinus mochoacana). Like the white ocotePinus montezumae), the brown ocote (Pinus hartwegii) and the ayacahuite pine (Pinus ayacahuite)
They get their name from the predominant species with scale-shaped leaves of the genus Juniperus, which in Mexico are called táscate or junipers. These forests are located throughout the country from the north in Baja California to Chiapas, being especially abundant in the Neovolcanic Axis.
They grow in cold climates from high mountains to temperate, sub-humid or dry, with temperatures of 12 to 22 ºC and rainfall between 200 and 1,200 mm. These are species that reach between 8 and 15 meters in height, such as Juniperus monosperma Y Juniperus flaccida and some species of Pinus and of Quercus (oaks).
They are forests composed of species of angiosperms or broadleaf (broad-leaved), especially of the genus Quercus, called oaks and oaks. In Mexico there are more than 200 species of Quercus and these forests are a transition between coniferous and tropical rainforests.
They can be low, almost shrubby forests from 4 to 8 m high to dense forests with 30 m high trees, deciduous. They thrive in a wide variety of climates, from temperate to hot, humid or dry.
Temperatures range from 10 to 26 ºC on average and rainfall of 350 to 2,000 mm per year. They are located in all the mountain ranges of Mexico from north to south, with the exception of the Yucatan peninsula.
Among the most common species are the laurel oak (Quercus laurina), the quebracho oak (Quercus rugosa), the spoon oak (Quercus urbanii) and charrasquillo (Quercus microphylla). While in tropical areas the species dominates Quercus oleoides.
In Mexico there are mixed forests that combine coniferous species with temperate zone angiosperms and others include tropical species. The latter are the so-called mountain mesophilic forests.
The most common mixed forests are those that include a diversity of pine species in their flora (Pinus) and oaks (Quercus). In these, the dominance may correspond to the pines, denominating pine-oak forests, while if the oak trees dominate the denomination is reversed..
The dominance of the pines occurs at the highest altitudes, while down the range the holm oaks dominate. Both types occur in temperate to cold climates with temperatures between 10 and 28 ºC, and annual rainfall of 600 to 2,500 mm..
They occur between 200 and 3,800 meters above sea level in all the mountain ranges of the country. In these conditions, forests are developed whose trees reach from 8 to 35 m in height, with a great diversity of species of Quercus Y Pinus.
It is a small mixed dry forest, which includes species of temperate angiosperms such as holm oaks and tropical species such as copals (Bursera spp.). It is located in Guadalajara on the urban periphery, having reduced a lot over time.
It is a type of forest unique in the world, combining coniferous and angiosperm species with a temperate climate with other tropical ones..
This vegetal formation is a mixture between a temperate forest and a tropical forest and it appears scattered in mountainous areas of Mexico at altitudes of 800 to 2,700 meters above sea level. Average temperatures range from 12 to 23 ºC and rainfall is above 1,000 mm, with humid soils and abundant organic matter..
They are dense forests with two or three layers, with a highly developed understory and varied epiphytism and climbing. The canopy reaches 10 to 25 m in height, with some species exceeding this limit as emergent trees..
They are located east of the Sierra Madre Oriental, in the Central Massif in Chiapas, on the Pacific slope. Conifers are found such as ocote (Pinus spp.) and several species of Podocarpus, together with various species of oak and oak (Quercus spp.).
Other species are the sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), linden (Ternstroemia pringlei), soap (Clethra spp.), handyman tree (Chirantodendron pentadactylon) and maple or maple (Acer skutchii).
In the undergrowth, tropical shrubs of the Acanthaceae, Rubiaceae and Myrsinaceae predominate, as well as tree ferns (Cyathea costarricensis). Likewise, epiphytes and climbers are tropical, such as orchids, bromeliads, araceae and piperáceas..
Given the mobility of the fauna, there is no specificity of species typical of each type of forest. In general, as they are mostly mountain forests in a temperate or cold climate, they are home to the different species typical of these regions..
However, in some cases there are species that are restricted to certain forests, such as the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) in the oyamel forests. Among the species common to most of the forests of Mexico are the wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus).
Others are the black bear (Ursus americanus) and the arboreal anteater (Tamandua Mexican). Among the birds are the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), the quetzalPharomacrus mocinno mocinno) and the California condor (Gymnogyps californicus).
Woodpeckers, such as the Greater Woodpecker (Picoides villosus) and the acorn woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus).
Snakes are also present, such as several species of the genus Crotalus (rattlesnakes). Among them the transvolcanic rattlesnake (Crotalus triseriatus) and the black-tailed rattlesnake (Crotalus molossus).
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