How Christmas stress caused by hearing problems affects us

Alexander Pearson
How Christmas stress caused by hearing problems affects us

In recent years it has been shown that those who are subjected to high levels of stress for a long time are more likely to suffer hearing problems such as tinnitus or tinnitus, a phenomenon that is characterized by the perception of sounds, buzzes, beeps or blows inside the ear without these coming from any external stimulus.

From the hearing centers and numerous experts warn that at Christmas time, with last minute purchases, expenses or family reunions increase this type of pathologies considerably..

Tinnitus usually occurs in the form of episodes of varying duration, from a few minutes to several hours. In the most severe cases, they can last for days or weeks. Because its cause is the stress, they can be more or less durable and very diverse in intensity.

A high percentage of adults have experienced or will experience situations of high exposure to stress and anxiety phases throughout his life . Tiredness or lack of physical activity also plays a role and is among the possible causes, along with loud sounds, hormonal changes, infections in the ear canals, or the use of some drugs..

Among the measures that can help prevent the appearance of these uncomfortable symptoms are: try to rest regularly if we perceive that we are overwhelmed by some situation that can generate nervousness and stress. Also eliminate the consumption of stimulants of the nervous system like coffee and control hypertension. Any adult can be a potential tinnitus patient especially during the holidays.

According to doctors, up to 75% of the inhabitants of large cities and commercial areas suffer from some degree of hearing loss. The direct cause is that the cells responsible for generating the auditory action stop performing the function that naturally corresponds to produce tinnitus..

Urban traffic, air traffic, household appliances, heavy machinery, mobile phones, headphones, shopping centers, discos or music halls, are stimuli to avoid if we are suffering from this pathology. On the other hand, those who suffer from these annoyances tend to enter a loop from which it is difficult to get out, it is the whiting that bites its tail.

First they are subjected to a high level of stress, which makes them more prone to suffer from this pathology. When they finally suffer it they begin to perceive sounds, beeps, buzzing and to notice some pressure in the head and difficulty hearing, This leads them to suffer from certain anxiety which, in turn, increases the production of tinnitus. To a large extent, this may be because stress puts great strain on the facial muscles. Some harden and involve the bite makers as well, causing their teeth to grind. These muscles are very directly connected to certain structures of the ear..

To treat stress tinnitus, the medical recommendation is to go to a hearing center from the onset of the first symptoms. Also, learn training and relaxation techniques.

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