How does winning the lottery affect us?

David Holt
How does winning the lottery affect us?

Winning a jackpot is everyone's dream. Who has not ever fantasized about the idea of ​​becoming a millionaire? We imagine paying off debts, buying high-end cars, sailing on a yacht, traveling to the most remote countries without skimping ...

But that dream, a priori unattainable, sometimes becomes reality. Although the odds of winning a jackpot or a primitive prize are very low, the reality is that the lottery always touches someone and that it could turn our lives around in a matter of seconds.

How could hitting a jackpot affect us?

The effects of landing a major award have been thoroughly analyzed by psychology experts and the conclusions can be surprising. Although for many people money has represented a salvation, for others it has ended up becoming a drama. Some people have even regretted having collected the prize.

According to the analyzes carried out, a determining factor is the amount of money obtained in the draw. When the amount of the prize is not very high, the lucky person usually invests the capital in what is popularly known as "plug holes": Pay off the mortgage or pending loans, carry out some work, help the family, take a vacation or even indulge yourself.

The problem comes when the figure reached is so extraordinary that we don't really know what to do with it: Investments, purchase of real estate, savings?… The conflict can be overwhelming. And, when in doubt, many choose to spend. Surely we have known through the media the case of lucky people with millionaire prizes who have squandered their fortune in a short time and have ended up in misery.

We may also be familiar with the image of the "new millionaire" who appears driving a high-end car, or adopting a pace of life not in keeping with his previous status. According to experts in psychology, this attitude is the result of immaturity, not knowing how to face the responsibilities of properly managing unexpected profits.

The new "friends"

Another determining factor is the reaction that the award may cause in the environment. When a person obtains a primitive, or has a winning coupon, relatives, friends or simply acquaintances usually appear requesting financial aid. Even people with whom contact had been lost can reappear "by chance" in the life of the recipient. This circumstance brings moments of stress and indecision, because it is not easy to deny a favor to someone who supposedly needs it.

To deal with these situations, specialists recommend various strategies. The first is don't brag of the new situation and try to let as few people as possible know about it. Another option is to comment that we have put the money in the hands of an expert, so that we transfer the responsibility of managing the profits to another, even if only in an apparent way..

Whatever the circumstance in which we find ourselves, the important thing is calmly analyze the situation and try to act leaving enthusiasm aside. Some people graced with millionaire prizes have decided to change their lives and go abroad, others have opened businesses or have dedicated themselves to traveling, but there are also awardees who have opted for much simpler solutions: continue with their usual activities but enjoying the most of the new privileges.

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