How to eliminate from your life what you do not need

Jonah Lester
How to eliminate from your life what you do not need

Have you ever stopped to think what your life would be like without 80% of your possessions? Would it really change your life by 80%? Have you ever thought about cleaning pending tasks, obsolete thoughts, in short of what is the intangible part of your life?

Accumulating the unnecessary takes away our energy and generates more obligations and tasks. But the most important thing of all is to discover that our life improves when we detach from it the superfluous, the unnecessary.

There are many reasons why we accumulate possessions. There are people who accumulate them for tranquility, believing that when they need something they will have it free and accessible, others out of attachment, others do not even question it because it is what they have seen in their life. The reality is that we have closets full of objects that we do not use, and that we will not use.

Sometimes, as we no longer fit in our space, we use the space of others to store and store more objects. Our wardrobes are getting bigger and with more compartments.

Many people have clothes to wear every day in a row for months, and they don't wear them. There is the mentality of owning objects, of accumulating belongings for a long time with the conviction that one day we will use them, but that day does not come, and even if it does arrive, the stored object does not usually meet our expectations..

Accumulating intangibles

We also tend to accumulate intangibles. We have increasingly long to-do lists, pending objectives to be executed, projects under study that we don't study, pending conversations that we procrastinate, and an endless number of intangibles that we generate more worries and wear and tear than benefits.

Luckily, a new mindset is emerging that defends the idea of ​​living with the essentials for our day to day, and acquiring objects when they are really necessary. For this reason, more and more products are loaned or rented to the detriment of possessions. And it is that we do not need as many things as we think to have well-being in our life.

We are the society that has the most possessions in history, but we cannot guarantee that we are the happiest or most peaceful society. In fact, this is one of the causes that has led many people to have a delicate economic situation or to be dependent on banks and financial entities for a large part of their lives: the need for possession.

They sold us the idea that you buy what you need, and if money was a problem they would lend it to you. It is not a question of economy, but of needs, of real or unreal needs.

The truth is that once you experience the sensation of detaching yourself from something that does not bring you anything, there is only satisfaction. People have a limited energy level to apply it to our lives. Optimizing our energy involves dedicating the greatest amount of energy to the things that really add value to our lives.

When this is fulfilled, you live better, more intensely and fully, you are more connected with the present and your energy increases. And this is due to the liberation that you experience. When you empty a closet and you realize that your life continues, you free yourself, when you throw away or recycle objects that you do not use and you realize that your life continues, you free yourself, when you remove from your mind what worries you and that you have been carrying. for a long time you free yourself, and your life changes for the better.

So I invite you to reflect on everything you have in your life that does not give you anything, and takes up a lot of physical and mental space, and to make a list of it. Surely many things on that list can be deleted forever, and many others temporarily put aside. And who knows, maybe by leaving space in your life you allow other things to enter that do give you energy, new ideas, new projects, new people, new hobbies, new joys ...

As always, I like to say goodbye with some suggestions for you to put into practice if you consider it, or at least to inspire you to create your own.. Its objective is to eliminate the superfluous from your life and increase your energy levels.

Suggestions for eliminating the superfluous from your life

If you have more than a year with pending objectives, you should remove this objective from your list, because you really do not want it. It is better to park a goal, or rethink it, than to occupy a space in your mind with something that does not advance.

If your to-do list doesn't empty, delete it Or do it all the way it is, but keep the number of to-dos to a minimum. If you haven't done your homework, it won't be very important to you..

Do cleaning of objects in your house. If you feel sorry for getting rid of something, consider the following:

  • From 1 to 10, with 10 being the level of essential need, how much do I need this ?; if the result is less than 7 you can get rid of that.
  • In case you ever need this, how else could you get it? What would you have to do to get it? you will realize that many things can be obtained at a very low price, or even free, and practically without effort.
  • How will my life change if I remove this from my space ?; most of the answers will be nothing.
  • Who could cheer or help if I give this to him ?; Thinking that someone can take advantage of something unused that I have in a closet is a good reason to let it go. Helping other people is very liberating.

You begin to question whether the ideas and beliefs you have about life have been imposed on you from the outside or are the product of your inner desires. If their influence is external, I advise you to adapt them to your own criteria. Write your ideas as you conceive them today and next to it, rewrite them as you really want them.

Write those pending accounts that you have with other people or with yourself and consider clarifying them as soon as possible. The release you will receive is the greatest of rewards.

Enjoy your liberation and its physical and mental benefits. See you soon.

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