Detoxification centers are characterized by treating the first stages of an addiction, specifically the detoxification and cessation.
When a person wants to quit an addiction, the most common way is to consult with the family doctor who will study their case and decide whether or not it is convenient to enter a detoxification center..
In some cases, it is also possible to contact the medical team of these centers directly, who will be able to assess the need for total hospitalization or on an outpatient basis..
It is also important to know the difference between a detox center and a rehab clinic since both are terms that are often confused..
On the one hand, in a detoxification center, abstinence from the behavior or substance is sought in order for the body to regain normalcy. Admission is not usually very long and ranges from 1 week to 1 month.
On the other hand, in a rehabilitation clinic it is accessed once detoxification has been achieved and the therapeutic change of the person and the acquisition of new habits are sought. Normally these clinics are located in natural and quiet environments. Here the psychological component is worked more and families are generally more involved during the process. The duration of admission to one of these centers is longer in time and usually ranges between 4 and 7 months.
Historically, addiction to substances (drugs, alcohol) has been the main reason for entering a detoxification center. However, behavioral addictions can also cause a lot of suffering in people and in some cases make it necessary to enter one of these centers.
Among the most frequent behavioral addictions we find addiction to sex or addiction to gambling (gambling).
In order to get an idea about the duration of these treatments, we will give as an example a case of drug addiction.
We can point out 3 well differentiated phases:
The goal of this phase is to remove the substance from the patient's body. It is usually necessary to carry out medical supervision together with the internment of the person in a detoxification center.
The detox phase usually lasts between 10 days and 1 month.
The objective of cessation is for the patient to learn to live without the substance, that is, to get rid of its use and at the same time acquire more adaptive habits and lifestyle.
In this phase, aspects more related to psychology, personal development and emotions will be worked on..
It is normal that at the beginning of this phase the patient still needs to be admitted to a detoxification center, but little by little he will be given freedom, either through departures for hours or trips to the homes of relatives.
We can see that hospitalization in a detoxification center is really necessary during phase 1 and the beginning of phase 2.
Maintaining abstinence is the ultimate goal and is the last phase of addiction treatment. This phase lasts a lifetime since the addict is considered chronically ill. One-off meetings with support groups can help the patient feel accompanied and supported.
Along with maintaining abstinence, it is important to achieve social reintegration of the patient as this will help prevent the risk of relapse. It is normal that, as a result of their addiction, many people have family, work, social or even legal problems. For this reason, it is necessary to equip the patient with the necessary tools that allow him to regain balance in the different facets of his life..
In any center that aims to improve the health of its patients, there are a series of rules and in the case of a detoxification center the rules are even stricter since the success of the program will depend on them..
The basic rules consist of not introducing the substance (drugs, alcohol, etc.) in the center and at the same time periodically submitting to the medical controls (blood or urine tests) that are necessary.
Participation in the different activities and group meetings proposed by the center is also mandatory, since these are part of the treatment that leads to the improvement of the patient..
The Andalusian Junta has prepared a addiction seminar free that will take place in Seville this coming December.
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