The Cenolithic It was one of the stages in which Mexican prehistory is divided. It is found within the lithic stage, along with the archaeological and protoneolithic. This classification is not the only one that experts use to divide this stage, since other authors prefer to use the Proto-Indian, Paleo-Indian and Meso-Indian periodization..
The first inhabitants of Mexico took advantage of the improvement of the climate to settle in the territory. Among the most important features is the improvement of weapons, which led to the hunting of large animals was very common. Some experts point out that this could be behind the extinction of some species in the area.
The Cenolithic is divided into two different stages. The first, the Lower Cenolithic, began between 14,000 and 9,000 BC. For its part, the Upper Cenolithic dates from 7,000 BC. to 2,500 BC One of the great differences between both subdivisions in the increase of the ability to make tools.
Likewise, evidence has been found that, apart from hunting, the human groups present at that time were gatherers. Even, already at the end of the Upper Cenolithic, it seems that they had begun to practice a very rudimentary agriculture.
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The Cenolithic is part of the Lithic Stage, the oldest in the history of Mexico. The remains found have offered many data to researchers on how the human being arrived and was distributed in that territory.
One of the characteristics of the Cenolithic was the revolution that affected the ways of building hunting weapons. Thus, it was then that the leaf-shaped projectile tips appeared..
These tips were ribbed and spread throughout most of North America and Mesoamerica. Likewise, the so-called Clovis and Folsom tips began to be manufactured..
As the Cenolithic was advancing, already in its second stage, the technique of making weapons advanced in a remarkable way. Projectile points, for example, began to be built thinking about what kind of animal they were going to hunt.
One of the novel tool-making techniques that emerged during this stage is percussion..
This new method, plus others that began to be used, allowed the number of tools that could be created to be expanded.
The findings found in several deposits, especially those located on the shores of Lake Texcoco, show that the inhabitants of the area during that period were great hunters. In fact, many historians have referred to the period as that of "the mammoth hunters.".
Another characteristic of this stage was that human beings came together, forming large groups. This was the origin of the tribes or clans.
This grouping was favored by survival factors. Hunting large animals required the collaboration of several individuals and the meat obtained could feed the entire group.
Similarly, these groups began to collect various plants and fruits, in addition to hunting smaller animals..
The Cenolithic was the time when grinding tools appeared, such as mortars or grinding wheels. Examples of the first slabs have also been found, irregular in shape and quite simple..
On the other hand, those first settlers baskets, which used to boil crushed grain flour. To give it that use, the baskets had great resistance to fire. Little by little, the diet was expanding, something that favored the resistance of individuals.
During the Lithic Stage, of which the Cenolithic is part, the human being expanded throughout the American continent. It was then, as the name of the period indicates, when they began to use stone as a material to make tools..
In this regard, the Lithic Stage overlaps with the Stone Age. The only difference is that the Lithic Stage was shorter and that the concept is only used in America..
The Cenolithic period, also called the Cenolithic Horizon, began around 14000 BC. Experts divide it into two parts: lower and upper.
The first stage of the Cenolithic is called the Lower Horizon. It began around 14,000 BC, although there are authors who place its beginning later. Temporarily, the period was located at the end of the Pleistocene, at a time when the climate was becoming more temperate and, therefore, more favorable for the inhabitants of the area..
At first, the settlers during this stage based their survival on hunting large animals. However, these began to be scarce, partly as a result of the catches made. This caused them to change their way of life, beginning to pay more attention to small animals..
In the same way, evidence has also been found that they practiced the collection of fruits, vegetables and roots as a way to complete their diet.
Their social organization was very basic, based on the nuclear family. However, already at that time they began to group into larger bands.
As mentioned, by the end of this subdivision several large animals had already become extinct. Many authors point out that the effects of the hand of man in the alteration of ecosystems can already be seen.
The second part of the Cenolithic, the Upper Horizon, began between 9,000 and 7,000 BC. Among its main characteristics is the improvement in the manufacture of weapons. Among them, the projectile points.
The large animals, the megafauna, had disappeared, so that gathering became a basic need for different human groups. To complete the diet, they hunted smaller animals, such as rabbits or deer..
A major advance that occurred during the Upper Cenolithic was a very rudimentary early form of agriculture. Some of the plants that humans began to care for and exploit were squash, chili, avocado or corn.
The camps were set up in the open air, housing larger groups. They had developed better tools, in addition to increasing their variety. The use of percussion, pressure and wear techniques allowed them to use harder stones and make instruments such as axes..
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