How to Take Care of the Environment 13 Practical Tips

Abraham McLaughlin
How to Take Care of the Environment 13 Practical Tips

In this article I will explain how to help take care of the environment through practical actions that can be carried out from your own home. Sometimes with small measures applied constantly you can have great results.

It is worth it, because the environment in which we live is very important for health. You can take good care of your mental and physical health, but if in the end we don't have a healthy world to live in, it won't do any good..

Did you know these data?

  • The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that in 2012 about 7 million people died - one in eight of the total deaths in the world - as a result of exposure to air pollution.
  • 13% are due to pneumonia, 34% to stroke, 25% to ischemic heart disease, 22% to chronic obstructive lung disease, and 6% to lung cancer.
  • In addition to outdoor air pollution, indoor smoke poses a serious health risk to some 3 billion people who cook and heat their homes with biomass and coal fuels..
  • Each year, more than 4 million people die prematurely from diseases attributable to household air pollution as a result of the use of solid fuels for cooking..
  • More than 50% of pneumonia deaths in children under 5 years of age are caused by inhaled particles indoors with polluted air.
  • The United Nations estimates that each year 6.4 million tons of garbage end up in the world's oceans.
  • In the Pacific there is an 'island' of 4 million tons of waste and an area of ​​1.5 million km2.

Not to mention climate change ...

How can you personally help to take care of the environment?

There are many things you can do on a daily basis to avoid polluting so much and respect the earth. Then I will comment on the 10 that I consider most important:


Recycling helps conserve resources like water. Image recovered from:

Simply by putting a can in the appropriate container you are doing a lot for the environment. The same with paper, cardboard and organic waste.

And you don't have to have complex compartments in your home, or spend a lot of money. It is as simple as having a bag for each type of waste: glass, organic, paper, packaging and plastic.

2-Use LED bulbs

Approximately 25% of the energy consumed in a home is used for lighting.

LED bulbs consume very little and can last up to 50 years. The price is usually 5-10 euros but it is compensated in a few months, due to its low electricity consumption.

Energy-saving light bulbs (compact fluorescent lamps) also use little energy but contain a gas with a portion of mercury, which makes them a hazardous waste. It is recommended that they be delivered to a recycling point.

3-Save water

When it comes to saving water, small actions can make a big difference.

Leaving the tap running while you brush your teeth wastes several liters of water. Each time you pull the chain it is approximately 20 liters and its leaks can result in several hundred liters every few hours.

4-Use public transport or bicycle

Transporting yourself by private transport is becoming more and more a luxury. Not only because it is more expensive, but because it pollutes many more. 

If you can't help it, try to do several things on the same trip: do the shopping, fill up the gas, visit someone ...  

Without a doubt, the best solution for getting around the city is the bicycle. At least in Europe there are more and more bike lanes, it is healthy and also very economical.

5-Make efficient use of energy

This includes: disconnecting everything in summer, turning off lights when you are not at home, disconnecting the "stand by" and avoiding air conditioners or heaters when they are not necessary..

6-Buy reusable and environmentally friendly products

Products like lead paint or foods with pesticides are toxic and you shouldn't buy them. 

It is better to buy organic products, which are usually safer for the health of you and the planet.

7-Buy local organic food

Young Attractive Woman on a Farm. Woman Farmer picking fruit from her organic garden. Agriculture: woman picking ripe apples in garden during fall.

Fruits and vegetables are sometimes shipped from other countries before reaching a supermarket. 

If you buy local products the fruit will probably be fresh and you will also have the possibility to ask if they are organic or if any pesticide has been used on them.

8-Drive smarter

(Only if it is essential and you cannot transport yourself by public transport, walking or by bike).

Experts estimate that efficient driving helps save up to 20% fuel.

Some advices:

  • Ride as much as possible in the highest gears and at low revs. Better to ride in high gears with the accelerator depressed than in low gears with the accelerator less depressed.
  • Keep the speed of circulation uniform.
  • Brake smoothly.

9-Use reusable bags instead of plastic bags

Plastic bags consume large amounts of energy to manufacture, they are composed of substances derived from petroleum, which can take more than half a century to degrade..

Choose to use reusable and non-polluting bags.

10-eat less meat

Meat production has a great impact on the environment. Livestock industries generate 18% of greenhouse gas emissions. 

In addition, Amazon forests have been cut down to make way for large fields to feed animals.. 

Vegetables, fruits and vegetables are essential for your health, your defenses or aging more slowly.

11-Grow your own food

If you have your own garden, you can plant and maintain a small garden that will provide you with a variety of organic vegetables, much fresher than you can find in any supermarket..

12-Clean the house without polluting products

When cleaning windows or furniture with strong cleaners, their chemicals inevitably escape into the environment. 

This can lead to skin rashes or asthma attacks. White vinegar mixed with water can be used to clean the floor or remove grease stains. 

Vinegar contains a concentration of between 3% and 5% of acetic acid in water and small amounts of tartaric acid and citric acid, compounds with highly disinfectant properties..


There are many that I can think of. If you know more, please leave them in the comments section:

  • Walk up the stairs instead of using the elevator.
  • Use the folios / sheets on both sides
  • Use the dishwasher only when it's full.
  • Use recycled paper.
  • Use used envelopes.
  • Pay bills online instead of having to send you envelopes every month.
  • Do not leave the refrigerator open, it is one of the most expensive appliances.
  • Buy used furniture.

And what are you doing to take care of the environment?

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