Change your life with 30 simple habits

David Holt
Change your life with 30 simple habits

Here are 30 simple habits to change your life

Healthy habits to change your life

1. Do sports 30 minutes every day.

Especially if you have a job in which you practically do not move, as is my case. 30 minutes is the minimum recommended to ensure long-term good health. Make no more excuses, everyone can find a 30-minute slot a day in their schedule.

2. Eat breakfast every day. 

In case anyone is curious, my breakfast for 2 years consists of hot soy milk with a tablespoon of cane syrup and Nescafé. To this potingue I add two tablespoons of fiber and 100 grams of rolled oats.

I also have the habit of always having breakfast at home because I don't want to imagine the waiter's face if I ask him for such a mixture. If someone wants to experiment, all the ingredients can be found in Mercadona.3. Sleep 8 hours.

Rather I would say that between 6 and 8 hours is the appropriate range depending on each one. Personally, if I sleep less than 6 hours, I am not a person. In addition, naps should not exceed 20 minutes.

4. Avoid snacking between meals. 

Snacking between meals is the best way to gain weight. If you're hungry, eat something specific but don't put the first crap that comes your way into your mouth. Bringing fruit with you is a good solution. I carry fruit everywhere.

Normally I have reservations in the fridge at work but if I have to go out one morning to record video or anything else, I always carry a bag with 2 or 3 pieces of fruit..

5. Eat 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables every day. 

This point is closely related to the previous one. Both our body and our brain love fruit and vegetables. 5 pieces is the daily amount recommended by the World Health Organization. I don't think anything will happen to increase this figure, in fact I far exceed it.

6. Eat fish. 

Fish is rich in Omega 3 and many other healthy elements. A minimum of one piece of fish a week is recommended to ensure that we acquire all these nutrients. My personal favorite fish is salmon.

7. Avoid fizzy drinks.

Drinks like Fanta and Coca Cola are anything but healthy. Avoid them as much as possible. A good national beer San Miguel can become a great alternative.

8. Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up. 

When you wake up, your body is dehydrated and needs fluids. Since I have memory use I sleep with a bottle of water by my side.

9. Keep your body clean. 

It is not about you becoming a metrosexual if you are a man, or that you wear out the mirror if you are a woman. But a little personal care and hygiene never hurts. You and those around you will feel better.

10. Stop smoking. 

If you smoke, quit. Needless to say more. When I was a little younger I smoked 1 pack a week. It wasn't much, but you start with something. One day talking to a friend with whom I shared a student flat, I told him that he could quit smoking whenever he wanted. And he replied that he did not believe it. We risk washing the dishes for a week, each one maintaining his position. I won the bet. Since then I have not smoked again.

11. Stop drinking alcohol. 

Drinking alcohol cannot become a daily habit. I am the first one who likes to have his beers at lunch or dinner on the weekends. Even some gin and tonic after dinner ... but then during the week you have to return to the usual rhythm. Also, if you meet point number 1 with respect to sports, you will see that if one day you spend with alcohol, the next day you will not be able to do sports.

12. Go up the stairs. 

Stairs are a great opportunity to get some exercise when the weather is bad..

Productive habits to change your life

13. Take notes. 

You should get in the habit of writing down all the ideas that come to mind. Get used to having a notebook or diary near you and take advantage of it. Depending on the field in which you develop professionally, you will write one type of thing or another. Personally I have a notebook in which I write down ideas to write on the blog. If I don't write them down right away I run the risk of forgetting them.

14. Set priorities. 

This point could give for a whole article since there are nefarious people to establish priorities. Ask yourself the following question: if you could only finish one thing today, which one would it be? There are many free computer tools that can help you prioritize.

15. Plan for the short term. 

Planning is important but I personally do not plan beyond 1 week onwards. Of course, it is necessary to have a medium / long-term strategy, but we cannot waste time evaluating and planning each of those days that still belong to the long term. On Monday morning you should know everything you need to have completed by Friday. When Friday comes you will plan the following week.

16. Early morning. 

You know the saying: God helps those who get up early. And most of the sayings contain a great truth. I, who have my particular beliefs, believe that those who wake up early help themselves. If you also get up early to do sports, much better.

17. Check your email only 2 times a day. 

You may have to check your email several times a day for work reasons. You must bear in mind that for really urgent things people usually use the telephone. Try to find the 2 key moments of the day when it will be most productive to check your e-mail and stick to those hours. Having the mail open and suffering interruptions every time someone wants to write you any nonsense, is something that consumes a large amount of your time and above all, it undermines your attention.

18. Eliminate unimportant tasks. 

Being busy all day does not mean that you are doing what is really important. Eliminate everything superfluous from your to-do list and focus on what is important. If you have been wanting to do something that is not really important for a long time and you never find the time, it is most likely not worth doing it. Remove it.

19. Clean your room and your desk. 

It will help you stay focused and increase your creativity.

20. Automate. 

There are many tasks that you have to do every day and they are very repetitive. Try to find a way to automate them.

21. Set strict deadlines. 

When you start doing something, decide in advance when you are going to stop. There is a rule that says that you will use all the time you have available to carry out a task. Therefore, the only way to know how much time you have available is to mark an end date. Otherwise the date will remain open and you will not make the most of the time.

22. Relax for the weekend. 

If you have worked hard during the week, the weekend is invented to relax and unwind. Try to disconnect from work as much as possible. And of course, do your best not to have to take work home with you. I don't usually follow this rule to the letter ... my girlfriend attests to it.

Habits about personal development to change your life

23. Read a book a week. 

Reading is a great way to keep your brain active and young. With 30 minutes a day you can easily read 1 book a week, or what is the same, 50 books a year. I personally cannot fall asleep without having read something before in bed.

24. Play board games.

It's a great way to socialize, spend time with your family, and have the kids entertained. If you don't have the Trivia or the Party yet, ask someone to give it to you for your next birthday. Puzzles are also a very entertaining option.

25. Think positive. 

You are what you think. Forever. Any time. Do not forget.

26. Make quick decisions. 

Instead of thinking for 1 hour whether or not to do something. Try to make the decision as quickly as possible, if you can in less than 1 minute. Obviously, this habit must be used exclusively for superfluous decisions, not for important ones..

27. Wait before buying something. 

Waiting 48 hours before buying something from you is an incredible way to save money. Try it.

28. Meditate for 30 minutes every day. 

Meditation will help you to have clarity and peace of mind. I have to admit that I have never tried and do not know the techniques to do it. As I have already commented on some occasion, my particular meditation is running.

29. Create a blog. 

Creating a blog is a great way to meet people and share your concerns. The theme of the blog can be professional based on your work experience or your academic knowledge or on the contrary it can be a personal blog. You can also create a mix of both (personal and professional) as is the case with PSICOCODE

30. Don't watch junk programs. 

Junk programs do to your brain the same thing that sodas do to your body. If you don't have 30 minutes to read, meditate or play sports, of course you don't have time to watch junk shows either..

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