How to Collaborate for the Conservation of Endemic Species

Abraham McLaughlin

Some of the ways of collaborating for the conservation of endemic species are avoiding hunting and fishing, with species conservation programs and with sustainable tourism..

Endemic species are those species of flora and fauna typical of a geographical area, considered exclusive to a region, since they do not exist anywhere else in the world and represent one of the greatest riches of the landscape, as well as one of the best indicators of heritage. biological of a country.

Regularly, endemic species are located in territories that are difficult to access or are geographically isolated, such as islands, mountains, rivers, lakes or caves, among others, affecting their genetic load, until the generation of new species unique to that environment..

But how can endemic species be protected??

Conservation of endemic species

Endemic species are generally classified as vulnerable species, since their restricted location and limited population make them more susceptible to threats.

They face moderate risks of extinction or population deterioration in the medium term, therefore it is necessary to apply measures that contribute to the conservation of endemic species, among which we can mention:

1 - Ban hunting and fishing

Hunting and fishing, whether sport, recreational or commercial, as well as logging, should be prohibited or restricted as part of strategies to protect the habitats of endemic species..

It is advisable to put laws that severely penalize hunters and traffickers, as well as anyone who attempts in one way or another against wildlife.

2 - Conservation programs

Conservation programs seek to protect natural ecosystems by reducing the impact of threats, through government strategies and comprehensive projects for the conservation and preservation of endemic species..

These programs promote the reduction of deforestation rates and contain plans for reforestation and recovery of natural habitats to improve the management of natural resources..

3 - Land use planning and protected areas

Land use planning must respect and protect the natural habitats of endemic species, placing emphasis on controlling urban and agricultural expansion, which alter and degrade natural ecosystems..

In this sense, natural reserves or protected natural areas can be declared to areas where endemic species inhabit, so that they are protected and controlled by the State, thus reducing the impact produced by human activities..

4 - Sustainable tourism

Sustainable tourism or ecotourism seeks to increase efforts that positively impact biodiversity, making the enjoyment of nature and respect for the environment compatible.

Sustainable tourism promotes the awareness of the local population and tourists, with practices in accordance with sustainable development, imparting knowledge through natural experience, with guided visits to observe nature and its endemic species..

5 - Awareness

One of the main individual solutions for the conservation of species lies in collaboration and awareness with respect to the environment.

With the support of research centers, civil organizations, private companies and government agencies, it should seek to promote environmental education and culture to local communities, as well as to the general population..


  1. Spanish Association for Culture, Art and Education. ASOCAE. (s / f). CONSERVATION OF BIODIVERSITY. Conservation 3rd part. Natureduca: Educational nature. ASOCAE Natural and Applied Sciences educational portal. Retrieved September 19, 2017 from:
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  3. National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity. CONABIO. (s / f). ENDEMIC SPECIES OF MEXICO. Mexican Biodiversity Portal. Directorate of Scientific Communication. Retrieved on September 19, 2017 from:
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