Letter of good conduct

Basil Manning
Letter of good conduct
Good conduct letter example

What is a letter of good conduct?

A good conduct letter It is a writing or document that aims to give a certification on the behavior of a particular individual, by means of which a recommendation that is addressed to an institution or company is formalized..

People in general govern their conduct by the rules of coexistence that are established by society, within which they can be indicated: respect, morals and good manners, appropriate and decent interaction with other people, as well as a good legal behavior.

This letter cannot be issued by the interested person, but must be drawn up and issued by the head of the institution or by the superior in the hierarchy who acts as representative of the company or work of the interested party in question..

It could also be issued by the president of the communal area where the interested party lives, the highest police chief of the community, or who legally governs the state, city or municipality where the citizen lives, such as the governor, mayor or prefect..

What is the use of a letter of good conduct?

The letter of good conduct serves to leave a written record that a person has shown good behavior within their work, educational or social environment, maintaining an honest conduct and with good behavior under the morals and good customs established in the laws from a country.

For example, when applying for a job or going to a new academy, those who are going to hire or admit the interested party are very interested in knowing that the person they are going to admit is not problematic as such..

For this reason, a letter of good conduct is usually requested, so that the performance of the person is accredited when living with other neighbors of the community, work or study colleagues, as well as with their superiors..

Important uses

This type of letter is also highly requested in the case of people who will perform domestic work or care for other individuals, such as the elderly, children or patients, as well as people who will perform customer service tasks..

It is also used by many schools, in the case of students who come from other states or from other schools and have required a change of school in order to continue with their studies..

How to write a letter of good conduct? Data it contains

As the letter of good conduct is a writing that generates points in favor with respect to the good behavior and attitude of a person, this document has a legal quality, for which it must be written in formal language.

The manners, actions and behaviors that the person has assumed during their stay within the institution in charge of their writing should be highlighted. In the same way, the information contained must be true and verifiable, in such a way that it allows to certify such behavior..

This letter is addressed generically to whom it may concern, generally being made on letterhead. To do so, the following elements must be included:

Place and date

It serves to mark the place and the moment when the letter is written. In general, every letter must have this element, preferably in the upper right corner.


The following shows who the letter is addressing. The vocative for this case is someone general and undefined. For example, “To whom it may concern” or “To whom it may concern”. This sentence must be centered on the written sheet.


Here we talk about the person in question, indicating their data and certifying that they have presented a good conduct carrying out the activities they normally carry out, as well as a brief mention of the time they have spent in the company or institution.

It must be established that the individual in question has always complied with all the stipulated rules, stating the reasons why it is considered that this citizen has shown good behavior.

Subsequently, the letter's farewell is written. It should be written in such a way that it is clear that the letter of good conduct is being written for the purpose that best suits the person concerned. In the end it is customary to make a courteous and formal farewell.


The letter must be signed by a person who has a higher rank than the person mentioned, either the person in charge, his / her hierarchical superior, the director or the manager of the entity.


Example 1

México D.F., as of January 15, 2021.

To whom it may concern

Through this letter I let anyone who may be aware that Miss Elena Martha Ramos Mendieta is a person worthy of trust, who also has an unbeatable attitude in her life and in her professional part is an educator who deserves full trust, finding herself fully suitable to start working in her educational institution.



Rector: Prof. Marcos Rodríguez Mendoza

Metropolitan Autonomous University

Example 2

Mexico City, as of January 29, 2021.

To whom it may concern

Please serve this document to state that Mrs. Rosa Mendoza Restrepo, with employee number 2473141-809 and voter ID 23775856940, who has worked under my orders in this company for the last four years, has shown to be a committed, responsible person. , honest and with an excellent behavior and attitude.

In the course of all this time there has never been any kind of problem with Mrs. Mendoza, so I can certify that her conduct has always been impeccable..

I extend this letter for the purposes that best suit the person concerned. For any clarification, you can contact the numbers listed below.



Luisa Sánchez Jurado


Servicios y Productos Profesionales S.A. by C.V.

Phones: (55) 5152.1225 - (55) 5152.1228

Downloadable Good Conduct Letter Formats


The following is the format of a general good conduct letter, focused on Mexico:

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For a job

The following is the format of a letter of good conduct for a job, focused on Mexico:

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For a prisoner

The following is the format of a letter of good conduct for an inmate, focused on Mexico:

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For surety

The following is the format of a letter of good conduct for guarantors, focused on Mexico:

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For immigration

The following is the format of a letter of good conduct for immigration, focused on Mexico:

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