You may have inherited a slow metabolism, although that doesn't mean you can't do anything. In fact, research shows that certain habits can be used to burn calories more efficiently..
Learn how to speed up metabolism it is very important for anyone who wants to lose weight or keep it off. However, the speed of metabolism depends on several factors.
For example, men tend to burn more calories than women, even when they are resting. Other people inherit it genetically. On the other hand, after 40 it begins to progressively decrease.
Although you can't control your age, genetics, or gender, there are other ways to improve your metabolism. Before I start with the 10 ways to do it, I would like to answer several important questions.
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Metabolism describes the chemical processes that happen in your body to keep you alive and make your organs work properly; breathe, repair cells, and digest food.
According to wikipedia: "it is the set of biochemical reactions and physical-chemical processes that occur in a cell and in the body".
These chemical processes require energy, and the minimum required by your body is called your base metabolic rate..
Although people who want to lose weight may blame their slow metabolism, there are many studies internationally that have found no evidence for it..
In fact, it seems that the opposite is the reality: overweight people may have a faster metabolism, due to the need for energy that is required to maintain a body with more fat..
Research has also shown that people do not remember well what they have eaten during the day. When asking what has been eaten, there is a tendency to report that much less has been ingested than what has actually been done.
Therefore, it seems that eating too many calories is the real reason for gaining weight..
By training twice a week, you reverse 50% of the lag in metabolism that inevitably comes with age. This is stated by Dr. Gary Hunter, a professor at the University of Alabama.
Aerobic exercise does not work the muscles, although it does accelerate the metabolism in the hours after training.
The key is to exercise more intensity, as it increases the rate of calorie burning at rest.
Visit this article to learn more about the benefits of exercise.
Being in constant movement and reducing the time you spend sitting will allow you to burn calories throughout the day.
Any extra exercise or movement will burn calories, therefore it is important to find times of the day when you move.
When you swim, run or go for a walk, increase the intensity for 30-second intervals, then return to normal intensity.
This will help you consume more oxygen and make your mitochondria work to burn energy. In addition, it will increase the number of mitochondria in your body and its efficiency to burn energy.
Your body needs water to process calories. If you are dehydrated, your metabolism can slow down.
In one study, men who drank eight or more glasses of water a day burned more calories than those who drank four.
To stay hydrated, drink a glass of water before each meal. Also, fruits contain a high water content, in addition to providing other benefits, such as these.
In this article you can learn about other benefits of water.
Eating more often can help you lose weight.
By eating a lot with many hours in between, your metabolism slows down. Eating a snack every 3-4 hours makes your metabolism speed up and burn more calories throughout the day.
On the other hand, eating snacks-whole wheat sandwich, fruits- makes you eat less at lunch or dinner..
Eating fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids allows you to increase the speed of your metabolism.
These acids balance blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation, helping to regulate metabolism. They can also help reduce resistance to the hormone leptin, which is related to the rate at which fat is burned..
Research with rats showed that those that ingested more fish oil lost more weight.
Your body constantly burns calories, even when you do nothing.
This metabolic burning rate when you are at rest is higher in people who have more muscle, since muscles need more energy to maintain themselves than fat.
On average, exercising for 30-40 minutes twice a week for four months increases metabolism by 100 calories a day.
Your body burns many more calories from protein than from fat or carbohydrate.
Therefore, substituting high-protein foods for high-fat ones can increase metabolism. Some sources of protein are: turkey, chicken, nuts, eggs, beans ...
Recent research on obesity has shown that keeping calcium levels low can trigger the release of the same hormone that causes the body to retain fat. Choose low-fat products: salmon, natural yogurt ...
On the other hand, vitamin C helps absorb calcium, therefore it is important to eat foods such as tangerines, oranges or kiwis.
Drinking alcohol causes you to eat 200 more calories with each meal.
In addition, the body burns the alcohol ingested first, meaning that the rest of the food is more likely to be stored as fat..
Green tea is known for its antioxidant properties and in addition, its compound "catechin" can increase metabolism.
Research has suggested that catechins may enhance fat oxidation and thermogenesis; the production of energy by your body or heat, from digestion.
According to a study, by drinking five glasses of green tea a day, you will increase your energy expenditure by 90 calories a day.
If you don't eat breakfast, your body goes into a kind of "starvation mode" and your metabolism slows down to conserve energy.
In a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, participants who ate 22-25% of calories at breakfast gained less weight than those who only ate 11% at breakfast.
Spicy food has natural chemicals that can increase metabolic rate.
The effect is probably temporary, although if you eat them more often, the benefits will increase and be progressive.
Researchers from Canada found that people who ate more foods that used pesticides had more disruptions in mitochondrial and thyroid activity, thus causing metabolism to stagnate..
You don't have to eat too much or too little. The problem is that some people go from overeating to hardly eating at all. Eating less than 1200-1800 calories a day is detrimental to accelerating the metabolic rate.
Although you may lose weight more quickly, you will not be nourishing yourself properly. In addition, by losing muscle you will decrease your metabolism, making your body burn fewer calories after the diet..
Some people need more sleep than others, it is about sleeping the hours with which you feel rested and energetic.
Research has shown that not getting enough sleep can result in a slowdown in metabolism.
Stress releases a hormone called cortisol that causes your body to maintain fat in the event of a stressful situation..
Practicing yoga, meditation or sports reduces stress.
And do you know other ways to increase the speed of your metabolism? Have you managed to lose weight? I am interested in your opinion! Thanks.
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